What the FUCK did they do to her?

what the FUCK did they do to her?

gave her the tism

You mean how they fixed her face and added double lid so she doesnt look like a mongoloid?

She looks happier now. That's nice

Made her cuter by the look of it

>implying this isn't peak beauty

probably showed it to many focus tester groups who filled out questions like: how attractive do you find her? how likeable do you find her?

and repeated for several iterations. you need to consider that companies aren't just trying to appeal to "gamers" anymore, but women as well..


I don't think he implied. I think he said.

And he's right.

2013 > 2015 > 2014

Made her cute as fuck.

Lara is cute and i want to kiss her

>you need to consider that companies aren't just trying to appeal to "gamers" anymore, but women as well..
How is that a bad thing? Gamers suck at determining what's cute.
You have to have worn a skirt and own at least two sets of cute panties and socks if you want your opinion on female beauty to be relevant.


Not even close, she looks way too asian

Current Lara is ten out of ten. Her SFM is hot as fuck.

>implying nu-lara can compete with 2013 lara


How can someone has such a bad taste?

>not a mongoloid


I unironically think that the picture of laura at the bottom is the cutest of those 3 images

which game?


Rise of the Mordor.

>retard face lara


>what the FUCK did they do to her?
They Jewed her up good. They Jewed her up real good. All to conform to American standards of beauty, which are based on Jewlywood women.


That, on the other hand, looks like shit. My distinction was solely on the image in the OP

not an argument, we are talking about faces

post yfw 2018 lara face and body will be based on vikander

new lara looks too dopey to be a heroine


2015 lara is the prettiest and cutest. Every other opinion is wrong.

How is original Lara not just every beauty standard of its time crammed into a bunch of pixels?

>i'd have a gf if it wasn't for the jews

Not really. She spent most of the game covered in mud, dirt, and blood.


Not him but it's technically true.
Jews made women pursue career instead of family.
Jews made women pseudo-empowered and turned them gay.
Jews made women not desire a strong man anymore and would rather get financial help from the State.
Shall I continue?

>implying asian/white mixed women aren't the cutest anyway

Please do. This time with some sources other than your butthole

she lost her virginity

Glad someone else thinks she looks worse in Rise.

Literally the most beautiful woman in video game history. No one compares.

Why is there still no info about the next game?

Still better than the person they cast to play Lara in the new movie.



Black Lara is best Lara though


Pure fridge kino

you made me puke

God this is pathetic.

is "she" mtf??

Are you seriously implying that's not beautiful according to men's standards?


The male imperative needs no source.

no, what he's implying is that 2013 lara was so beautiful women were intimidated and hated her, so they made her uglier and thus more accessible to female audiences

>they made her uglier
Yeah right.
The truth is you only want reasons to complain about your boogeymen, and when you don't find them you simply make them up.

>they made her uglier

this is your nuLara for this film

Source: My ass
You do realise that they base her appearance off fucking supermodels right?


PERFECT trap proportions

She doesn't even look English any more.I thought Lara Croft was supposed to be white not some central Asian/native American mongrel, she looks fucking ethnic.


To be fair old Lara wasn't a typical British lady too.


gotta agree I liked the old model much more
it was really weird playing the second game with the new face
the "nivea" promo picture is literally 10/10 pure perfection


wtf is that "thing" :pukeinfridge:


I know,m right? How the fuck can someone consider that ugly?

I can understand someone not liking her but calling ugly is like being fucking blind.



That's hot.

She's cute, but has nothing on A2.

She's not real so who gives a shit user?

The Tomb Raider series has been taken over by PEDOPHILES. Lara looks about 15 years old now. This is what happens when you let PEDOPHILES AND FEMINISTS design a game character.

Solid bait user


She looks amazing in Rise. Original 2013 looks like she has mild down syndrome.
Underworld is still best.

I want to lick her armpits.

Delet this




>actual cutest girl coming through

There's something uncanny about underworld, I prefer legend.

she looks better?

Down syndrome because gurl gamers get triggered if games have attractive women in them.

>sandpaper skin fetish

>muh generic anime dolls

Ciri was MADE for facefucks.

Nothing wrong with being gay, Witcher 3 is a dream come true for closet homosexuals in denial.

How do you comfort her, Sup Forums?

hug her

>changed from sex bomb into cute
Somehow, I'm okay with this.

I can't tell dude, it all looks like shitty nu-lara to me.

NuLara is a revolting piece of shit. She's a knuckle-dragging barrel of monkey spunk that exists solely to be degraded and humiliated.

This pasta is annoying and retarded as fuck.

I love Rule 63 Geralt.


the real question is that why haven't you killed yourself my man?