What are Sup Forums's thoughts on this game?
What are Sup Forums's thoughts on this game?
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Best zombie game available.
Surprisingly excellent and devs are bro-tier who just committed to another full year of (free) updates. I beat it and traded it in shortly after launch but I'm considering rebuying it to try all the new content and to reward the devs.
It's pretty fun. One of the better zombie games out there. Plot is a little weak and there's not a huge variety in loot but the parkour makes up for it.
Night time is when shit gets real.
Dead Island: Kebabistan.
Need to get back into it.
The first night mission is what hooked me on the game.
the best zombie game
Pirated and finished it four times and still bought it /10
it's fun
Amazing game, worth every penny...
If anyone in the amerigas wanna play the nightmare mode coop i am down.
It's alright, highly overrated on Sup Forums for some reason.
Its badass, easily the best game ever made and I fr*aking love it
Three thumbs up
Very mediocre.
I pirated it too at first, then i bought it twice (one for me one for brother)
Its a really great game.
It was shilled too hard, therefore I did not and will not purchase it. Don't make me dig up a screencap of the Sup Forums catalog ridden with copy-paste Dying Light shill threads from several months ago.
Do it
It wasn't shilling though, the game is legit good.
Pretty great kicking simulator
Boring as hell.
Dead Island had better weapons.
it's good if you enjoy generic Ubisoft "RPG" trash
It's more of an immersive sim than it is a Ubisoft game.
what the fuck lol
8/10 but would be 9/10 if they made it more survival oriented and not as casual.
Once you get the hookshot it breaks any immersion they had going because you basically become spiderman.
As if the immersion wasn't broken by all the stupid side quests to begin with.
"Take this flaming machete of d00m and one shot fifty zombies in the time limit!"
Gr8 b8 m8
Even in the latest version there is an occasional save bug with the shitty autosave system where it stops saving your progress even though it still displays the autosave icon.
Never touching this garbage console port after losing 8 hours of progress.
Boring after you get hook.
2nd map would have been vastly better without the grappling hook. That said, it was a really fun game. Climbing the bridge with 3 strangers and constantly falling together was fucking memorable. I enjoyed playing as Chris Redfield.
Immersion within the constraints of the world "rules".
Yes that is also something that could be removed or toned down.
Is the hook optional?
It's my go to lazy afternoon game. There's just something so fun and relaxing about running across the rooftops and scavenging through houses for supplies. Play on Nightmare mode.
100% optional, although it does make running around easier. i only used it as a last resource to not getting killed
launch was pretty bad but people started to like it after some months
Well, sort of.
It is the final upgrade of one of the skill trees.
But, there isn't anything that requires it.
I enjoyed it, didn't like The Following as much to be honest. A lot of the verticality was gone since it takes place in a rural area.
>tfw I didn't know how traps worked until I was near max level
the car trap is good shit, you could run around at night, gather a ton of volatiles activate a car trap and get a ton of kills
in the city map
you could basically run in a loop activating car after car and get ton of exp that way
Well that was the point
the fuck is this
That's the purpose for the buggy.
Fun to play with friends.
The "Be The Zombie" multiplayer pvp mode
Then why did they think the removal of the game's best gameplay mechanic would be a good idea?
Nobody asked for a vehicle in an open world game - Vehicles ruin open world games.
best zombie game ever made and one of my favorites
its flawed in a lot of ways, especially the story but I still think its an excellent game
es muy delicious. Only played Vanilla when it launched but I want to go back to replay it since all that free content is coming out.
but the buggy was shit and the world was way less fun. Also they overdid the running zombies hardcore.
this, it made the game a lot less fun. It had to be repaired constantly and would often come to a complete halt from hitting fences and shit.
Best zombie game ever made in my opinion
of course excluding stuff like REmake
The best game-mode.
shame about the balance and the cheaters tho.
That's correct, nobody asked for the expansion in the first place :)
Freerunning wasn't removed. All that happened is that they ADDED a cool vehicle system.
>Nobody asked for a vehicle in an open world game
They built a fuckhuge new overworld and added a ton of incentive to use it. you can meme about freerunning all you want, but the core of the game was really just "avoid and escape zombies, especially at night" and the cars add a new way to do that. I fucking love how intense the volatile chases get when you're in your buggy.
>the first time one sticks its head inside the car
Fuck me I shat bricks.
It was pretty good, I thought it was the best game of its year.
Great game with a great standalone expansion that in some parts is even a better game.
It's worth every penny and needs support.
>that cinematic feel when you slam the side of your car into the environment to try and scrape clinging volatiles off of it.
I know "cinematic" is a bad word, especially around here, but I think games are at their best when they make you FEEL like you're loving out a movie. It's just that there's a fine line between letting players feel like a movie hero and merely forcing them to be one.
> People like and reccomended it
> "therefore I did not and will not purchase it"
Why pull a little baby tantrum over a game?
>Pirated it
>Check the enhanced edition on Steam
>Highly inflated regional price
I've been waiting for it to go 75% off.
I did miss the parkour in the DLC, especially towards the end I missed all the jumping and climbing you could do to avoid volatiles at night compared to having to straight up out run them with a buggy
It's a great game, especially for the price it is. The main game is already 40 hours of content on its own, more with a friend. I barely touched the following and got a solid 90 hours out of the game already, sadly my Dying Light buddy is less involved in wanting to play now.
Great parkour mechanics, decent-ish story but a good protagonist. It and Left 4 Dead 2 are basically the best zombies games that exist.
>40 hours of content
20 hours of which is copy-paste fetch quests and 5 hours of which is dog shit cutscenes