FFXIV Stormblood

this MMO is awesome. why does Sup Forums hate it

2.5s GCD ruins it

>what are combos?

>plenty of off GCDs to weave in on most jobs
>jobs that don't have lots of off GCDs are focused on lowering it
Tanks and healers are the only ones with this issue and it's because they're supposed to think about what they want to use next or have time for.

Japanese developers > Western developers

I would of given my left testicle for a rapier class to be in a MMO game, and lo to my surprise I was rewarded but little did I know it would be a fucking CASTER CLASS. Congrats Yoshi, you are officially a fucking potato.

>play selfish dps in 24mans to carry shitters
>every time the main tank fucks up I go with him
Fuck you yoshi, just give me lucid dreaming already

fuck off wowfugee

>Decide to try out Summoner after the changes it got in patch 4.1
>Most fun I've had with a job in forever

Goddamn I wish I had geared it before now, or at least I wish I had money for a decent weapon

So, do we have any horrifying reports from Ultimate Coil yet?

There are people here that actually play WoW in 2017. That's why.

as predictable as the rising sun only 60 people are playing it and only 16 are making any progress
also it's rehashed to shit and back

Phase 1 and 2 already cleared. People are working on bahamut himself right now

It's okay. It's like a retirement home. Satisfactory and predictable. Awesome is a stretch.

Too predictable I don't really want to play
>crafter/gatherers shafted and forgotten every other patch
>from making millions of gil a day to making pennies a day
I still refuse to ERP for gil, I refuse to ERP at all

ERP for gil is fun. You can get a lot from Balmung.

ERP is fun though

>Do weaving
>Most classes have huge chunks of time waiting for their cooldowns and are stuck with the boring 2-2.5GCD shit


What's the best way to get started?

Play the free trial

H-how much do people usually pay for ERP, im desperate for money

I know that pain all too well on SAM and MNK was especially worst lately on Shin ex.
BLM have diversion and LD, why the fuck do we have to suck a NIN cock or have the second tank not being a goddamn retard to kill off our aggro for fuck's sake

Lol cant wait for it to be cleared this afternoon or tonight

Adding to this guy, try the pugilist class.
The free trial is only to lvl30, and pugilist is the closest to an actual ok playstyle at that level.

>A lot

... what? Most whores want 100k an hour. That's fucking chicken feed.

I mean if you get off on being an ERP whore then that's great, but if you're just in it for the gil you can craft/gather, make 20 times that in the same amount of time, and not have to worry about getting some fat permavirgin's dick hard.

Welcome to the family, there are literally dozens of us!

I disagree. I couldn't even hit max level due to other reasons but the GCD definitely was a non-issue.

What a shit game

Didn't Yoshi say it would take worldfirsters atleast one day to clear the entire thing? What a joke they can't make a challenging fight like 03,04 and 08s anymore because it may scare away the casuals. I am really close to unsubbing think I will as soon as my group clears and then never play a mmo again as none of them give a fun challenging fight anymore

This shit's fucking rough. I want at least 3 weapons, but I can't see my static even being willing to do it all over again if we ever actually complete it.

a3s only took a long time to clear because there's a gear gate

I'm sorry, I don't know user. I've always just done it for fun, even if I have a fetish for prostituting myself.

This, don't know how you retards tolerate it

Depends, if you give a shit about the story (it's good for an mmo) and learning your class, just download it and start from the beginning. It will take a LONG time to reach the end game but it'll be worth it.

If just getting into the endgame ASAP is your thing just buy a skip potion, but don't be surprised when people give you shit in lv60+ dungeons for playing like ass.

Rough my ass.
If it can be cleared in one day that mean it wasn't difficult at all
Shit game with no endgame

Question, I went autistic over this and im hoping my math is right: If I go into dreadwyrm stance, and do 6 Ruin 3 and one Ruin IV before ruination runs out, thats better than if I do 5 Ruin 3 and 1 ruin 4 in DW and fitting one ruin 2 before ruination runs out right?

>second hand accomplishment
lmao the city of ffxiv ""raiders""

Any OF complaints about Bahamut yet?

Fuck I meant a3 a4 and a8s yes. Also you are right about the gear gate but even if you got the gear the fight itself is still way more difficult than anything from this current raid tier and unending from the looks of it

Worst MMO ever

>its grind shit for 1 week
>then go afk again for 6 month

>0/cheap content
>also bosses are fairly easy if you got a good group

I don't hate it but what bothers me is that the overworld is so fucking bland and pointless after you've finished the MSQ.
For one, they're completely danger free. Yoshi said he doesn't want to add even so much as a dangerous monster because an overworld where you have to actually watch where you're going might scare casual babies.

Then there's the matter of simple aesthetics. After you leave ARR zones, they get so goddamn empty. I blame flying mounts for this, because in ARR they HAD to make to appealing because there was so much mandatory ground travel, but in HW and SB they're just huge, empty boxed canyons with literal copy pasted land everywhere.
It bothers me quite a bit that a game with no world PvP put so little effort into making the overworld fucking, you know, FUN

No one's cleared yet phase 3 feels impossible VIT potions are necessary for some mechanics not to be one shot, my group is currently discussing putting VIT materia in on everyone but tanks. Bahamut is a fucking monster. The other two phases felt like some Alex savage tiers specifcally A4S and A8S. There are groups way better than ours out there but still it might be a few days for a clear to surface.

The fight wasn't designed for the kind of people that browse and post in the official forums.

Tried getting in to it a few times but I couldn't get past the leveling part. The game was hysterically boring and no promise of "I-it gets better..!" could make me continue.

Combat this bland should be illegal. So bad that I for the first time in my life decided to aim to be a healer (Astrologian) because there's no way the healing can be worse than the combat. I never got there though sadly. One day I'm gonna get the MMO itch and resub though.

>in HW and SB they're just huge, empty boxed canyons with literal copy pasted land everywhere.
Blame the "waah why is everything so small" "waah i want an open world game" fags
Enjoy your twice as big maps with absolutely nothing in them

Threatening monsters and world PvP only work for games with a non skill tray battle system.

>why does Sup Forums hate it
Have you fucking seen Sup Forums?
>loves Neptunia games
>has Lightning 'worship' threads
>constantly refers to shit games as 'her game' because it has some waifu slut in it
>every other Sup Forums thread is console shitposting
>whatever isn't any of those is Sup Forumsbait
Sup Forums hating it is one of the most positive things you could say about a game.

The thing is, they can make a fight that's challenging for 99% of players, but there's always that 1% of no life tryhards that has the perfect raid team chomping at the bit with every conceivable advantage ready to hammer it for 24 hours straight with no breaks just for that world first.

I mean I play on Odin, which is one of the better EU servers, and our percentage of players with clears is still in the single digits last I saw.

You just can't produce content solely with those people in mind.

That's more autism than I've ever bothered with. I usually just opt to burn Ruin IV ASAP after it procs. Uhhhh..

>1.1[6(130+20) + (200+20)] = 1232

>1.1[5(130+20) + (200+20)] + 100 = 1167


I mean V4S clears, fuck.

Even so wow raiding for example atleast takes a month for anyone to clear not a day

>I am really close to unsubbing think I will as soon as my group clears and then never play a mmo again as none of them give a fun challenging fight anymore
Good riddance.

wow raid bosses are extremely more mechanically challenging AND have harsher punishments (no healer lb3s in mythic)

and you have 20 players instead of 8

Wait I missed 20 potency from from (2), but doesn't matter option 1 is still better.

So how's Coil Ultimate?

>20 players
ah, this is the reason
given how impossible it already is to coordinate 8 retards in ffxiv, increasing the number will make everything exponentially harder

A3s took a week.

Top % players generally are much higher skill now. It's no surprise that it'll get cleared relatively compared compared to A8s/4s, especially since there's no gearing process to begin with and people are basically starting out at the ilvl the content was intended for. If you want to examine Gordias/Midas mechanics in comparison with Omega/Creator, really the only difference is that the former typically one-shots for basic mistakes or heavily penalizes the group. That and it's generally much more of a rapid fire mechanic barf one after the other while Omega/Creator is like 5 seconds of "I'm doing a thing" with very little sustained damage.

It's because you have 20 players. There's nothing mechanically difficult in WoW. Name them if you really think so. Harsher punishments? You basically wipe if you die once in Unending due to the DPS check, unlimited resses don't mean anything and healer lb3 is always just a way to see more mechanics, not to clear a fight.

mythic kiljaeden is exponetially more mechanically challening than anything ffxiv has ever seen

obelisks + puddles into the rifts requires SO much raid cooridnation compared to ANYTHING to ffxiv

Please even Thordan required more precision than that. For fucks sake even a wow dev admitted how well done that fight is

lel if your static hasn't beaten Ultimate Coil yet you should just unsub from the game because you're never going to be good at it. Sad!

Bomberman explosions are hard?

>It's another episode of "If poopsocker cleared something day one that mean I did it and that the game is shit and dead"

Sup Forums is too casual for ffxiv
what a sad fate

>tfw ultimate coil just reminds you how much better having original raid storylines is than stormblood's pure fanservice crap
Alexander story was a misfire because of muh goblin funny meme crap but Coil and Shadow of Mhach were way cooler than "robot makes you fight bosses ripped straight from another game in dbz tournament arc" and "we inserted the entire story of tactics into hydaelin with no thought"

I know, right? It's a bunch of weeaboo erp fags that don't know how to play game properly

i noticed you neglected to mention "entire ending of FFIII"

Aqua a shit.

rabanastre at least makes an attempt to explain the existence of the city of rabanastre in the world and has original bosses (rofocale and argath) and while they inserted the entire story of tactics as backstory it still has potential going ahead

there isn't a single shred of originality in omega and i don't expect to see any bosses from it that aren't both rehashed from a different game and given no satisfying explanation for their existence



tab target shit, Korea does it better

Crystal Tower is best girl

Agreed, the fact they're bringing the coil bosses back screams to me "we still can't think of anything better".

I mean don't get me wrong, Alexander and Omega have their moments, but they started on a high point with Coil I don't think they know how to replicate.

Poopsocker day 1 = 1 week for above average groups = 2-4 weeks for average groups.

Gordias week 5 clear = 2 months for above average groups = next even # patch with echo for average groups

Midas week 3 clear = 1.5 months for above average groups = 3+ months for average groups

It tickles me to see people talk about their post week 1 clears of Omega or just how "easy" raids are now even though they took forever relative to above average groups. Not only are the classes easier, the crafting easier, the raids easier, if it still takes you more than a week to clear omega with a group, then you pretty much would be progging for months in previous tiers.

Fuck you she's an adorable retard.

can you get stuff out of Coil useful at 70 or is it past content done only for glamors or completionism?

just glamour

>Xeno baha ultimate stream
Jesus does no one even tell him how shit he looks?

Because it's boring and 90% of the community are just ERPers.

here is your expert roulette blm say something nice about him



As someone who raids extensively on both games, WoW raiding is much more refined and challenging than 14. 14 wins hands down in the presentation (visuals, music) department though.

Problem with 14 is that the community has huge trouble adjusting to any mechanics with random factors (black hole spawns and grand cross omega in O4S for example) that the majority of times everything is played super safe. You don't have those on the fly decisions that WoW raid bosses have come to have (hydra shot from mistress as a recent example)

In fact, whenever 14 does something interesting in its mechanics like grand cross omega, you don't even have to dps or tank. You literally just run around dodging shit because having to dps the boss while doing all of that is simply too much for the average 14 raider. For example, if O4S was a WoW boss he would be attackable during GCO and you would need to continue to dps during that part if you ever wanted to meet the dps check before nevermore's soft enraged wiped you.

Also to the people throwing around M KJ as a good example of boss design, open your eyes. The pacing of the fight is all over the place and it is hard for the wrong reasons. ToS is one of the shittiest raids we've had in years - Avatar and Mistress are the only good fights in the entire instance. If you want to use a good examples of the peak of wow encounter around, throw big names like Lei Shen, Blackfuse, Imperator, Blackhand, and Mannoroth around.

t. unbiased mmofag that loves both games

A8S is 14's best boss followed by Thordan Ex

>doing expert
For what purpose?

muh creation

I prefer chill hunts with my server buddies.

>A8S is 14's best boss followed by Thordan Ex
how to tell someone started at Heavensward

he uses fire iv at least

>super ultimate extreme bahamut already cleared

i feel like a lot of the good ARR bosses were brought down by how braindead retarded ARR rotations were. I mean, even Red Mage is harder than ARR BLM, BRD, or fucking PLD.

Hydra shot is just a line stack though. There's plenty of mechanics that target dps randomly. GCO is a symptom of the current raid design which is made to be easier, I imagine most classes like DRG MNK would welcome him being targettable, it's not so much a player incapability but a dev decision. A8s's 2nd phase is a great example of clusterfuck while still maintaining optimal dps.

Players were shit back then. The concept of good add pick ups was so foreign to tanks that T4/T7 were hell for shit groups. A good player learned to tank most of coil in like 2 pulls but most people back then weren't good.

T9S and Titan EX are still the best fights in the game

Literal cookie cutter
Shit combat system for ADD-riddled kids
Music with no personality
Classes all feel the same
85% of time in an MMO is spent during combat. When the combat is utter shit, the game is going to be bad.

what do you mean by good add pick ups?

t. levelling pld

>no source

They're going to kill him off for no reason, aren't they?

I hope not. He's a cool guy.

I quit right after stormblood.

A lot of people praise this game’s story, but I think by being told through the constraints of an mmo really hurts it. There can never be any real impact from what you accomplish. You can beat back the Garleans but costa del sol is always gonna have that base ten feet away. You can overthrow the rulers of Ishgard and end a 1000 year war but the npcs are still gonna act like same as when you first arrived (mostly). Not to mention the very concept of primals being summoned over and over and never doing anything.

>10 years between mechanics
>slow gcd
>combat system for ADD-riddled
t. alzheimer's victim

>music with no personality
sorry it doesn't have enough ambient trash