Mass Effect 3 was a bad ga-

Mass Effect 3 was a bad ga-

>no penis


It still is.

>every dialogue choice only has three options max, top right good, bottom right bad, or middle left to ask more
>shitty writing that turns Cerberus into even more of a cartoon villain than they were in ME2
>shoehorned in dream sequences to force an emotional connection with starkid
>weapons still use thermal clips, the single most retarded retcon ME2 made (and it made a lot of them)

Nah, ME3 was bad.

-me that that a few (emphasis on fucking FEW) standout sections.

This. Any good elements are well and truly drowned in an ocean of shit.

Gameplay made up for it


No it didn't.

I still don't understand why people think ME3 is bad. Most of the complaints people have with this game are either benign as fuck or are just affected by group-think.

ME3 is a 7/10 at worst, trying to claim it's any lower shows you're a brainlet that doesn't have his own opinions.

Thermal clips was technically not a retcon since they explained it in universe while still acknowledging that the former existed, like with Omni-gel.
It's still a cop-out though.


Why does Jacob ship from 10 years ago uses them when they were invented only 2 years before?

it was an average game with a few good sections that took a nosedive into bad at the end. the dlc that "fixed" the ending improved it a bit by making it less of a clusterfuck, but it was still an ill-conceived idea and poorly executed.
also the gameplay was a significant step back from me2, which itself was a significant step back from me1.


ME3 is only great if you have carried your save data from the 1 and 2, since it contained an insane ammount of fanservice and wish fulfillment based on previous decisions.
Other than that, it's just an unremarkable cover-based shooter with a forced storyline.

I still cannot get over how boring and drab the citadel became

>responsible for the deaths of hundreds of people across all races, can even shoot a teenager in the face
>literally genocided the Baterians
>a child dies
>it breaks Sherpard

>gameplay was a significant step back from me2, which itself was a significant step back from me1.

>ME3 is a 7/10 at worst
>ME3 is above average at worst

If I had to choose the one thing I hate the most about "reviewers" was that they fucking ruined the scale for shit. Absolutely retarded.

If you wanted a shooter, you can play Gears of War. Mass Effect was supposed to be an RPG.

>playing not-canon renegade Shepard
it's all your fault

Good thing all three Mass Effect games suck at being an RPG then. If you went into the franchise expecting a thralling roleplaying experience instead of a hybrid shooter then you were sorely mistaken. Go play a real RPG before you try to claim something as dense as that.

>he thinks it wasn't

Plot hole. Complete bullshit, but still not a retcon.

i prefer a five point scale because it makes way more sense
1/5 is hot garbage
2/5 is bad
3/5 is average
4/5 is good
5/5 is fantastic

I loved it, even if the ending is pretty lame. Playing all three in a row on the same character is one of my most enjoyable gaming experiences.

I didn't I played good guy Shep though. No matter what you genocide Baterians and in ME2 you have the option of killing a teenager who just joined a gang by murdering someone.

Yet that kid broke him. Mordin dying was no problem but that kid? holy fuck did it hurt. Literally mind raped.


>midpoint between 1 and 5
>anything but average

>midpoint between 1 and 5

I fucking hate the whole Tuchanka arc. Started dreading it after the second playthrough

Scores are marked thusly: x/10
0-5 points for Ludoplay, and cross story/ludoplay like undertale
0-5 points for technical acheivement, bugfreeness

me1 is the only one of the trilogy where it actually felt like an rpg/shooter hybrid rather than a shooter with a few minor rpg elements. the weapon system in me1 was by far the most interesting and fun of the three games.

are you all right?

>the weapon system in me1 was by far the most interesting and fun of the three games.
Bait? Man I sure loved those reskinned gun assets that fire exactly the same with minor stat boost mods!

>Man I sure loved those reskinned gun assets

>that fire exactly the same

>with minor stat boost mods!

Most ME1 dickriders havent played ME3.
They only know the two they can buy with steambucks


that scale doesn't make much sense to me
you can have a perfectly bug-free "game" that's just not fun at all and i wouldn't give it even 5 points
you can have a game that's just either absurdly fun or really well-designed but seriously buggy and i'd give it far more than 5 points

optimizing stats is part of what makes an rpg enjoyable for a lot of people. things like rate of fire and accuracy do make a difference when you're playing and giving the player a choice in what kinds of tradeoffs they want to make on those things is fun for people who like rpg systems. same thing with inventory management, gun mods, etc. there's a lot of stuff that goes into an rpg and me1 was a lot more traditional, whereas me2 and me3 were more streamlined, me3 especially.

-y meme

ME2 made Cerberus into a morally grey organization. ME1 was the game where they were generic villains.

i've played me2 and m3 both three times each and me1 four times. i actually think me2 had a better atmosphere in places, but i liked me1's gameplay better. me3 wasn't really better on any counts and while there were levels that were good, the game as a whole wasn't really that special like the first two were.
maybe you disagree with me? ok, that's fine. different people like different things. but as someone who likes rpgs more than straight shooters, me1 was a lot more fun to me.

Nigger how are you still falling for a shitposter?

i'm not, that's why i stopped replying to him

>M3 was go-

Another one of the billion "Do AIs have humanity" games, that don't even provide an answer.

At least Bladerunner tells you that replicates are literally organic humans with a designed expiration date

Yah, it is

>Do AIs have humanity

They answered it. The answer is no, AI are their own thing and aren't defined by their creators' limits

>the Quarian/geth conflict plot that ruined both races
>Retconned ceberus (again) into a galactic super power
>included Kai 'nothin personnel' Leng as shepards rival
>the extremely contrived prothean super weapon on mars
>All arcs involving the citadel make zero sense
>plot central character as day 1 DLC
>none of the new squadmates introduced in ME2 are available as squadmates
>most of the ME2 squadmates are relegated to cameos with two or three being plot central
>eavesdropping to get side-quests
>The entire game is glitchy as fuck, with incorrect waypoints for important characters and entire lines of dialog failing to trigger almost guranteed to happen
>reused music from ME1 at every opportunity, new music does not fit at all
>telling STEEEVEE that your straight is considered a renegade action
>ME2 memes are made into canon character quirks (Garrus and calibrations being the most blatant)
>the genophage asspull (though the tuchanka arc is easily the best part of the game so i let this one slide)
>Bioware outright refusing to take the 'get out of jail free' card by disregarding the indoctrination theory (also note the giant middle finger they gave to this theory with the refusal ending)

I think that's most of the points.

Maybe 2 and a half of those are correct

It did in the sense that it streamlined all the worst parts about the previous games. I agree that the story and the cut rate, stolen art assets sucked but just going to a planet and picking up the shit you needed instead of having to go drive around over a featureless landscape or slowly scanning over it was better. Narrowing the powers from the retarded overkill in 1 but still expanding it from having 4 in 2 was better.

not him but i definitely agree with
>Retconned ceberus (again) into a galactic super power
>included Kai 'nothin personnel' Leng as shepards rival
>the extremely contrived prothean super weapon on mars
>plot central character as day 1 DLC

>Another one of the billion "Do AIs have humanity" games, that don't even provide an answer.
that wasn't the plot of ME3

Level design was the worst aspect of the game for me. So many ladders.

>the genophage asspull
Wasn't this clarified in ME2 by Mordin?

Kai is definitely a valid point. He is the worst of the worst, but the Cerebus part makes enough sense, Mars makes enough sense, and Javik ended up being a literally who

>>Bioware outright refusing to take the 'get out of jail free' card by disregarding the indoctrination theory (also note the giant middle finger they gave to this theory with the refusal ending)
While they had a handy excuse by saying that this was their intention, they could only do so by admitting that parts of the were shit on purpose


Shit thread, OP. Thanks.

you're write user, i sure do love fighting 3 sets of enemies, exchanged interchangeably, over and over again while not feeling tense about fighting any of them and having a scifi mcguffin which fixes everything by defeating the nasty, evil, crippled and watered down reapers

It's shit.
Worse writing, worse levels, less levels, uneven levels, worst citadel, worst quests
Good powers and guns.

>this entire post
You wanna try that again Jimmy?

i tried to play trilogy recently. it's fucking horrible

It's more the fact that the genophage has a magical cure all that makes all barren Krogan women baby machines again as opposed something like a vaccine that would make any newborn krogan Genophage free but Krogan with the genophage still have the genophage.

You fight Geth, Reaper forces, or Cerberus. That's very lackluster.

The only step back was getting rid of the Mako.

That's what happens when you let in refugees

It was awful. The gameplay is better than 2 and probably the most enjoyable in the whole trilogy, but everything else are not just bad but downright embarrassing.

I don't like 5 point, more or less aesthetically, but you make a good case for streamlining.

>Mass Effect 3 is a shit game.*

did anyone play andromeda

>Another one of the billion "Do AIs have humanity" games
Did you play the game?

It wasn't a bad game. It was just a massive disappointment for the last 10 minutes.

Waiting for it to drop to like £5 before i buy it.

it wasn't "bad", just the same as with planetside 2.
LOT of potential lost, to fucking irrelevant shit like sexuality and jersey shore

Some faggot spent 15k on lootboxes for that, that's like 250 copies of the game.

Oh the game that never happened?

I didn't even finish the 10 hour demo

Tuchanka is the best setpiece in the game after the ME2 suicide mission, and it had some other good moments. Does that outweigh Kai Leng, Shep's stupid dreams, STEEEEEEEEEVE and the ending?

Still better than DA:I or ME:A, though.

Tried the trial. Couldn't last more than an hour.

Not even the lure of hot xeno sex is enough for me to play that game.

It's on Origin Access now. You could buy a month's sub for $5 and then cancel after you're done with the game.

Bit the bullet and played for about 20 hours. Exploration is boring. Characters are uninteresting. Nothing fun happens.

Combat is acceptable, though. So at least Manveer Heir did his job.


The storyline was very linear. You'd expect a game that represents the culmination of choices made over 60+ hours of gameplay over the course of two other games to have at least two branching storylines, but Mass Effect 3 did not have this. It was one storyline that did a hamfisted job at avoiding your past decisions. It almost completely ignored, for example, the saving or killing of the Council in ME1 and the saving or destroying of the Collector Base in ME2. Even disregarding past choices, the events of ME3 felt more like a predetermined path rather than a player-driven narrative. Decisions made in-game are usually relegated to laughably inconsequential war assets that hold little, if any, influence on how the story progresses. Similarly, dialogue options are reduced to simple and equivalent choices, such as selecting either "Yes" or "Okay".

Overall, the transition from ME2 to ME3 was incredibly jarring, even for those who played The Arrival DLC. Shepard is suddenly on Earth, has been for six months, and his entire team is gone. Characters were dropped in without proper introduction, and players were expected to know them. While the player is still wondering what happened, Reapers attack, everything explodes; no time to reflect on the plot, just go do the mission TO SAVE TEH EARF. It's like a Michael Bay movie: look at the big boom-booms, don't ask questions. This sets the tone for the rest of the game - lots of action without true substance.

Without proper explanation, Shepard is completely against the Illusive Man and everything he stands for, even if the player consistently made pro-Cerberus decisions in ME2. TIM ends up being the main antagonist of the game, which makes little sense, as what he advocates ends up being a legitimate endgame choice.

The multitude of fetch quests was obnoxious and did nothing to help the story. The fact that they were more-or-less necessary to raise the player's EMS to an acceptable rating was even worse. Other "sidequests" were little more than recycled multiplayer maps.

The actual writing and the dialogue ranged from good, to passable, to adolescent fanfiction. Many characters were written in completely different styles compared to their earlier iterations. Mordin, a staunch defender of the genophage's necessity, suddenly feels remorseful enough to attempt to undo it - even if the player had wholeheartedly supported his past actions in ME2. Wrex, who was a world-weary, introspective warrior in ME1, is suddenly a typical Krogan meathead who just wants to smash-n-bash things. His "all Krogan women want to do is think and talk and think some more" conversation was really terrible and did the character a great disservice. Ashley was completely transformed from a don't-take-anyone's-shit, hardass soldier into a sexualized bimbo with no useful dialogue. She seemed more interested in bringing up Shepard's supposed allegiance to Cerberus than contributing anything meaningful. Legion suddenly wants to use Reaper code to augment the Geth - even though significant portions of his ME2 dialogue focused on how the "true" Geth had systematically rejected using other's technology to assist their advancement.

Interactions with squadmates was considerably dumbed down compared to previous ME titles. Whereas in ME1 and 2 you could have long, informative conversations with your squad members where you delved into their background, culture, and psychology, in ME3 you have a lot of "Press [Use] To Hear Character Say One Line of Dialogue." There are significantly less conversations and significantly more standing around and listening until the one-liners start repeating themselves. As another user aptly put it, "It was like having a squad of Zaeed Massanis and Kasumi Gotos."

Yeah, it's not as bad as Sup Forums says but not as good as the original trilogy. Stuff like character bamter on the ship was good as well as some of the loyalty missions.

Beloved squadmates from past games were sacrificed in illogical or nonsensical ways to force emotional responses from the player. Mordin died while curing the genophage - except Mordin would never want to actually cure the genophage completely, since he would realize that the Krogan would all-too-rapidly outgrow their limited resources and have to start invading other worlds for living space. Legion "died" in order to transfer the Reaper code to the rest of the Geth - despite the fact that he would never want to do that either, and even if he did, there would have been other options available to him (i.e., taking a shuttle back up to a Geth dreadnought and using its superior comm systems to transmit the code). The only ex-squadmate death that actually made sense was Thane, but he died to a cliche, poorly-developed anime ninja assassin who dressed like Bioware's art department decided to rip off Deus Ex: Human Revolution.

The game was further burdened by a quest journal that did not function, a chronic shortage of enemy types, fewer total quests compared to the previous games, day 1 on-disc DLC, plot-essential DLC, and Kai Leng. On that subject, Kai Leng was possibly the worst character ever introduced into the Mass Effect universe. He was poorly designed from the start, and his plot armor was almost embarassing to behold. His e-mail to the player following the events on Thessia was childish and absurd.

So, yeah, I can't imagine why anyone was surprised that the ending was so shitty, when the entirety of the game leading up to it was shitty too.

good posts

Best gameplay hands down. Mass Effect 1 was a mess. 2 was a step up, but 3 was really where I felt like combat was good. Probably because I played vanguard and the charge was shit in 2, and nonexistent in 1

I don't understand why people think ME1's combat was bad. Unrefined, maybe, but ME2 was not a logical progression from ME1. Instead, it stripped everything down into a barebones cover shooter that turned all of the environments into corridor shooting galleries. It was flashy, sure, but it was very surface level. Yes, ME3 was an objective improvement over ME2 in the combat department, but when ME2 set the bar so low, that's not too surprising.