Science prove that gamers are retarded

>Internet gaming disorder represents a growing health issue. Core symptoms include unsuccessful attempts to control the addictive patterns of behavior and continued use despite negative consequences indicating a loss of regulatory control.

> To determine effects of Internet gaming on brain structure, gaming-naive subjects were randomly assigned to 6 weeks of daily Internet gaming (training group) or a non-gaming condition (training control group).

>At study inclusion, excessive Internet gamers demonstrated lower right orbitofrontal gray matter volume compared with Internet gaming-naive subjects.

>Within the Internet gamers, a lower gray matter volume in this region was associated with higher online video gaming addiction severity.

What did they mean by this?

>multiplayerfags are mentally ill
Who would have thought?

why goku is a scientist?


What game were played?
Sounds like it is saying online gaming kills your attention span but specifically online games with fast paced action and quick rewards which fuck yo brain

To follow his father's footstep :,)

wtf i hate videogames now

There is still a lot in denial

It literally say that playing too much make you retarded.

Hated video games way before this study thanks to Sup Forums

Some old dub of DBZ had Vegeta telling Goku in their first fight that Bardock was a "brilliant scientist" before using the artificial blutz wave moon thing.

Same can be said from "dude weed lmao xd" addicts and other people addicted to anything. Of course only those brainlets fall for addictions, most of them fall for it because they are gullible and want to be part of it. Gamers are easy to get into, and they have been casualizing them so much. "Gamers" are not an exception. Plus, grey matter volume grows smaller the less activity it performs, this is why I dislike quest markers, hand holding, literal movies, in moden vidoegames. Same reason many people can't get the fucking cuphead tutorial for fucks sake.

What are they defining as internet gaming? MMOs or multiplayer or competitive?

>dad was a gambling addict
>I'm a game addict
Didn't even read the article.

Sounds to me that they selected people who have a lack of self control

So someone who browses Sup Forums?

What is "internet gaming"? Online Multiplayer games?

Those aren't signs of game addiction, they are signs and symptoms of any addiction. Addictions are bad. No shit.

>the present findings suggest an important role of the orbitofrontal cortex in the development of Internet addiction with a direct association between excessive engagement in online gaming and structural deficits in this brain region.
this is the takeaway, that we may be able to narrow down internet addiciton to the orbitofrontal cortex, the part of the brain we already know is involved in addiction
The other takeaway is that sensationalist headlines generate clicks

You just need to compensate.

Can drugs cause addictions ? science say yes.

Smoking weed is often a social activity and stimulates brain cells though. Playing video games in moms basement is anti-social and dulls the senses.

Not trying to undermine it because "muh videogames" but who takes studies seriously apart from being clickbait fodder?

I mean, it's more useful and interesting to know the reason why the results were such, what exactly provokes the result. At this superficial level you could say the same effect could be attributed to numerous activities that consist of staring at screens and receiving useless feedback.

>video games are drugs

What kind of vague shit is this?
>Internet gaming
This can mean so many fucking things

Also I've been playing games since I was a child and all it did to me was get me better reaction time and improved my critical thinking. the only ways in which games may be bad is addiction but that is the case with basically everything.

cool. Where can I apply for a disability check then?

How do I peel a watermelon like that?

>ywn get your shwanz drained daily by a cute college girl for scientific reasons

>>Internet gaming disorder
is there a Sup Forums disorder?
aside from autism I mean

any kind of "brain science" is almost 99% pseudoscience bullshit, especially when they set out with a clear agenda like this

You can literally find whatever you want with "brain scans" because nobody actually understands how the brain works.

There was a study done recently comparing games that give the player things like constant waypoints and markers vs ones that require more attention.

Predictably the people playing waypoint games lost grey matter and activity and the ones playing games that required intellectual engagement had improved activity.

It's not the medium that matters, it's the engagement.

You get 2 watermelons. That's the whole trick. One you scoop out and one you peel.

Well whatever I turned off the quest markers ages ago.

I guess we know Sup Forums's autism is unrelated, because nobody here actually plays video games.

why not just peel both and save buying another watermelon?

Bullshit layman's rant incoming:

I think this is related to the effect a constant information flow has on the brain and brain chemistry. Can be anything: gaming, gambling, microtransactions, lootboxes social media, and it's very prevalent because nowadays you're bombarded with shit 24/7 through electronics.

NoFap is a related phenomenon, multiplied by sexual hormones coming into play.

tl;dr if you give into the constant data flow you get hooked, you need to keep going and you become dumber as a side effect by no longer making your brain do anything engaging.


mhm, yes user. I get what you said. Ofcourse.

>So much gymnastic mental to deny his mental deficiency

>can be addicted to video games and the internet
>can't be addicted to television


Jokes on you, I was retarded before I played video games.

Pretty much this.
Then again, I think an over indulgence in any single hobby leads to decadence.
TV zombies are just as much as a problem as other products from time wasting activities.

playing video games past 25 is a good sign of a mental deficiency and or autism. It is fact and is backed up by many scientific studies over the years.

Just like in my Vietnamese telenovelas.

t. China

It means that women and nu-males should stop forcing inclusion into the gaming industry unless they want everyone to be retarded like those who've already been in this medium is.

no it doesn't, lrn2neuroscience

not even saying the study doesn't have a point, just saying don't misrepresent it

That monitor takes me back

>b-bidia jam!

>What did they mean by this?
that a particular type of brain is more likely to get addicted to wow

That's Goku's dad you dumb nigger

Wojak memes are real now

Most modern games aren't designed to give you sufficient info to navigate without markers

Good thing I'm not a retard that plays multiplayer games then.


bid gays

Because Ryu became a scientist in Infinite.

Wow, Bardock really is a brilliant scientist.

Also a daily reminder that offline multiplayer > online multiplayer