Now that the dust has settled, what does Sup Forums think of divinity?

Now that the dust has settled, what does Sup Forums think of divinity?

its shit

9/10, slightly worse than the first one. Could be about as good if combat was more like the first one and just added all the mobility options and Battle areas with more verticality.

GOTY contender, along some others. 2017 was a great year for gaming, in terms of games at least.

pretty gay tbqh

I like it. Necrofire is starting to be real annoying though

use blessing nigga

Good game with retarded design choices. The mmo-like scaling of stats is the worst.

Solid GOTY contender, one of the greatest games I've played this year.

Love it, but it needs more bug fixing and balance changing.

It's great, one of my favourite games of the year. It's a shame that the final act was so unpolished. I'm hoping Larian do an expansion or something before moving on to their next project.

I hate how quickly weapons become obsolete. At least I always have lots of money.

Only Obsifags deny the game

Exactly, I just want my unique weapons/armor to be relevant for more than one level.

I liked it, but I just plain burned out on it midway through. The scaling is shit.

>use blessing and waste a source point
>any other voidwoken dies
>everyrhing necro again
>hu better waste another source and AP there

You must be awesome at this game

remove source cost from bless, and it becomes tactically interesting. remove bloat from scaling, game becomes playable. mods win again

Use the anti bloat mod

But it's hard to fix the ultimate issue with combat, which is the shitty initiative system, without fucking up balance even more.

but i get a nice tingly feeling in my chest when i get an achievement that i didn't know existed

Removing source cost is actually the only real reason to make it at least somewhat interesting. Same with source vamp. Blocked by magic armor. Nice

In general maybe 2 or 3 source spells are even good to use, one of them beeing fanes ability that noone else can have.

Source is literally useless

Very fun, though one thing bothers me. I have a party of 2 melee, a ranger and a necromancer, but the necromancer is shit. Everyone else takes down physical armor fast, and magic armor renders most of the necromancer's shit worthless. He doesn't do much in any fight. What am I doing wrong?

Already forgotten.


Found the same problem. you need str/fin for meele but int for necro...
Only thing i found is using warfare with a staff so dmg from warfare scales with int.

Its stillr not as strong as other combinations

>cheating and calling it "making the game playable"

I dont bitch about necro fire so Im better at this game than you lmao. Kill yourself

There are so many cool source abilities that get ruined by small things

>grasp of the dead sounds cool
>needs a blood surface on top of all of those other requirements and I have no level in hydro to make blood rains
>hmmm planar gateway sounds cool and can probably be used tactically
>the AP cost to use the portal when you spawn it is out of this world
>a lot of other source abilities have retarded AP or memory costs for little value

The only source abilities I ended up using were the shield bubble and timewarp. Far sight is pretty cool too if you're a ranger.

Using bless in any fight ever

are you high, or just retarded? Necro is the physical damage spell school. Mosquitos, heals, blood, bone widow. How can you fuck this up?

Dogshit. Easy as fuck and broken in literally every aspect. Also caters to furfags.

Farsight is actually total shit. Arrow Spray and Arrow Storm, on the other hand, are absolutely insane and two of the best source skills in the game.

okay, i'll bite. wheres the furry.

He's not retarded. Not everyone knows that to make necro viable you have to level Warfare. It's extremely counterintuitive and reeks of shit game system design.

Arx is the most buggiest piece of shit i ever experienced but that first part of the lucian fight makes up for it so 5/10

Same with me. Bubble and time are the only ones i ever used
Even the firestorm or thunder lightning stuff is just not worth it

Thanks for the spoiler user, I will now close this thread and proceed to kill myself.

i'm trying to play the original
why are the controls so fucking clunky

>ability says it does physical damage
>warfare says it increases physical damage
How is this counterintuitive?

Literally all the lore surrounding lizardshits. Let's see, they're the best lovers, the best rulers, best warriors, have the strongest empire AND get the best ending if you decide to either use all the source to patch up the Veil or distribute source to everyone in Rivellon, since they were the most "prepared" for an equivalent of a world war due to having the house of shadows. The lizardmen faction as a whole are bigger may sues than Malady and Sebille combined.

Sebille's Break the Shackles seemed like it would be really useful (and it's thematic) but I only recall using it literally once. Daggers drawn was just so much more worth using the source on

They're not. The only issues I ever had with the controls in OS1 were accidentally stealing something in plain sight and enemy idle animations making me move instead of attack them.

Stop using that word incorrectly.

>How is this counterintuitive?
>to be a good necromage you have to max out a warrior related skill
Fuck off, retarded drone.

Might not be obvious to people that warfare is good for more than just weapon attacks

You're doing it wrong. A good Thunderstorm or Meteor Storm will instantly win a fight for you.

>In general maybe 2 or 3 source spells are even good to use

Nigga what. Source spells are overpowered.

Moving is really slow and janky. It kinda feels like a MOBA but even less smooth.

Yes, sorry, I forgot we're talking about a game where literally everything is viable, because the encounter design overall is easy as shit and every single skill tree can be used to break the game.

A good game amidst all the microtransaction garbage we are getting

Have you not played any other RPG in the genre? You basically fly in OS1 compared to NWN1 or NWN2 prior to permahaste.

Don't worry user, the rest of the game you'll be dealing with necrofire.

I enjoyed using artillery plant but that was about it. Everything else didn't really seem useful.

Lizards are qt

>Everything else didn't really seem useful.
That's because you weren't paying attention. Most endgame source skills are absurdly powerful.

Does curse have a source cost? If one doesn't I don't see why its not fair to make the other one not have it as well.

Onslaught was pretty useful in my playthrough

fuck off ifan

You jelly of superior pussy?

>Even the firestorm or thunder lightning stuff is just not worth it

Whatever you say man

Cursing is much shittier than blessing so it doesn't really merit the cost the same way being able to AoE fortify, AoE invisibility, or render people immune to fire/frost does.

You jelly of superior pussy?

I got bored halfway through Act 2, I'll probably go back to it and finish it someday but it's the same shit as the first game

Once combat starts to get old after 20 hours the "who cares lol" story cant carry it

Curse costs 1 AP.

ONE AP. No source points.


Oh damn went through twice.

Just like grimrock 2 it will be the rightful goty but not enough people know about it.


Act 1 and 2 were legit 9/10
Act 3 and 4 are 7/10 at best

>STILL haven't fixed the cheevos
>STILL many quests do not close properly
>STILL many quests simply break if you do not complete them in a certain order of progression
I paid 45 bux for this dogshit.

>Just like grimrock 2 it will be the rightful goty

Except Grimrock 2 was rage inducing. A very good map with some bright ideas ruined by shit balancing and the worst loot system in the history of gaming. In a game that is all about finding secret loot and treasures.

>implying it's not the same shit
>implying you're not a degenerate who deserves to be gassed

>delay the turn of a character
>use Time Warp on them
>when their turn comes the game blocks

This one frustrates me the most.

>thunder lighting
>not worth it
Spotted the casual who played in explore mode

Nah senpai, lizards are supreme beings.

>fun combat
>one of the most generic stories and worlds
>itemization is terrible
>writing is pretty bad
>game is cluttered with useless items which are pain in the ass to manage across 4 characters
fun with friends/10

>tfw the game gets too real

I love these situations where the devs were too lazy to write unique dialogue for their gimmick meme race, really highlights the QUALITY of this game.

Item manageable is still a fucking nightmare. It is amazing how shopkeepers still don't have the option to sort by armor part. So I have to manually go through them all one by one to see if my character can use them or not whenever their inventory refreshes.

I want to be dommed by a superior race of nonhumans.

How do I get more spells in the first one?

Thankfully they're fixing the undead stuff in this week's patch.

Ayy I made it into a screencap