I thought things were supposed to change in September...

I thought things were supposed to change in September. A brand new console is still being outsold by a four year old console.

Other urls found in this thread:



It's over. Nintendo is finished.

nintenbros btfo, fucking kek etc

Well those sales don't take in account the probable success of odyssey , but they don't thank in account the fifa+ COD+ASScreed combo that's going to hit the playsation either

A 4-year old console should never outsell a new console

those japs really don't like xbox

Sony always wins and it feels good.

You must agree now that Europe is superior and the salvation of video games.

japs are xenophobic

Both are doing phenomenal and will continue to enjoy success in the foreseeable future. Just go back to making fun of the Xbone sales. At least that is something everyone can agree on.

Oh my

more like xboxphobic

>no one accounting for 3DS sales

>Xbox in Japan

What do you expect from one of the most xenophobic people on the planet. Xbox tried last gen by getting some jap exclusives but they still didnt want it because its not jap owned

>3ds is still 15% of the market
why doesnt it just fucking die already


Real question, what's exactly wrong with vg chartz ? why do some people always immediately deny something because it's vg chartz ?

wtf i love europe now
Why Microsoft insist on getting on the Japanese market?

Europe is based and got good taste

Come on boys no one takes vgchartz seriously right? right?

I mean they literally don't trust themselves

Why not? PS4 sold a metric fuckton when it didn't have any games, so I don't see why it wouldn't sell now...

What matters is the games euros buy. And they buy nothing but trash so those FIFA boxes are a non-factor for the Switch. Winning NA and Japan every month will net the machine plenty of third party games. If it was behind the PS4 on every region it would matter a lot more.

>4 year old console outselling a brand new console
This wasn't supposed to be happening

>Eurofags circle jerking in this thread
This is just sad.

Only if Sony is ontop

enjoy your ban

>what's wrong with vgchartz
>their data samples are tiny, and they literally use twitter to gauge sales, thus resulting in extremely inaccurate data
>they regularly change data to reflect correct ones after their made up shit is proven wrong

Basically backtracking: the site


You can repost the same thing forever, but it's been explained every time that VGChartz literally invent the data for europe, since there's no official source unlike Japan (weekly) and the USA (monthly). They love to pretend shipped numbers = customers when it's convenient and that's how they got the current euro numbers (basically since USA+Japan doesn't validate the last shipped data from Sony they equated it to "europe bought the rest", thinking there's currently 0 PS4 on sales in the universe.

There's no more numbers from NPD either

The fact that no publisher uses them unlike NPD and mediacreate should tell you a lot.

Based Europe waiting for Sma5h

they released sales data for games that hasn't even released yet due to delays. Multiple times

I literally just noticed this.

Anybody else prefer playstation?

They literally provide no source.

her ass is too large


Holy shit I remember that. It was hilarious. Honestly the only people who even post them are newfags and consolewarrios

It's because PS4 isn't a baby system that has a sector of it censor even its mature-rated games just to cave into ess jay dubz.

switch has been outselling ps4 for months in every market, if you believe vgcharts you should go back to neogaf

>europe has most ps4 sales of any region
>also most 3DS.
Just shows europe has good taste and dont buy a console on launch year with barely no games to play

UHHH user


>good taste
you what

Honestly if you believe vgchartz unironically you are honestly new

>being proud of winning with the aid of euroniggers


If nintendo isn't on top, the numbers are fake and wrong. That's how it works around here.

Which games?

Yeah thats why they dont buy apple products
Oh wait


Sony always wins white boy

I used to chart the WiiU sales on a graph using a script, and older numbers were continually updated around the quarterly reports. If they were accurate, they wouldn't need to cover their tracks like this

Really bruh? Is this how consolewarrios on Sup Forums work? How short is your memory?

>Nintendo doesn't sell well in Europe

but everyone already knows this.

>If nintendo isn't on top, the numbers are fake and wrong. That's how it works around here.
No, its like this. If nintendo isn't on top, the numbers are meanigless.

if you think Japs don't buy the Xbox only because it's an American brand, you're retarded

only region that actually releases sales numbers is japan, the rest is a guess

A 4-year old console should always outsell a new one.
PS4 is having its strongest year currently. Yet it barely outsells a new console. This is beyond embarrassing for the PS4

These cases censorship were do to legal reasons though, in America(the only place that counts) they're completely uncensored.
Let me know when they're covering up lewd content
Sony always wins baby

Its selling well. 40k is a good number. If you want a example of not selling well look at xbox one in japan

1 month before Arc Rise Fantasia was out, VGChartz had the wrong release date but their random number generator spat out a "sales" number anyway :


More like ANY number coming from vgchartz is meaningless
Honestly all sales data should be banned from Sup Forums. And no don't call me a nintenbro either because iirc nintendo wins medicreate and npd fairly recently

They don't even backtrack correctly. They're still claiming that the Wii sold 50 FUCKING MILLION more games than the official numbers.



>Below 3DS, the worst selling nintendo handheld.

Imagine how doomed the PS4 must be then

Pathetic, all censorship is censorship and should be bashed as such. How far is corporate dick up your ass?

>muh Sony oppression!
>no! muh Nintendo oppression!

lmao Sup Forums, everybody

vgchartz should be bannable whether ironic or not

Reminder VGchartz got DS software sales data wrong by over 100 million. SUPER reliable guise

it'll hit 85-90 million easily so nah

Uh yeah it should, that's generally the point where consoles get the biggest sales due to an established library and several price drops.
If anything it's abnormal that the Switch is selling near the PS4.

Cute, Switch will crush that easily lifetime

Sony is done for.
First the PS4 disaster, then the VR atrocity, then their forum headquarters close down

>Imagine how doomed the PS4 must be then
Japanese hardware sales are not important for Sony. PS3 sold less than half of 3DS in japan but is way ahead worldwide.

Why do we post vgchartz again?


Sonygro like to shitpost mostly. They're the only ones who take VGchartz to heart.

More Japanese sales = get Japanese games

If you don't win Japan, you don't get all the good JP games which are the only ones worth playing.

Being king in Brazil doesn't mean shit.

>PS4 disaster
Fastest selling console

>VR atrocity
Best selling VR headset

>forum headquarters close down
There are more nintendofanboys on neofag.


A console's strongest years are usually 2-3 years in, not launch year. This argument is bullshit, but obviously you knew that already, shitposter.

>Switch will crush that easily lifetime
Just the Wii U, right?

>More Japanese sales = get Japanese games
>If you don't win Japan, you don't get all the good JP games which are the only ones worth playing.
Not automaticlly. Sony always had the best japanese third party support and the last time they were market leaders in japan was in the ps2 era.

>There are more nintendofanboys on neofag.
Excuse me?
Neogaf was always known as Sonyfag territory. There's a reason why the term Neo-Sup Forums cropped up when the Sonyfags started taking over this board.

The numbers they provide are completely fabricated. There literally is no source.

Do either of you have sources to back up your claims? Or are you just blaming your respective boogeymen?

I'd tell you to go and check Neogaf but I don't know if it's currently up or not.

>Neogaf was always known as Sonyfag territory
And, people say a lot, do you always believe everything? There are still more nintendofanboys on neofag.

>There's a reason why the term Neo-Sup Forums cropped up when the Sonyfags started taking over this board.
Kek, now Sup Forums is a Sony board too? Go trought the catalog and tell me which company is more prevalent on here, nintendo or sony.



To be fair Neogaf has a stronger congregation of Sony fans than most forums. It's hard to find any place that isn't Nintendo heavy because everyone else actually has games to play.

Here guys I made a >vgchartz compilation. Reminder to post this in EVERY vgchartz thread from now on, regardless of who's on top
>wildly inaccurate data
>constant edits of data after more analysis comes out to appear accurare
>releasing data for games that haven't even released
>STILL haven't updated accurate wii software sales data, by 50 fucking million off
>DS data is by fucking 100 million off

Why do we even take them seriously again?

It's literally fake news though, just read this thread

so, no source then? I see.

>now Sup Forums is a Sony board too?
that I can tell you that is complete bullshit.

pic related from a poll a few days ago

>old console everyone and their mother owns still outselling a new console that just released this year with their best games possible in its launchyear
Switch is WiiU2.0 isnt it?

>To be fair Neogaf has a stronger congregation of Sony fans than most forums.
This is true.

>It's hard to find any place that isn't Nintendo heavy because everyone else actually has games to play.
Yep, any site maybe other than reddit (never went to reddit) has more nintendofanboys.

Dude just google Neogaf and Sony

The switch is almost impossible to get in most of Europe.

Considering the Switch will outsell the WiiU within its first year, no, not really.

Link to poll?

vgchartz is shit, but don't stoop as low as them in making stuff up

>Go trought the catalog and tell me which company is more prevalent on here, nintendo or sony.
>Nintendo threads are for the most part pure shitposting
>mostly PC game and Multiplats
>anything else that can be placed into a group is Sony shit
Well there you have it, sonyfags are dominating this board.