Fuck, I wish I could freeze myself until it comes out

Fuck, I wish I could freeze myself until it comes out.

Yeah I wish you could do so you would be dead.

What's the deal with these blatant shill threads?

It's obvious falseflagging meant to upset people.

It's a Sup Forums false-flagger trying to racebait Sup Forums

You never know, it's kinda well-known that a lot of Sup Forums posters have normalfag tastes.

I wish I could freeze till Boobisoft goes into the red.

ayyoo whitey, check this 9

Why? You've already played it, just like every other AC before.

>muh combat
Good luck with that.

It comes out on Friday? That could be a reason.

for a fucking assassins creed game? really?

You could try it OP, please freeze yourself

Never played an assass game before. I was sold by the local.

its out this week. these threads will drop dead after the launch day they always do.

>9 but got 0
Nah man check my 9


Can't wait for the soulsbourne-inspired combat. Ubisoft knocked it out of the park again. GOTY, anyone?

Unironically it will get high reviews based off the positive impressions so far. 87-90 metascore.

>somewhere in the world there exists an autistic virgin that has nothing better to do with his life but keep making the same Sup Forums shilling thread on Sup Forums all day


It's a mix of both. The racist thread were deleted on sight, yet the obvious shill threads tend to stay up.

I'm interested in the game (I pre-ordered the deluxe edition) because I want to see how the loot system works, and after finishing The Fractured but Whole, I'm looking for something else to play.