What is the edgyest thing you have ever seen in a videogame?

What is the edgyest thing you have ever seen in a videogame?

Bonus points if its a triple A game and not some tryhard doom mod or shock value indie game.

For me is the whole Paz thing in Ground Zeroes:

>cute underage girl is tortured in Guantanamo Bay
>they force the cute boy who loved her to rape her
>put a bomb in her stomach
>put a second bomb in her vagina

Damn. This is why you should never go Full Kojima...

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>underage girl
She was lying about her age, nogga.

Paz gutting herself and intestines showing. Nothing big for me but the only AAA I can think of, if we don't count horror game stuff like all the shit that happens in dead space

>underage girl
Anything underage girl Sup Forums considers edgy desu.

>What's the edgiest thing you've seen
>These really edgy things don't count because they'll blow my post away.

Paper Bag execution with a baseball bat in Manhunt

A Hat in Time bad ending. Yes, that one. With bestiality rape and all that

>loved her
>rape her

The Paz scene is even worse when you consider the total tonal flop that TPP was.

This scene works best as a lead-in to the story presented in TPP's trailers, as the violent, bloody spark that ignites Snake's passion for revenge. It's a way of informing the player that this is going to be a gruesome experience that may at times make you uncomfortable.

But then TPP came out and there was none of that. The tone of GZ was gone and the story was wasted, and now this scene sits as this weird, uncomfortable limbo as this excessively brutal entry in a series that doesn't feel like it should be that way.

soul nomad

>evil route starts with killing your childhood friend, your mentor and everyone else in your village beacuse, why not?

and it only gets worse from there.

>Be 15 yo me in 2007
>play RE4
>Chainsaw man separates Ada's beautiful head from her body

This has desensitized me to many things desu.

The bad guy forced Chico to do it.

Best evil route ever made.

TTP was one of the worst games I’ve ever played with one of the best engines. Very frustrating.


TPP will always be the ultimate in wasted potential.


>paper bag executions
Sickle ones are edgier. One of them straight up rip the enemy gonads.

There are lots of fucked up things you can do to your companions in Planescape: Torment but I don't know if I'd categorize them as edgy.

You can't really be "forced" to fuck your oneitis

>decries "shock value indie game"
>literally cums over Shock Value Indie Studio: AAA Budget Boogaloo

Except MGS series is literally shock value and retardation.
MGS1: Vulcan Raven can control ravens? Oh no he can't. He can get eaten alive though!
MGS2: hey look at this mysterious hallway of dead bodies and oh yeah, the man responsible? Yeah he survived drinking his parents' blood.
MGS3: Everyone you killed? Hahaha yeah you're gonna get to see all of those again in a magical fucking drug addled dream. Oh and we have this guy who likes to rape his soldiers!

Etc, etc.

Kojima literally jerks off to his idea of good gaming.

>>>cute underage girl is tortured in Guantanamo Bay
She's in her mid 20s.

Hellmoo. You're all fucking casuals.

>start your game as a 14 year old
>low level mobs include senile old people, crack babies and crack mothers
>you can also rape them

Don't forget about FF15.
Both of them were equally disappointing and terrible to me.


I guess MK fatalities are too obvious to bring up? A lot of them were historically too comical to really consider edgy but in MK 9 / X it's like they deliberately tried to push the envelope with just how gruesome and unsettling they could make them.

You just reminded me that MGS5's story was a load of shit. Thanks OP.

MK was the reason ESRB was created. And was always the game you played at the "bad" kid's house.

Like what?

It's also not that you can rape them. You need too, since your character has an arousal meter. Here are the list of fetishes in the game your character can gain as you go around fucking people.

any edgy teenager can make a ridiculous doom mod in his space time. Who gives a shit?

Its more interesting when a million dollar budget studio does something crazy...

GZ was alright


No one is saying MGS is high art, but it is pretty entartaining...

Yeah, yeah, my bad.
Still pretty edgy, thou.


Obviously spoiler stuff. There are many other ways to treat your companions like shit and they can't really do anything about it because they are in one way or another bound to you.

This guy gets it.

Old school MK was cartoonish violence that your brain can't really take seriously.

Modern MK is just straight up gore porn...

You see, games like that are not interesting at all.
It would be weird if not one edgy creep made things like that. But stuff in AAA games? now that I wonder how it came into being...

Ahh, the first time I saw the beheading death in RE4...To this day I get tense hearing that scream and chainsaw noise.

What game?

Vulcan raven doesnt control ravens. Also he let himself be eaten alive right after Snake beat him near death. Dunno what youre on about mgs2, unless youre talking about vamp. And his powers came from nanomachines.
>drug addled dream
Wrong, it was a near-death experience controlled by The Sorrow.
>guy who likes to rape his soliders
Volgan didnt rape anyone but Eva, and Ivan was actually his lover.
At least play the games you shit on, bro.

Its not rape if you are both screaming


Underage girl being drugged into becoming a sex-slave in Persona 5.
It's like doujins are writing themselves.

I feel like the signs were there that FF15 was gonna be a pos, whereas it only became apparent for TPP after it had released and everyone bought it. I’m still butthurt over it when I think about it.

wtf I love persona now

Actually he did claim to control them and could.
And just so we're clear, willingly let yourself be consumed by ravens is edgier than having no choice.

Yup, Vamp. Oh, we're going the nanomachines excuse? Hmm, when did he have those placed as a child when he was drinking his parents' blood?

My apologizes for being insulting. A magical psychic makes Snake have a dream about all the people he killed.

Let's not forget Boss giving birth on fucking D-day and you know, being able to continue her mission. That's definitely normally.

Volgin wasn't a rapist. He just raped someone.


So, in conclusion: don't read wikipedia to try to argue against me, please.

It's one of the "bad endings" and it happens when you screw up the mission.

Just waiting for RPCS3 to improve a bit more to play it...

Why not to buy cheap PS3 or PS4?

Probably the cut underaged rape scene from Outlast 2.

I deeply regreat selling my PS3. Oh well, RPCS3 is almost there anyway...

I'll just leave this here

danganronpa ultra despair girls and lisa

>be in a serious war game
>complain when one side do what you are supposed to do with POW.

>serious war game



>danganronpa ultra despair girls
At least the enemies had some motivation that wasn't lol despair and the mastermind actually did mastermind type things instead of being a retard with brainwashing anime.

probably some executions from michigan report from hell


w-what happens?


is this a porn game?

GTA 2 Hot Dog Homicide mission.
I was only 13yo in 1999, wasn't prepared for this.


Been a while since I've seen such a tremendous faggot. How can one man be this far up his own ass about being wrong?

Hear this a lot, but what made the engine so impreasive? From what I've seen the lightings good. Textures are nothing amazing. The open world looks very repetitive

Do I even want to know?

Remember Shovel Dog? That but worse

Violence in general

>People actually give this much of a fuck about some shitty series

No, it's a post-apoc multiplayer game.
Basically text-based Fallout Online.

grezzo 2

>teenage girl
>pregnant with demon named God
>themes of motherhood and abortion


then why it have so many fetish stuff'

Good choice.
But you didn't prove me wrong and your attempt at trolling only proves you are wrong.
Please, do prove me wrong. I would welcome it.

Because it's an RPG and why not?


This guy, OP.

You were wrong about your whole post.

See what I mean about you being a tremendous faggot and also wrong?

>not lifeweb
*rapes a kid with a 12 foot long cock I spent 100 dollars on*

Japan is truly the king of fucked up.

I think it's about the execution
who knows a green plastic bag could be deadly

Nothing is edgier than the DmC scene of Vergil shooting the baby.

To be honest fuck everyone
> Your mentor
> Who foists an ancient spirit of absolute destruction on you without telling you, essentially blighting your soul

>dead space
The gore in dead space is so shitty and fake. Its not even remotely realistic so its not disturbing at all.

What game is this? Why do I recognize these two?

>Mecha that literally cuts itself to make bats out of blood and attack people
>Pilot is an immortal edge master
Is this pure edge or pure metal?

>Shovel Dog
what happened with this? I can't found anything on youtube

Chu Chu died for your sins.


>Villain literally implants himself into your womb and forces you to give birth to him to grant himself immortality
Not gonna lie, I had a boner on that bad end

You're pretty much dead on. The wasted potential of TPP is a real shame.

> (You)
>Actually he did claim to control them and could.
Please source me, cause right now that sounds like bullshit.
>And just so we're clear, willingly let yourself be consumed by ravens is edgier than having no choice.
Confirmed for not knowing why he did it, and confirmed for not knowing what edgy means.
>Yup, Vamp. Oh, we're going the nanomachines excuse? Hmm, when did he have those placed as a child when he was drinking his parents' blood?
Does it matter? There isnt even an argumemt here. He "survived" by drinking blood, but his powers came from nanomachines. See Mgs4.
>My apologizes for being insulting. A magical psychic makes Snake have a dream about all the people he killed.
Hahaha. Wrong.
>Let's not forget Boss giving birth on fucking D-day and you know, being able to continue her mission. That's definitely normally.
Normal* Also not edgy.
>Volgin wasn't a rapist. He just raped someone.
Never said he wasnt a rapist. He just didnt go around raping every soilder in his command.

I win

Can someone just tell us what game this is and what happens already?

If you can't tell what game that is by looking then you don't belong on Sup Forums.

Haunted Ground