You don't actually play video games in public right?
You don't actually play video games in public right?
No one knows that I play video games in real life, I keep my hobbies to myself.
Elliot, Seriously.
Of course not. Not in public, not in private, not ever. Fuck vidya.
It doesn't matter what you do, if you are fat, anything you will do will look like shit.
Only on my phone. I quickly switch to social media if someone gets near.
>tfw wanting to play the Switch on the public commute
>tfw wanting to play the Switch on the public commute but can't due to living in the shittiest part of the neighborhood and don't want it to get stolen by PewDiePie's favorite word
If you are an 8.5/10 or up you can unironically get away with it.
Those fat beaners would look just as pathetic without Nintendo's cock in their hands.
Fact: Every single person saying they wouldn't be caught playing vidya in public is a pathetic neet who doesn't leave the house anyway.
Haha look at that stupid nerd chick in the background reading a fucking book all alone. At least the two fatties have each other.
Buy a gun and quite living life in fear.
The fatties are brothers, it's SomeCallMejohnny, a great reviewer.
At least they're cute enough for the gay chubby chasers, I guess
Nope, never found a reason why I should.
How do we solve Sup Forums's problem of repeat threads?
At airports fuck yeah I do. I'm not going to quietly sit still for 4 hours waiting for my next flight
James Bond does
What’s wrong with playing video games in public user?
>Sup Forums hates people playing games in public
>Sup Forums is full of "LOL I POST FROM WORK XD" phoneposters
>great reviewer
He's good background noise and can be entertaining but he never brings any meaningful insight or critiques of any games.
>spends half a video retelling the entire plot
>proceeds to bring up things anyone who actually played the game would immediately figure out
>talking shit about Johnny
She looks like a goblin.
This looks like its at a college student lounge, so hes in a large room full of gamers. I would there
Wonder what he is playing
that is clearly an airport
this guy gets it
Patapon with the volume cranked up to the max.
I'm not a hyper-autist about it, but I generally just do whatever I'm out and about for, I never really have enough downtime in public to think about playing vidya.
i honestly can't tell which one of these lard ass losers looks more embarrassing, and then there's the tranny looking bitch in the back
I do this and browse 4chins in public
Fight me
I know I'm looking too far into it, but what game is this?
Their clearly at an airport, in what way is that a college student lounge?
I do. But I play on my phone, so I don't look like a manchild like the guys in OP picture playing with their kiddy toy.
Your daily reminder that there is nothing wrong with playing video games in public.
Being fat and unattractive in public is another story.
this desu
video games suck, I come on Sup Forums to talk about ecelebs and identity politics
I'll occasionally play some hearthstone my phone during my lunch break at work. But that's it
That's such a great mental image.
Usually no, but I have two 8 hour flights coming up, and you bet your ass I'm bringing my Switch with Odyssey.
I agree, if you're fat and/or ugly, you should never go outside and probably just kill yourself. Alpha chad 11/10s like myself should never have to suffer the trauma of viewing another human being who is aesthetically unpleasing.
>Letting memes dictate your life
Have fun at Gay and Lesbian Kingdom of the Coral Sea Islands user
What are they playing?
Mario Kart and Lego City Undercover
>basic social taboos are a Sup Forums meme now
I bet he owns a switch
If that bottom screen is dark it could be a couple things.
It kinda looks like one of the ace attorney games or maybe one of the pokemon mystery dungeon games.
>Memes are social taboos now
probably another wonderful Sony(TM) product
Yeah, those types of phoneposters are fucking awful.
Especially the ones doing that type of stuff on /trash/
they might look a bit pathetic, but at least they're having fun
more than i can say for myself haha
>mfw watching anime on my phone when on the bus
>mfw not ashamed of my hobbies like some normie cuck
Bing Bing Wah-hoo!
Nothing, it's a Vita advert
No, I browse Sup Forums in public.
This, Johnny is legit a pretty chill YouTuber, and I pretty much only watch his main channel, SGB, and FTCR
I'm not some normie who takes 5 minutes to play a little Candy Crush, that shit ain't even enough to fiddle with the options. No son, I play for hours on minimum, no breaks, like a real hardcore motherfucker.
what is she playing?
>playing Yoshi's Island on my phat DS
>see cute girls looking at me and giggling
>one approaches me and asks what am I playing?
>Yoshi's Island
>she smiles at me and asks me if she can borrow my DS for a while
>the next day she gave me back the DS
>she started a new file
>bad grades on most levels
>but she finished the game
Doesn't matter
Whatever it is, she's not winning
damn you were a beta in highschool user
>girl approaches
>give me your DS
you're lucky she gave it back
Too late, user
It was always too late
We were warned
We didn't listen
>finished the game
wife her, thats better than most grills
Not him but he's better off than I was. I was on the extreme end and I rarely ever let my cousins touch my systems because I knew they were gonna fuck it up somehow.
kinda looks like yoshis island
That's how a top autistic person looks like, it's actually not that bad for them if they are in the right place
In my college everyone is a nerd at different power levels, but there is this guy who looks like that op pic he always bring either his 3ds or switch with him, his room is full of amiibos and nintendo shit but regardless of that because everyone here is a nerd instead of being bullied he has just become the "special guy" he is basically like a pet everyone likes like totoro
we are just kinda worried about what the hell will happen to him after college, he is like 25 the rest of us are 18 to 20 years old, this is animation school and the guy still draws like in one of those meme how to draw manga books also he is into traps and even told one of our teachers about it that guy gets away with to much shit just because he is a big lovable autism blob
Ah, youre right. My student lounge at uni has furnishings like this
Only in appropriate places, like the gaming bar I frequent.
>gaming bar
I've always found it funny that even though Johnny is the one who reviews video games, Elliott looks more like a typical Sup Forumsirgin
>talking shit about somecallmejohnny
So can somebody explain to me portability would genuinely appeal to someone older than like 16 years old? For kids, I get it. It gives you a way to play your games on the school bus, on the way to soccer practice, etc. But for an adult what is the appeal? And before you say public use, know that looking like a manchild in public is not a argument for portability, it's literally the opposite.
Even if there is some everyday situation where having a portable console could be useful, understand that
1. consoles are portable, they just can't be played on the go
2. gaming laptops are portable and can be played on the go
3. the price of portability is having to play games at 720p, 21fps with low quality-equivalent visuals even when not playing on the go
Why would a 22 year old functioning adult like myself need a portable console when I have a PS4 and a high-end computer?
>gaming bar
I seriously hope you don't do this
Sure, it's not like anyone cares what i do in public.
Hey Johnny and Elliot are cool. Leave them alone.
>I'm a graphics fag and an insecure little bitch
I usually read a book when driving to work, but if I'm at some good part in a game, I might take my Switch and play it - Thimbleweed Park is perfect to relax with on the bus.
Being able to play vidya in bed, on the shitter, car trips, or flights.
Are you Johnny or Elliot?
Is it okay to play with your penis in public?
Plot twist; It's Nathan.
In case the power goes out and you want to play some games or if you want the games on the system itself?
>obese neogaf users using hole logic to pretend their system is "for the beautiful people"
You just don't make that shit up.
>jealous of someone who plays video games with friends
Its where my local FGC plays. I know you never leave your room but fighting games are better offline
>tfw you know the guy in the picture
That must be the most boring bar in all existence of the universe.
I have a shirt similar to that
He's not James bond though, bond died with dalton
Pierce brosnan at a stretch
Yes so long as nobody sees you
My only issue with them is Johnny is becoming more of a sellout lately while Elliott rides on the curtail of John's success
b-but he's having f-fun!
>I'm a graphics fag and an insecure little bitch
No I just prefer to play games at a non-slide show framerate and I'm not a manchild who plays Nintendo games in public like in Op's picture.
>Being able to play vidya in bed, on the shitter, car trips, or flights.
But I can already play games in my bed and I can use a laptop on flights, as well.
>car trips
This is where the "older than 16" part of my argument comes in.
Like I said, a graphics whore and an insecure little bitch.
>Heh, playing with friends? Sounds boring...
You know, NeoGAF is back up; maybe you'd like it there if you think having friends is boring
>durrr, reviewer bad cause he reviews the game instead of freaking out and scweaming, hurrrr uuurrrrrrrr
Tbh it was only a matter of time till Johnny sold out and with Eliot,he has not much to offer so he has no choice but to ride Johnny's coattails