Destiny 2 comes out on PC...whats the consensus for console owners...

Destiny 2 comes out on PC...whats the consensus for console owners? is the game going to entertain me for at least a month? never played the first one before

It's shit and you're shit if you even consider purchasing it.

It'll keep you entertained for maybe 2 weeks

It's basically a re-release.

It's garbage. They've fixed nothing over the previous one.

>is the game going to entertain me for at least a month?
One to two weeks max. After that you've seen everything and new shit to do won't come out for months, just like the first game.

>removed RNG stats from loot
>pvp is a CoD clone
>aim assist on PC

is it cross platform?

>entertain me for at least a month
That sounds about right ish. Cut that down to 2 weeks if you play a lot every day.

Don't bother. All the content is RNG rolls, and the PvP is the worst pile of shit ever created.


>removed RNG stats from loot


its shit.

Who the fuck did that map?

>Berlin in west germany
>London in northern england
>New York in west virginia
>Tokyo in the sea of japan

for fuck sake

I miss varied/random perk rolls on weapons.

>people mad that RNG weapon rolls were removed

Yeah bro, I too love grinding the same shit Strike for 14 hours a day in search of a "good" weapon roll. That's REAL content.

I played for about a month before I got bored, but I should also throw out there that I've got friends who play regularly, so that helped me stay interested longer. It's barebones as shit, and considering they had three years to get this right, that should piss everyone off.

I bought it off a key selling site for £25. I played the beta, I refunded it.

The fact a game in 2017 doesn't let you shoot clutter off a table is laughable. It's an empty shallow game that feels like it was made by people who have no idea about vidoe games.

it'll entertain you for a month sure if you go all the way to max level.

personally i've done everything to do and im done with the game, it's just a waste of time.
literal rehash of the 1st game. nothing new, everything saved for expansion packs once again and riddled with microtransactions.

>spend an hour do the strike
>look at how good my gear is guise.
I sure do enjoy "rpg" mechanics being dumbed down to the point of not being an rpg mechanic anymore.

It's unironically still a better option than what we currently have.

80 hours and done because they forgot to include chase items in a loot n shoot.

There is no Strike gear anymore. RNG weapon rolls were pure fucking dogshit as a game mechanic and only served to satisfy the "carrot-on-a-stick" idiots who though doing the same shit day in and day out in HOPES of getting the 'God' weapon roll. Static rolls could have been handled better, but it's a step up from D1 system.

>Plays an RPG
>Your effectiveness in defeating anything is dictated by RNG


Games like Diablo, a literal whole genre of ARPGs, literally survived by players trying to get that perfect roll on a weapon. Now we get the same weapon, and the same rolls/perks every time.

The new system wouldn't be bad if the number of weapons was much higher

It's not, it really is not better. Bungie COULD have done better with weapon mods, but RNG weapon rolls are fucking terrible game design.

don't buy, pcbros.
Even with the """""exclusive ps4 content*"""" that I have, endgame grinding is abysmal at best.
Bungie is full of dicks. don't give em your munnies

*a decent sniper and a five minute mission

The odds of getting a weapon in Diablo were also much higher. I could see using RNG weapon rolls if the game threw weapons at you willy nilly but in D1 even getting Strike or Crucible exclusive gear to drop was a grind in and of itself.

>grinding is bad memer

fucking leave this place.

>Made looty and shooty mmo
>no loot
>no autism mix max

This. I hated grinding for a god roll Grasp or legendary armor that had the perfect stats to get tier 12, but at least it gave you something to do. I've been playing since launch on Xbox and I gave up last week when we finished the hard mode raid. I've got all the weapons I want to use, the cosmetic drops that I wanted, and now there's nothing left to do until December.

A lot of people say "content drought" but it isn't even that. The content is fine. I like the strikes and the raid and the game is still fun to play, but there's no incentive to do it anymore.

They dumbed down the 1st game and made everything even more casual like the 1st one wasn't casual enough.

making shaders consumable to get you to pay real money.
not only did they fail to improve on the first game they somehow went backwards and made it even worse.

sorry but at least its vidya related and not fucking neofag shit


I wasn't planning on touching this until DLC 1 atleast, to see if Bungie could unfuck the game and provide content between 3-4 month DLC releases.

They didn't do a single fucking thing from what I have seen between launch and now, and will likely continue not doing shit till they charge for DLC.

>eat THIS pile of shit instead of THAT one
really activates the almonds doesn't it

>no Africa launch in op's pic

Top kekkles

absolutely terrible with enough content for like 8 hours

>time zones

They didn't fix the controller aimbot exploit

y'all gonna get 1 shot by snipers and handcannons

Damn, disregard my post, I suck cocks

They haven't unfucked it YET. Luke and the other heads have made statements saying they're aware of the state of the game and what the players are saying and they are going to roll out improvements.

D1 went through the same kind of thing, the downside is that it takes FOREVER for them to fix anything. It was at least a year before D1 could be considered playable, say nothing for how long it took them to try and fix PvP content.

The fact that we're in all intents and purposes back at square one again is worrisome. There's literally no chance of regaining people's goodwill after a second rodeo in "please-buy-our-DLC-to-fix-game". People were willing to give things a second chance, but a third chance come D3 is unlikely at best.

Truth. Personally I'm just going to do the same cycle I did with D1; play until I'm max level, drop the game completely, then come back when they drop some content and max my light level again.

>been waiting for Destiny 2 for a long time
>managed to keep myself from spoilers and shit
>start my overnight shifts at work this week
>worked 10p to 9a, thought game would be live when I got home
>It releases 10a Pacific time not Eastern

I need to go to sleep by 1 to get my 8 hours of sleep so I gotta wait until tomorrow to play :(

I sank about 1800 hours into D1 back when I was a pleb console gamer. Now I preorderd it a while ago because I was a pleb then too. How cucked am I goys?

Welcome to the salt rollercoaster, grab a pitchfork and join the mob


divine punishment for using a tripcode

> is the game going to entertain me for at least a month?
Very unlikely, but dependent on how little you are going to play a day for that month.

really hope this shit burns today

This is my sentiment too

As someone who has made it his mission to play most of the story content solo since Destiny 1, It's okay. I love the Weapon changes so I can have Two Auto Rifles, but there should have been more story content.

oh boy oh boy oh boy. for serials what class should i play. like it mattes lmao.

germany or sweden tier cuckage

They're all good, but I'd recommend Titan to start. They're good as any subclass and have some of the best exotic armor pieces. Besides, I don't know what the fuck they did to the warlock double jump in the game but it sucks ass.

What subclass?

PUBG controlls the shooter market, Destiny is going to fail very hard.

Titan starts as Sentinel, which is the void class. Bubble titan basically, but your super is a captain america shield throw instead of the bubble. (you do get the bubble later on). After that you have to unlock the other subclasses later.

Where are the micro transactions? Cause I've seen zero

As long as you don't play Hunter like an idiot you'll be good.
t. Hunter

>auto aim on PC

Haven't played D2 yet, but Warlock was main last time. Now everyone wants to Warlock, so might as well switch.
What's wrong with Hunter?

It's not as good as it was in D1.

It's dead Jim

Eh, good enough. Anything to keep me from necking myself.

If Bliz is with Activision you'd think they'd know how to make a loot system. Hell, I even read Bungie got input from Blizzard yet they still fucked it up.

Very underwhelming, especially when comparing their puny class ability (dodge) compared to the barrier or rift of the other two.

This. I don't fucking get it at all. Makes me want to look forward to Borderlands 3

Can they just unfuck exotics already. I want an exotic that does something other than health regen and ability regen. And give me back my fucking Zhalo. The riskrunner is nothing compared to it.

>Got the deluxe edition cheaper than the other versions
>Now just waiting for it to unlock

If I hadn't have enjoyed the beta with a friend, I wouldn't have got it. But hey, I at least have something new to play with my group of friends that isn't Overwatch now.

Is the enemy design any better from the first game? That was my #1 problem. Lots of shit bothers me but the flat enemy design is horrid. Halo always had personality in its enemies and NPCs, but Destiny's has fucking none, you rarely see NPC faction wars if ever and if you do you couldn't even tell because they all march lifelessly towards one another. Disgusting.

They're the same exact enemies.

Phalanx are a lot better than 1, but they rest have that same problem

That's retarded. Is there wildlife now, or anything at all that makes the game not feel like a shitty instanced dungeon in an MMO?

Don't bother. It's a barebones console shooter with bullet sponge enemies and awkward movement.

They stupidly released it on consoles first so now I know the game gets boring a month or less into it. Almost gave in to the hype when it came out on consoles but i'll save my $80 Canuck dollars.


also you can't make fun "off-meta" builds cause you got a strange roll on an otherwise "bad" weapon

>No focused-fire + Handloaded roll

>static rolls
>Bosses still don't have loot tables to compensate

Ya fukken blew it kiddo

>PUBG controlls the twitch market


Yeah. All exotics are pretty unspectacular and easy to get as well

I believe there is an occasional deer on earth but I may be mistaken. But if you wanted to fight like a bear or a wolf thats not happening.

Party is invite only, and you're not on the list. Now scram, bub.


It still tells me the game hasn't been released.

If this was just some big issue for everyone I wouldn't even care, but I can currently see 3 friends playing the story.

Thanks Blizzard, truly a fantastic launch.