What went wrong?

What went wrong?
>inb4 niggers
No seriously, what mistakes were made here?

it's battlefield, it was doomed to be shit

>Having several different weapons that are just the same weapon with a different scope or modification
>DLC fragmenting the community once more

>tfw you're maining Martini-Henry/Kolobri
I love this game.


It's a fantasy game using world war 1 skins as a gimmick to sell copies. They had no interest in the history of world war 1.

German Niggers, or just niggers in general.
I'm actually finding it extremely fun now that I've started getting good at it

niggers (and just more of the same gameplay but dumbed down even more)

Are you sure it wasn't the transplanted negros?

How do you think a Zulu game, featuring white men as tribe mates, would sell?

Slow updates, poor weapon balance, overpowered tanks, no team autobalance which leads to games that are 32v18

>actually being good at a game
I mean,,,,,,,,,,,

>What went wrong?
Shitter devs pandering to progressives. Also all the inaccuracies with the guns compared to what was actually used.

its not 2143 or bfbc3

what weapons are overpowered in this game

>swedish dev

Random bullet deviation
Vehicle spawn system
Weak infantry counters to vehicles
Operations mode focused maps
Conquest ticket system
Only 4 weapons per class with only 3 variations each, only one variation was any good
No customization outside of vehicle and weapon skins
Battle packs don't have any good rewards

Make your ancestors proud.

Hellriegel on console, it's auto-aim combined with slow damage drop make it very good at both short and mid-range. Model 10 hunter is somewhat OP in short-range, and the Martini-Henry is somewhat OP at long distance.

this, most real bf fans wanted either

Both of these. World War 1 was an awful setting, for a Battlefield game. WW2 would be the exact same shit. Great maps though, minus the desert ones. The game was doomed from lack of weapons, really poor balancing on them about trying to balance AAs and aircrafts, and splitting up the community ONCE AGAIN.

>names main mistake for many people
implementing negroes was a fail.
implementing SS woman of color into CoD WW2 is a megafail too.

which will be the setting of the next battlefield? place your bets gentlemen

I would say ww2 so they can port half of the bf1 weapons and asets

Aside from negroes being everywhere, the game just felt painfully average and not fitting to the setting at all. People running around with prototype automatic weapons isn't what WW1 was about.

just becuase you put
>inb4 niggers
doesn't mean it can't be the problem

>Updates are to few and far between.

>Poor weapon selection.

>DLC model is splitting the community.

All these things contribute to the fact that the gameplay feels stale and repetitive.
Shit about historical accuracy is window dressing and only autists care about it.

Think Op was just afraid of ">niggers" reply

>the same lag it have been since bf3
>only open maps so fun lol
>usual bullshit of "enemy can hit you from outside your map , and you can't see shit
thats what i gathered from playing the 10 free hours

Correct, but I'd still like some other criticism of the game.

my favorite was when launching the game at the start and seeing
>thsi game is based on real world stuff
or whatever shit it did say

There are a thousand things wrong with that game that has nothing to do with niggers.

Model 10A Hunter, MG14/17 Parabellum are clearly OP. Hellriegel and automatico are very strong but the other SMGs are still competitive. There's no real reason to use most of the self-loading rifles if you have the Federov Avtomat, unless you're trying to snipe. The SMLE probably has the best sweet spot of the repeating sniper rifles (i.e. not the Martini-Henry) on most maps. The best pistol is probably the 1911, which is available at the beginning of the game to all classes.