>it has been almost five years since Skyrim release and we know nothing about next TES game
>same for GTA
It has been almost five years since Skyrim release and we know nothing about next TES game
Who cares
Star Trek fans sometimes take it too far, why would you ask to have your kid tattooed as a Klingon?
You mean 6 years, user.
Shit lol
Sure we do. We know they’re both going to be inferior pieces of trash; very shallow representations of their respective franchises. What else do you need?
Well, we know that "Dovahkiin" kid will get the game for free.
where are his ridges?
I hope that it's his second or first name.
Singleplayer games seem to be on the way out. I guess MP games make more consistent profit.
It kind of sucks, but there are a few publishers that still putting out SP games. I'm looking forward cynerpunk 2077.
but ESO :^)
Are you new? Skyrim was announced the same year it was released, with all gameplay and images being very limited. Same with fallout4. They need to hype the games to heaven so people don't figure out what pieces of shit they are.
Passion creation is gone, every large company that has the assets to pull off Witcher 3 quality game is spending more money on how to suck every single penny through every game mechanic possible.
>it has been almost six years since some fucking retard parent named his kid Dovahkiin
>Made crazy money off Skyrim remasters on god knows how many different platforms
>Made crazy money off micro transactions and don't ever need to make another GTA game
They don't need to make more
If you weren't such an uninformed retarded piece of shit, you'd know that both Todd Howard and Pete Hines mentioned that they still don't have the technology to bring out the next TES game they've envisioned.
At least it'll make Online better, r-right?
They appear as he matures
Is GTAV worth buying at this point?
Nobody tell them Loot Crates are possible on current-gen systems.
It depends what you want from it I guess. If you want to be able to afford all the crazy new vehicles and the businesses and shit then it's going to be a chronic grind, but if you just want a game to fuck around with and blow off some steam then I'd say yeah. Messing around in free roam is fun and you can still join other people's businesses, you just can't be the leader. The missions are alright too.