Why does this piece of shit have such a big fanbase?

Why does this piece of shit have such a big fanbase?

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Because it's good, get off your high horse faggot.

Made by Tumblr, for Tumblr. It took most of its fanbase from the homostuck fanbase and appealed to people as dumb as them.

>mfw people actually think this
>mfw i have no face

>it's good
top kek

>Being this misguided

>wow why the fuck do people think things that are true
Do you also shit yourself when people tell you the sky is blue?

>being this autistic

>muh tumblr boogeymonster
before the game got super popular it was lauded over here on Sup Forums as the second coming ya dingus.
big fanbases almost always turn toxic.
>mfw realizing im being baited to hell here
>mfw still no face

It's a decent indie game so everybody just has to love it

>homosuck "fandom"
Three cancers converged

>game where if you don't choose the black or white morality, you get a neutral ending that has no credits sequence that is basically a middle finger telling you to play the game all over again from the beginning, cutscenes included

does it still? seems like most people already moved on from it

>hurr it was Sup Forumss game before tumblrs game
You mean the demo that got shilled to hell and back with the kickstarter? A demo that shares literally zero tone with the rest of the game?

You really think that matches the fact that Toby Fox as a fan and major part of the Homestuck community spent most of his time on Tumblr?
And that the other members from the development team are also prevalent members of the Homestuck community on Tumblr?
Or the fact that the game was announced and developed within that Homestuck community on Tumblr?

Think before you post, you dumb shit.

Why does this big game have such a piece of shit fanbase.*

not him, but mspaintadventures.com/soundcredits.html you retard

This, it's now trendy to hate Cuphead.

Nogaffers defending this pos

>Nier bitches out with the weakest piece of shit ever """ending""" if you don't do multiple playthroughs
>this is OK
>Undertale, a much shorter game, does the same
>this is not OK

>voice criticism
>b-but what about OTHER GAME?

>I don't want to play a game where different playthroughs change the experience entirely

>this game's popularity is STILL making Sup Forumseddit mad after 2 years

why can't you people let go
there have been many popular indie games since then for you to cry about

>anybody who doesnt like my tumblr developed game is reddit
Its been 2 years and you still think that makes any sense

Because while it is legitimately good, it's also easy access Let's Play-bait

Children and manchildren, basically.

user it's literally made by one of the guys who did music for Homestuck. He's also an avid tumblr user.

>it's a Sup Forums is contrarian and can't admit that this game is decent episode
>inb4 predictable furry and tumblr insults

I really haven't seen much of a "fanbase" to speak of, so you must be going out of your way to find it
Do you also hang out in gay clubs and bitch that you're surrounded by faggots?

>why do i suck so many dicks
>inb4 you call me a faggot
Quality post

Excellent game, regardless of the autism surrounding its fanbase


fucking nailed it

Is this supposed to prove anything? Is an egg profile with the name "Someone" the king of Sup Forums? Does his word invalidate the archives?

You are actually retarded



>Extremely barebones RPG mechanics, little character customization, no variety in weapons or armor
>Piss easy combat, line up the bar and then dodge 3 bullets (sometimes 4)
>Sparing is a 2-question multiple choice quiz you can't fail
>Choices don't matter, your ending is decided based on whether you kill all, some, or no monsters, otherwise you go through the same path every time
>Can't die during Flowey or Asriel
>Horribly inconsistent art, Toby obviously can't draw but why did he get artists if they're only gonna do a couple pictures?

I know it's shocking that someone might've played the game and not liked it, but it's true.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Undertale™. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical psychology most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Sans' nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily fromNarodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Undertale ™ truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Sans' existencial catchphrase "You're gonna have a bad time," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Toby Fox's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a Alphdyne tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand

Not an argument

Well its undeniable that it might not be someone's taste, but it's also a fact that the majority of Sup Forums only started to hate it when it got popular, regardless of it's merits. Hell, half of that majority only "hated" it because it became such a meme to.

About a year too late for that to be honest.

You (i assume) mentioned that only the game's demo was popular on Sup Forums, which is not true. If your extent of the argument is an ad hominem against someone not even here, calling them out for being as anonymous as you can be on twitter, on an anonymous forum, most in your situation would consider the removal of such a point from their argument.

>does his word invalidate the archives
And what are these 'archives' you speak of? Because the Sup Forums I saw at the time, though not unanimous, liked the game.
>inb4 burden of proof

the cringe is real...

Because it's an interesting little game.

Reposting a stale reddit meme did not really help his argument.

Wait you cold very much die in the Flowey boss fight, it even turn off the game.

Fuck *could*

>but it's also a fact that the majority of Sup Forums only started to hate it when it got popular
You do realize that nobody is going to believe that absolute retardation when the archives exist, right? You can cry it all you like, all someone has to do is to go onto Fireden and search Undertale to see that you're fucking stupid.

>hurr not true
>hurr dat guy is da true voice of Sup Forums
>hurr spoon feed me wut r archives i havent been here before
Go back to wherever you came from, you dumb cunt.

It has furries and gays

>though not unanimous
>liked the game

Are you actually mentally challenged?

After the first couple phases you can just keep going from where you left off, also the last phase just showers you in ihealing tems and takes off all challenge.

How am I wrong?


>the archives that prove my point exist I swear!
I'm not the one bringing up archives, why don't you prove your point?

>Not liking Undertale

Haven't played it in ages so i'll take your word fr it.

>Sup Forums loved undertale
>clearly not
>no i mean when i looked at Sup Forums and only looked at people posting porn and the two comments about the battle system they loved undertale
>so yeah Sup Forums loved undertale
I shouldnt have to spoonfeed you how fucking stupid your statements are.

>>Not liking Undertale
Liking Undertale

Neogaf pedophile get the fuck out.

>while defending undertale
Thats hilarious, dont you get crucified on tumblr for being abelist? Im asking you since you'd know.

>I'm not the one bringing up the archives, why don't you prove your point?
1: You didnt know about the archives considering how fucking new you are
2: Ive got nothing to prove to you, you're free to live in your delusion that you think you're validated liking a game made for some of the dumbest people on the planet but when you start stating shit that just blatantly isnt true, someone is going to call you a fucking idiot for doing so. All it does is prove how many people came over to shill after the GameFAQ's poll and how little you actually know and how claim is fact.

Also, ill quote you
>inb4 burden of proof

>Have a few neat Undertale images saved
>Can never post them otherwise people on Sup Forums will lose their shit


Yah but you get upset when I tell you this game is for pedo trannies

Fuck off already jesus

>I have to exaggerate and twist my description of reality just enough that people with a hazy memory of 2015 could ostensibly agree with me
kys faggot. Post the archives or shut the fuck up about it.

>projecting this hard

>hazy memory of 2015
Yeah, gotta love those hazy archives of posts and images.
Really cant trust recorded threads, i should agree with someone dumb enough to be a fan of undertale, a game made by homestuck fans for their tumblr circle.

So this is the power of newfag...

You're free to leave at any point.

haha bro ur so funny with your edited reddit copypasta, sorry da newfags dont get ur mad memez

You can always go to /vg/, /utg/ it somehow still up despite no new content being added.

>I must hate whatever tumblr likes!
>I form my opinions entirely around someone else and not the object in question

Wow nice meme, go back to /r/tumblrinaction and talk about how you're a black trans sheenequa who absolutely hates tumblr bringing him/her a bad name or whatever. Better yet, T_D may just be the perfect community for you.

>first point
We both know we're just too lazy to search the archives. How the fuck did you get the idea that I had no idea about archives?

Post the archives faggot. I didn't bring archives up at all so no u isn't going to help you. Post it or drop the argument.

>i can't stop posting smug anime
There's posting anime on an anime website, and there's proving a stereotype.

Post the archives faggot. You're crystal clear on the subject at hand, wow, you even have pics? Post em then, stop beating around the bush.

This is so wrong on every level I don’t even know where to begin.

Because it has charming characters and the way it implements gameplay mechanics is innovative.
I pirated still.

>wahhh wahh wahh
>stop talking bad about undertale its my favorite game it makes me feel good
>wahhh wahh
>post da archives i dunno where dey are
>wahhh wahhh wahhh
>post them wahh wahhh wahh
>wahhh wahhh wahhhhh
What a quality post.

Begin by disproving the 55 Toby "Radiation" Fox Credits here

That'll be a good start.

Just don't respond to the shitty Anime avafag

>no u
Thanks for the (you) faggot, always appreciate it when the retard I'm talking with keeps me informnet when I've won the argument

When will people start posting cute/lewd monster girls?

But user, I live for posts like this

Because it's charming

You can believe what you want, its clear you're already lost in your delusion.

Heres another (You) for you, and another anime picture. Im glad we're both in agreement that you're very stupid.

I know right?

Generals always succumb to some waifu faggotry

The general became MLP lite a long time ago

I've seen the same shit over and over again that it's basically formulaic, don't be thinking you're actually triggering anyone, I've seen this like a thousand times.
Look man, I don't even like undertale that much, rakuen is a much better clone of that game in terms of story anyways. The fact that it was popular on Sup Forums, like rick and morty was, before it had mainstream appeal, is still a fact and a part of history. I hope this soothes your autism man

>this thread about a game for autists got filled up with autists
Really makes you think

What, the neutral endings are the best part though?
It's the only part actually affected by your decisions

>Write a paragraph and reddit space it
>dont be thinking you're actually triggering anyone
I know you're trying to save face, but the only real way you're going to be able to do that is by deleting your posts, because anybody who has been here longer than two years knows how much of an idiot you are.

Im saying delete your posts because you clearly dont know what the archives are, and that the minute you posted your really fucking dumb post it was already saved so people can go through all the post launch Undertale threads and see how stupid you people are for believing "Sup Forums loved undertale its clearly not a game made by homostuck fans its our game more than theirs".


>reddit space
Nigger do you even know what reddit space is?
You see that double enter in between the two paragraphs in your post? That's reddit spacing, newfag.
Look, I'm gonna leave you in your own autistic wailings from now on, okay?

I knew a samefag once

He got his face smashed in

You dont even know how stupid you're making yourself look, do you?

Because Toby Fox worked on Homestuck.

>worked on
That would imply he got paid outside of Bandcamp sales, which isnt true. He was a fan first.

Gonna admit I never played N:A but don't you play as different characters in re-plays and the storyline changes whereupon in Memetale it's the exact same thing but you have to do it all perfectly and not screw things up and kill one enemy?

And do you know that will prove my point further? You can see the opinion of the game have a complete 180 from the demo to the full release, and every other post will involve tumblr or reddit somehow, no actual legit criticism.
>inb4 sees one negative comment and takes it and run with it.
Remember i said majority

The Homestuck fanbase is known for becoming obsessed with anyone who even tangentially was involved with the project.

I didnt like the gimmick battle system. Its like they couldnt make a good zelda game and threw in bullet hell.

It's a piece of shit game, made for homosexuals.

>Why does this piece of shit have such a big fanbase?

because furshit and Undertale is babbys first jrpg "deconstruction"

also keep in mind the only jrpgs undertale fans have played were first and second party nintendo games, and every jrpg "trope" undertale "deconstructs" is only known to them from pop cultural osmosis.