Let's have a civil Wolfenstein discussion please

Let's have a civil Wolfenstein discussion please

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sorry we aren't allowed to discuss video games on Sup Forums, this is a mental health discussion board

BJ had a crush on a blackie as a kid


he's a jew after all

I'm waiting to see how it pans out. Hoping it isn't SJW swill.

Can't wait to see how awful America is and how we need to replace it with commies and niggers!

doggo getting BTFO

>blond hair, blue eyes
>fashy goy haircut
>in TNO, makes the Sign of the Cross when praying with Anya's family

game isn't out, there's nothing to discuss you stupid dumb faggots

His mother is a jew so he is too


Think the prequel DLC will suck?

poor doggo

Ayo, hol up

And Polish on his dad's side.

Killing nazis is too problematic for modern /po-- I mean, modern Sup Forums.

>Not full 1488% = Jew

Down the hall and to the right

So simply saying that BJ is a jew in the game makes you Sup Forums?

The first game was cool without being preachy, i'm hoping the devs realize that and point out to the communist of the shit things his ideology has done. And if the black lady goes Black Panther,mention how slaughtering white folk is not equality.

Otherwise, i'm excited to headshot people in full metal armor.

Poor pupper

Only Sup Forums cares about such shit

First game was kino until the whole Jewish magic/science happened.
Blazkowicz actually felt guilty for doing terrorist attacks on normal civilians.
With new one it seems they went full with justifying killing all Nazis and that's it's 100% fine to go and murder everything in sight if it's about "fighting muh oppression".

Well...yeah. Its fine to kill them if they're Nazis and Klansmen.

>to the communist of the shit things his ideology has done
Problem is in this timeline the USSR got mulched in WW2, so Stalin couldn't have his post-war gulag funsies

>BJ feels bad for terrorist attacks on civilians
>wishful thinking on my part, but maybe this game will nuance between Nazi true believers and those who obey out of fear and to survive.


I wanna support the devs but I don't want to support the marketing team

What do?

>only Sup Forums cares about the story


Oh for fucks sake, as if they haven't given me enough reasons already to pirate this.

First line BJ says in the game is "I'm going to hell."

Well really, think about it. The war has been over for decades. Anyone who was forced to join back during WW2 is probably dead, retired, or quit to join the resistance long ago. Its probably just the true blue, die hard Nazis left now.

>tfw the game ends up doing that while shitting on communists

Where's the sauce

There's still the African front. Not sure how hot the fighting is but the war is still on there.

Totalitarian regimes all have dissenters. They are probably just resigned to the defeat and going through the motions now.

is this open world?
no open world no buy
also if I can't buy loot boxes for a chance at a premium weapons game start this game is garbage

any game without cosmetics is an absolute disgrace, day 1 pirate on my windows 10

dark souls is still king of action games


skip to 8:00

preload is live! did anyone get key sent?

>there is noting political about this ga

b-but BJ is jewish!!

He's been a jew since wolfenstein 3D ya gabbagoon

It has only been a little over 1 decade. Germany nukes New York and America surrenders on Christmas Eve 1948, and TNC takes place in '61.

Haven't seen much on the game but I look forward to playing it. The first game was fun.

>stab guy in back, get seen by another guy
>run up to him and stab him in the gut before he draws his gun
Didn't even know that would work

>dat narrative
>moon mission
>menu theme starts playing
>dat final boss

Good shit.

based BJ knows what's up

Do you also need that kind of wishful thinking when you kill non-Americans in vidya?
Didn't think so.

>without being preachy
idk man, I just got the cutscene where Lenny Kravitz gets all pissed off at BJ and calls America the real Nazis

That's Jimi Hendrix you uncultured swine.

Is it true that they make communists good guy in this game?

can you just turn off your fucking trip. no one cares who you are

>Lenny Kravitz

they ARE the good guys tho

Wasn't even going to post in this thread but just came to say this. Fuck off Boco.


One of the characters BJ cooperates with is a communist. They have friction together, though, and BJ calls him a pussy. I don't usually watch any trailers for games because I like seeing everything for the first time while I'm playing it, but I wanted to see what was the deal with the commie professor dude.

Well, you work with them. But its a "better you than them" thing, and no one likes it.

>is a communist
Wasn't he just "influenced by marxist ideology"? That's not the same as a full-fledged communist.

He got better though and sowed his seeds in a cute pollock

I wonder how that nice shotgun will be turned into a shit sawn off

>not wanting to fuck at least one woman of each race/ethnicity

After ten Wolfenstein games, why is it with the 11th game suddenly such a big deal that the protagonist is a Jew?

It's not

Nazis are on the rise.

This game promotes cultural marxism and must be stopped


i unironically blame /r/The_Donald

Sup Forumstards never gave a shit about the franchise

This is the first game to be released since the US election flooded Sup Forums with neo/pol/ newfags. that's literally all that's changed.

Only redditfags hate the_donald, it's a Sup Forums colony and incredibly based

>actually saying nigger

I'm glad the game isn't holding out there at least.

That probably sounded really badass in your mind.

>An actual Reddit fag

>I literally can't distinguish speech from action

Cause there are good guys on both sides.
Trump the Nazi suporter

Neither can the people complaining that Wolfenstein is causing violence against Nazis, apparently.


I've never seen that complaint


and i thought he was just fishing for (You)s.

Spoiler alert

Never played a wolfestein game besides the first one, that I didn't even finish. Do I need to play them all to fully enjoy the new ones?
Should I play TNO or TOB first? TOB is first in the timeline right?

Release order.


>Prior background info on BJ was being borne of two polish immigrants
>New game has his mom be very Polish, but his did is Very American

the fuck, is this one of those Doom Guy canon problems


Legit question: in regards to Wyatt and Fergus coming back in The New Colossus, does the game let the player choose who got spared in the first one or do both make an appearance?

I assume the first option is correct or does anyone know something specific related to this?


literally a redditor
why don't you fucking kill yourself

Not surprised tbqh

Maybe it only counts in the New Order continuity.

>LARPing as a nazi
>while supporting a jew-loving president

if it walks like a duck, looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck it must be a duck

Sup Forumsfags think that this is the first Wolfenstein to involve killing Nazis

Yeah, you pick who lived in TNO and it goes from there.

Sup Forums is going to love this guy

That cutscene brought back some bad memories

do you ever get to beat up your shitty dad? been waiting for a dad revenge game for a long time


There's a lot of irony going on here.

imagine unironically thinking this

i hate the marketing campaign of this game
not because
>muh nazi dindu noting if it's the case go read a book you're obviously mislead or need psychiatric help
but because it feels like how some Christian mom from the late 90' would portray "g@m3rs"
like players are some blood thirsty killers
>but it's for SJW !
that's the worse, if marketting people consider them has blood thirsty killers (and those guys tend to be really good at understanding you) that's a sad thing for them because that makes them has bad has nazis
or it's a cynical commentary on how we perceive violence (in a inglorious basterds way) that would be cool and clever

>Super Mario Odyssey
>Stranger Things Season 2
>Wolfenstein 2
what a time to be alive

>FOUR pages of this

What is Tekken.