Who else is excited

who else is excited

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this just isn't anything new.

graphically, it's inferior to SNES games. the location itself, its style, and its layout are stolen from secret of mana.

Gameplay-wise...Dashing around and hitting just doesn't do anything at all for me anymore.

Games need creativity to thrive. I'm not seeing it here and would probably never start up this game.



What game?

looks more fun than gungeon and I enjoyed gungeon

wizard of legend

I wasn't because I hadn't heard of it, but this looks pretty cool.

Can I have a free copy OP?


Excited why? Is it coming out soon?

steam page says 2017, only a couple months more at the most

Doesn't mean much to be honest, looks like a placeholder.

>Game trailer has some cool spell use to make this game stand out
>All these gifs are shit things we've all seen before
Change your marketing videos up a bit. You'll never get anyone interested with the 3 gifs you're showing

I remember seeing a more concrete time frame somewhere on their website but looks like they removed it. Either way the game looks pretty well along in development I wouldn't doubt it'd be out by the end of the year or Q1 2018 at the latest

all of the interesting gifs are too large to upload here



>Either way the game looks pretty well along in development

tell me how you can tell. no, really. everything shown here can be mocked up effortlessly


gameplay from July 2016. Add a year and a half's worth of polish and content to this


I'm more excited for this one, weird I haven't seen one single thread and it has been in development for years.


woah this looks cool

Can this cure my Hyper Light Drifter itch?