One will protect you, the other eight will try to kill you. Choose wisely

One will protect you, the other eight will try to kill you. Choose wisely.


I choose link.

Crawl under his feet


spin attack wins everyt im bb

raziel is literally invincible so...

Kratos protects me. He protected a literal child in the latest game (I think) from giant beasts and shit. And also maybe he can summon a god or two to help protect me.

Do you think he'd let me fuck Aphrodite?
Or maybe Athena?

Madara Uchiha

Ask him to bite me so I can turn into an immortal vampire

Double god hand gene is literally untouchable

Kratos or Alucard might be able to absorb his soul. Still no one here is individually strong enough to take on the other eight if they attack together.

>Good at protecting.

>Link uses triforce
I win

Gene would nuke them all

Considering there is no one here that can fight off all other 8, I would just choose to spend my final moments bro-ing it up with Gene.

>kratos absorb soul
i havent played any gow past 2,how does he do it?

Allright, lets ackshually take this seriously then.

Raiden's got a proven track record of being shit at protection details, so he's out immediately.
Same for Ryu, Guts, and Kratos.
Alucard's a little better, but for the same reason Raziel is - Theoretically absorb sweet powers from whoever he takes down.
Gene's next up on the tier, since he's got the best knockback abilities, straight into the stratosphere.

But the win goes to Cloud. He actually can equip Cover, Counter, and Heal 3.

Think I'd have to go with Hayabusa. He's the most skilled, the most intelligent and knows how to banish immortals.

He's had a good track record lately.

Raziel would be the most fun to talk to, so him.

>cloud uses knights of the round

Raziel has a sword that literally attacks directly to the soul, can't be killed in the living realm, and its personality is not gay.. so him

Kratos, since even if he dies He'll just drag me and himself out of hell and try again.

Raziel - immortal the best swordman (2000+ years of using a sword)
Link - it's not that skilled with the sword but it have a ton of weaps and tool, practically batman
Kratos - pretty strong and fast
That guy
That other guy
Cloud - it very strong but quite slow, still he could heal and do a lot of variety of skills
Ryu - is very fast and strong has a lot of skills with a variety of weaps, but perhaps one of the most close to a regular person
The guy from mgs - is the fastest of them all very strong too
Dracula - hmm dunno

I don't see one of these defeating the other eight. So check this dubs !!!!

Gene. Can dragon kick anyone into the Milky Way as long as he can connect