Witcher 3 is superior to Bloodborne. I'm glad we all agree.
Witcher 3 is superior to Bloodborne. I'm glad we all agree
Not even remotely the same kind of game, but okay?
Are you one of those guys who also compares it to BotW?
I agree, I mean the witcher wins just because of tits.
>Shitcher 3 is good meme
>shitposting about this two whole years after the fact
spotted the autistic souls cucks seething about the fact that your nerdy and autistic lovecraft meme can't compare to big polish cock
I like them both
>fucking Fallout 4 won that many titles
I don't know if this is more indicative of how shit all these 4 games are, or of how meaningless the titles themselves are.
Witcher 3 is more accessible to proven casuals (journos). I'm glad we all agree.
Not even mentioning the combat of TW3, and how it's nothing like Bloodborne, Fallout 4 is on that list. None of it means shit.
your mother taking a shit when you came out of her vagina means you're shit
Good thread
Corel Draw 2013 is a better game than Gentoo
I'm glad we agree
>more people like the witcher
Must be the worse game then desu. People have shit taste.
Spotted the 13 year old contrarian kid.
Witcher is 9gag and Bloodborne funnyjunk
So they're the same exact game?
>acting like gaming "journalist" verdicts mean shit
LMAO. GOTYs are the only thing the Shitter cultists can boast, since, when it comes to actual sales and player numbers, the Shitter 3 gets completely BTFO by Skyrim, which sold several times more copies in the same span of 2 years after release and 3.5 times more copies total as well as having literally twice the number of players despite being a 6 year old game. The Shitter 3 is a joke that completely bombed compared to actually good games in the open world RPG genre.
Also, only a true Shitter cultist would compare The Shitter 3 with Bloodborne, since Bloodborne does not rely on the open world meme to draw in its actual playerbase.
13 year old contrarian kids are right then. The Witcher 3 is mediocre open world trash with a mary sue main character with just enough edge to appeal to those very same 13 year olds.
Why do Souls cucks get so triggered by the Witcher 3? Is it because their small weeb dicks can't handle a game like the Witcher 3?
Yes, Souls brainlets cannot handle superior Witcher 3 combat.
Isn't this the generic hit-hit-dodge-hit combat that all the recent "action" games came out with?