What went wrong with vidya?
What went wrong with vidya?
Nothing. Now you have more options and the more options the better. Don't want DLC or a season pass? Then just buy the base game
>Pre order the gold edition and you get a basic wash
>Pre order the standard edition and you get a super wash
They presented this awfully.
ayo, hol' up. we wuz slaves n' shiet first
sure thing cancerbro
>2 equipment packs
Lootboxes confirmed?
>finish game
>start working on post release content
>everyone should just get it all for free
It started well, then the good companies went bankrupt and only the greedy companies like EA remain
>don't finish game
>cut out unfinished content to sell later
>charge extra and add micro transactions on top of a season pass
This is the future that you chose.
>full game
>clearly excludes stuff
My wife (she's bi) works at Nintendo, and she says (she's bi) it's going to get much worse (she's bi)
>secret first pyramids mission
well it's not a secret now, is it?
>GameStop and other stores start buying and selling used copies
>starts hurting sales
>what do we do?
>DLC and season passes that make people keep the game installed for longer so they don't just beat it and sell it
This is all a shitty sales tactic. It would be okay if they ever made good DLC but it's always half assed shit
You think they've completed those two dlcs in the season pass already?
yeah except after years of shady practices, lootboxes and nickle and diming the consumer my trust in developers has eroded
I no longer think like this
beat me to it
>finish game
>start working on post release content because you didn't finish the game
Literally yes. You buy chests with a chance at upgrades. The sad thing is that the game revolves around level specific gear, so it's an absolute waste of money. It would be the equivalent to getting epic gear at level 10 in WoW. it would be useless at level 20.
That one banner ad made it clear this shit isn't extra, it's being sliced off and charged for
>full game
>except for those elements we've decided to cut out of it and sell separately for extra cash :^)
God damn it, this is just shameless
>full game
>not full game at all
>30 years of inflation and rising costs to make game
>gamers don't want to pay more than $60 for a game
>game companies have to get creative to remain profitable
I can't blame them. You poorfags should have just coughed up $100 for the full game on day one but no. You poor fucks are why we're in this mess. We should honestly gas everyone who makes less than $100,000 a year. The country would be way better off
>Nintendo Power
Corrupt from the day they were published. When EGM started giving them honest reviews, they cut off all access to stories, until EGM started playing ball.
they're definitely almost done with it, the dev timeline wouldnt make sense otherwise
>spend 2 years slightly tweaking your engine, pump out some generic content and story
they can't possible take another year to produce what's most likely no more than 15% content relative to the core game
>proceed to drip feed the season pass content for optimal marketing relevancy and popularity
Oy, it's ADDITIONAL content that these poor hardworking devs worked so hard to make! It's a business so all ways to make even more money are always justified! What are you like poor or something? Increased monetization ALWAYS benefits an industry, now go subscribe, follow, like and donate to your favorite YouTwitch whore and buy a few Kappa lootboxes!
>Paying $60 for a videogame
Even GameStop is joining the 20% discount club. If only Best Buy didn't send packages in plastic bags, they would be the best online store.
>Pleading poverty
These companies are rolling in it, they're hardly in the poor house.
Maybe if theyre so strapped, they should stop blowing tens or even hundreds of millions on unneccessary marketing first. The internet exists.
years of inflation and rising costs to make game
>gaming explodes and returns skyrocket simply by virtue of a larger userbase and mass appeal
>get greedy and start pushing the envelope
>start to understand that the gaming crowd is an infinitely refreshing group of easily manipulated newcomers
>proceeding to push bullshit pr to move the envelope even further
it's funny too because there's still some games that are really good while being worth their money and more, like hollow knight for instance
You're not paying for game development anymore.
80% of the money you give to publishers goes towards marketing for the casual audience.
If they made games for the actual gamer crowd, they could cut out most of the TV ads costs.
Is Helix credits something you get ingame, or p2w?
You buy them with real money.
You can also earn all this shit just playing the game but don't tell the outragefags that
It's probably really slow or grindy ingame.
If you got enough of them no one would buy it.
>You can also earn all this shit just playing the game
at rates deliberately tweaked so as the coerce you to spend real money*
They've actually had this helix shit in the games since black flag. It's never been necessary or noticeable on the game's pacing itself