What will they say?

What will they say?

Also, it's worth noting that 9 out of every 10 comments is something to the effect of "I hope this cancel this bullshit" or "I'm not interested"

I'm not interested and I hope they cancel this bullshit.

They're announcing the season pass and or loot boxes.

Metal Gear Battle Royale

I hope this cancel this bullshit and I'm not interested

its f2p with lootboxes


>game has characters that spans the entire series
>everyone has signature weapons and abilities but everyone is viable
>huge maps for these characters to hunt each other down in

I would unironically buy this

Probably more gameplay and a release date.

I hope this cancel this bullshit
I'm not interested

I could see this being a thing, and honestly it would be pretty fucking great
>co-op MGS5
Fucking why

MGS5 gameplay was fantastic in every way. If they scrapped the idea and went for a MGS5 style "PUBG" game and release it for 15-20 bucks, I'd buy it. Not some shit fest "zombie" game that no one cares about. If they balanced MGO3 as well, it would be a very good MP game, but they decided that the first AR you can use in the game is the best gun ever so.... yeah.

MGS5 gameplay(stealth, shooting, mechanics, etc) with PUBG "survival"; I'd buy it.

I'm not really interested in this and would be fine if they decided to cancel it

>people saying with a straight face that the series has gone to shit because of this game and that the story is ruined because Kojima isn't at the helm when MGS4 exists

$59.99 with multi-season DLC. Where's Caramel when you need him?

MGSurvive Pachislot

This could be really good.

It's $60 plus $50 season pass with loot boxes.

This would be fucking amazing. Also I'm surprised at how long this game is taking to come out, wasn't this announced last year?

MGS4 had by the the tightest and best controls of any MGS yet, there just wasn't enough gameplay

I would be hyped about this, but I played the disappointment that was MGO3.
The lag. I can still feel the lag.

Probably this.
The whole concept of metal gear survive comes 2 years to late.

Can't wait for the Switch announcement.

Either it is getting cancelled or going ftp with lootboxes.

I actually want to play this just because nobody else is.

i will buy itused

Hopefully dead I don't ever want to see that autist again

120$ deluxe edition with 60$ season pass that only includes half the DLCs with lootboxes

This is actually a good idea, making like Rayman M/Rayman Arena in concept.

>people actually believing that the announcement is "it's canceled guys, we're sorry

Boys, they're doing this. And all we can do is just not buy it.

>mfw an actual decent game comes from this
one can dream, i guess

if they used the Fox Engine and then just expanded the MGO3 map / item / weapon base by a lot for some Battle Royal Meme it probably wouldn't be too bad.

And the story was complete dogshit, which is exactly my point. This game could have the best gameplay of the series to date and people are writing off because muh Kojimbo. The series canon has been beyond redemption for nearly 10 years.

It had awful cutscene-to-gameplay ratio but it had the best gameplay in the series and was I actually upset they didn't use modified version of 4's gameplay and instead went for Splinter Creed: Batman of Gear

Survive is just a side game to TPP or the real MGS5 like Ape Escape was to MGS3 / Skateboarding was to MGS2.

The next step of the ruse is coming.

Id buy it.

Poor Konami, they can't defeat the cult of personality.

The FOX engine is fucking fantastic as well, Kojima just fell for the open world meme with it, if V was like GZ it could've topped 4 in terms of gameplay.
Based Caramel

the story in 4 at least had a lot fun and ebig moments. the story in V was just a bunch of cringy shit and 2 cool moments.

Im very interested. It looks fun.

The engine is good, but I legitimately didn't like gameplay. It was a straight up clone of Splinter Cell Blacklist, seriously go play that game if you want more MGS5, you will be right at home.

I'm not even going to read all of this but it looks extremely sad and desperate.

I told you guys it was a ruse. Metal Gear Solid V Outer Heaven announcement tomorrow. Calling it now.

Sweet, so I'm gonna go find a used SC Blacklist after work today. Thanks user.


>releasing a game about zombies and crafting
>in the year 2018
How about a MGS moba in 2019 and a MGS cardgame in 2020?

Id buy them all

>half a year later and this image still has all that blank space


>MGS cardgame

Isn't that was Acid was?

Just remember that Blacklist is considered cancer by Splinter Cell fans for departing from how the series played.

Id pay for any game that lets me be a shirtless liquid snake who refuses to die

This might salvage it if they do it right.

>people will fall for this post

>tfw you'll live enough to see a metal gear kart

I'm gonna preorder the special edition and get the season pass

It's not as cancer as Conviction was. Though ditching Ironside makes it close.

>What will they say?

sorry guys, we noticed that battle royale is the new hot thing, so let us present: METAL ROYALE!

>not pre-ordering Metal Gear KART: Krazy Ass Racing Tactics

This would be one of the better things Konami could do desu

Dont tease me like that user. V gameplay would be amazing in a BR settting

I mean gray fox was in one already

Pre-order the season pass to get an exclusive Zombie Snake multiplayer skin!

Well it took SOME criticism from Conviction to heart which is why it was a bit better, but it's still hated by SC fans is what I'm saying.
The PS2/Xboxhuge version of Double Agent was the last "real" SC game much like how MGS4, despite all its shortcomings, was the last "real" MGS game.

I hope

I expect nothing and it'll most likely still be worse than that.

This game could be a smelly turd and id still buy it. Fuck kojima

I'm not really interested in playing it, but I am curious to see just what it ends up being. Metal Gear without Kojima does have some interesting potential, but I'm not sure this is the best direction for it. I'm also curious to see if it's just going to be straight F2P with microtransactions out the ass, or if they're gonna try to charge $60 for what is essentially a horde mode expansion for The Phantom Pain (and then of course load it up with microtransactions).

God damnit, I might actually buy it if that's the case. Especially if they include fanservice like characters and iconic weapons from the series.

Reminder that even the most rabid kojima fans that played it at e3 said it was really fun

so many fucking kojidrones still butthurt in that tweet, is there a worst fanbase than the MGS one?

Cup man

MGS fans don't even rank in the top ten of shitty fanbases

Get other worldly cucked on the last game of your favorite series and see how u like it afterwards

Reminder that the whole game has been scrapped so early previews are meaningless. It will all come down to netcode.

Wanma back up that claim?


they are still sucking the dick of the very guy who cucked them though and are angry because the game isn't made by him

oh shit they're making a PUBG in the fox engine with all the MGS mechanics.

>7 years and 80 million got them a half finished game with a terrible story and 25 replays of the same mission

Konami did nothing wronf

I wish.

Ground Zeroes should have been GZ+Afghanistan and TPP should've been Africa+Russia+Outer Heaven

Game should've been a two parter

It's funny how much better that would fit MGSV/fox engines strengths.
Pivoting that way would be just as cynical as what they are already doing, but at least it would make them look competent.

The quest where you're escorting those niglets out from their cave or whatever, was so tense and engaging. There were a couple moments like this where I was thinking damn if they had put this much care into anything else about the game it would be literally 10/10 best game of the century. Disappointing, really.

That would be better than what the game is so far.

They'll announce a PUBG Battle Royale mode or something, screen cap this post

calling it now game will have battle royal

Oost you're are face when its pretty good


"it is now a battle royale game with zombies"


I hope it has loot boxes.

how about you screen cap my ass you big gay baby

The locations were not the issue. Open world shit was the issue. But I agree, personally I believe Kojima had planned in the long run to make a game with BB in real Outer Heaven. TPP in my opinion was an experiment born from PW.


Nice of konami to put us in metal gear, gay luigi?

I just want another game with V's godlike controls. It just feels so good to play even if the actual content is lacking.

>Metal Gears are airdrops

There's been multiple leaks from playtesters saying that they've scrapped the zombie horde defense entirely in favor of a battle royale.

I still don't know how to feel about this. Chico becoming the real monster a child soldier is would have been interesting but Kojima is such a shit writer. Visually he doesn't even look interesting or related to the character.

Open world can easily be made lively, look at how much of a difference there is between the base game and the modded one with Infinite Heaven (and that's with extremely limited third party scripting)

I would have preferred more levels like Ground Zeroes and a HITMAN 2016 approach but the open world COULD HAVE worked. It just didn't.

Seriously, go download Infinite Heaven if you're on PC.

Have it be an expansion to Mgsv some of the weapons are cool