/Neogaf/ General #2

>Neogaf is one of the largest gaming forums on the internet
>owner gets accused of sexual harassment
>forum users start asking what happened
>all users asking get banned and threads deleted
>mass panic on the forums
>10 forum mods step down and one gets banned
>news spreads and forums begin to get too much traffic, making pages load at a snail's pace
>site goes down for over 24 hours
>everyone thinks its dead, and Neogaf members keep trying to make their own offshoot sites (Geonaf, ResetEra, etc) whilst huddling in Discord servers planning them
>site goes back up
>"I didn't do it" thread stickied
>off-topic section removed and politics posts banned from the website
>mass panic ensues

>inb4 thread deleted

Other urls found in this thread:



Why doesn't this rule apply here?



Are they really gonna go all out with stupid requirements on a new forum? This is just gonna make it slow as fuck for people to join. Why are they so stupid.


Ok. We got it.

Evillore's statement

-Harassed multiple devs for not siding with their regressive bullshit
-Also organized raids on twitter to scare devs into SJW shit
-Had Naughty Dog by the balls
-Had multiple game sites on the Internet by the balls, such as USGamer and Kotaku and Polygon
-Many kickstarter devs posted there to take feedback, Indivisible comes to mind
-Played a hand in western journalists going against "problematic" Japanese games
-Would hawk game streams and then push for witch hunts whenever a streamer slipped and used a forbidden word
-In the final days, became so much of a hateful witch hunt site that several devs and journalists openly celebrated their demise
-Promoted Anita like their God, would ban anyone calling out her flawed rhetoric

NeoGaf has played a cancerous and detrimental part of western videogame culture for half a decade now. What was seemingly a "civilized" game forum was behind the scenes more broken than GameFaqs, more sick than Sup Forums and more hateful than Sup Forums. They pushed for their politics whenever possible and would harass countless people in the industry for going against them. Good fucking riddance NeoGaf you disgusting mentally stunted poor fucks.

Hiroshim00t said 1 thread at a time
NeoGaf is a vidya site

Why do you still pretend there is any discussion going on in these threads?

>mods and janitor being this badly
NEOGAF is video games
Because we’re discussing their opinions and interactions in the industry of video games

Oh, I missed this image. Not used enough.

>neofags are this mad

laugh at him right now


>all the newfags willingly entering threads they hate
Filter them you stupid lazy shitd

Just report and ignore.


So basically nothing happened and things will be like before?


because you dont know how the rules work

he is sex criminal

It wouldn't be this bad if mods weren't actively having a mental breakdown over this.

NeoGAF is essentially dead

>no more politics allowed
>all the SJWs are making their own circle jerk forum
>75% of the people are getting banned


>tfw the assblasted janny delets your post where you call him an assblasted janny

you're infringing on my 1st amendment rights captian hot pocket

but in all seriousness, I hope that the downfall of neofag will finally lead to the end of PC bullshit being crammed down the throats of game devs

Evilore posting revenge porn.

don't call it a general you dumbshit. generals are against the rurus.

Theres a sticky you fucking moron

LOL! the samefag can't be any more obvious, keep begging Hiro maybe one day he'll give afuck about what you think.

the absolute state of Sup Forums

NeoGAF pushes good people away from progressivism by acting like a confused authoritarian mob. Being on a site that bans anything they construe as rude does not make you a good person. People literally veer into contrarian traditionalism because of groups like NeoGAF, who discourage having the discussion that leads to internalization in favor of making an external semantic facade of the whole thing. It's easy to care about people and be kind, what's hard is not losing your mind to any angry extremist group who keeps screaming about 'the last straw' and telling prophecies of extinction whenever an issue comes up. I mean really, what about being on NeoGAF makes a person good and pure? They spend all their time declaring people inhuman and freaking out that every little thing they come up with doesn't magically work all the time. They're fucked and don't do anything for people except make regular human sympathy seem like closed-minded psychosis.

Yeah everyone will forget this happened in a month


Because these threads are going to disappear pretty quickly anyway once the controversy dies down.

They are essentially dead in the industry's eyes now, and that's all that matters. Who cares if the corpse is still walking around? No one in the gaming industry will ever take them seriously anymore.

These threads are nothing but Sup Forums because the only people that care about neogaf here are Sup Forumsposters, becuase hating everything you disagree with goes hand in hand on both fronts.

Name 1 (ONE) reason why anyone on Sup Forums should waste braincells on this topic, Name 1 (ONE) reason why mods should allow Sup Forums to shitpost about neogaf or post "Muh liberals and sjws" and "le funny screenshots where neogaf uses say stupid things!". Gaffers should be allowed to post on Sup Forums if they want to tal about video games, that isn’t just a common Sup Forums anti-sjw circlejerk opinion.

Remind me what happened to rolling sticky thread from yesterday and why we need to create new ones instead

nope, lurk more

>instantly jumping to the "she a crazy bitch, i didin do nuffin!"
>fucked her anyway after the altercation
>fucked the girl she wanted to be lesby with
>track record of sexual harassment
>was into revenge porn


>muh mental breakdown for enforcing the rules
Keep it on topic, because that's why these threads were supposed to be here, right?

Okay,so,this is a personal and somewhat complex web of nonsense involving a highly unstable individual I was friends and briefly FWBs with,but I can only assume there will be a never-ending clusterfuck on gaf now until the end of time,which inevitably involves you guys and gals on the mod team in some way,so I'm an open book here. The woman in question ended up being completely psychotic and held a grudge against me after a bizarre love triangle situation developed a few years ago between me,her,and another girl(the other girl I ended up in a long-term relationship with shortly thereafter). This NOLA story she apparently just put up on social media is a delusion of a deeply disturbed person who had a total psychological breakdown as a result of me and the other girl getting together,because she(phew, yeah...) became obsessively infatuated with the other girl(she's bi) on sight when the three of us met up. I wanted to just stay friends with the girl making the accusation and made it super super clear ahead of time that me and the other girl were interested in each other romantically and that could play out as such when we met up. Supposedly this was not a problem for her from accusation,but in reality she uhhh wanted me to die painfully after seeing me and the other girl interact. Plus she became infatuated with the other girl simultaneously to this(she's bi),which created the aforementioned bizarre love triangle that ended up causing her to implode and have an apparently very intense and long-lasting grudge. The whole story about how that love triangle thing played out is,frankly, nuts and scary, and involves this girl bringing us to a compound of dangerous scientology spinoff cultists on that same trip, who roofied us, attempted to recruit/scam me and attempted to abduct/rape the girl I ended up dating, in what was a fucking scary situation that resulted in me and the other girl and the rest of my friend circle never speaking to this girl from the accusation again.

retarded newfag, Sup Forums always loved to hate on neogaf

neogaf is getting really slow


The site seems to mostly be using three Ad Networks
Google AdSense: google.com/adsense/
Quantcast Ad Choices: quantcast.com/adchoices/
PubNation: pubnation.com/

But writing them directly isn’t the best way to attack the site since they’re unlikely to react; at least until there’s a lot more fire. The most effective way to attack his income has always been to Screenshot Ads of specific companies on the site together with content they might dislike like his statement or mentioning the Website together with links to articles from “credible sources” mentioning why it’s bad, since no company wants to be seen supporting or be in any way connected with alleged sexual assaulters or convicted child abusers especially after Weinstein they might react and retract rather quickly. This could also lead to new headlines that companies are leaving the site and from there it would be a lot easier to get others to leave.

>Diversity consultant
This isn't satire, is it?


And they have the balls to call others bigots.

Exactly, you niggers keep whining about the mods in every single thread. And then act surprised when it gets deleted.
How dumb are you faggots?

>every thread literally just full of "muh sj double jews" and pretending anyone actually liked neogaf

yeah just like every other time Sup Forums totally wasnt flooding Sup Forums because they got triggered or titty tickled over something

>forum made specifically for circlejerking
>skeeter on the staff
This one will spawn even better posts than neofag ever did.

Can somebody explain to me why I should give half a fuck about this? I don't get it.

This is a good post

What at are you talking about you foo!

This isn't Sup Forums, fuck off.

I hope Giantbomb gets all the Neopedogaf refugees so I can watch them finally die next

>Sup Forums.jpg

Process is still going on, but it will probably leave some sort of zombie neogaf for long time. It will be much more cancerous and less dangerous to game devs as their userbase is imploding.

mods are global

Resident janni/mod got so triggered they 404'ed the last thread despite it being the only one.

Keep pushing this on QA as this has turned into a discussion not just about NeoGaf but one on how mods obsessively attempt to shape narratives on sites like that and especially here.

Porn, false flag, race bait threads can stay up for hundreds of post but anything that threatens their ability to control narratives has a sub minute lifetime.

Hey beam.

i never gave a fuck about neogaf, and i haven't started to

you guys have fun circlejerkin'

This is videogames. Take meta whine to /qa/ or risk a ban.

It's dying a slow death as Malka isn't stepping down and it's userbase is systematically committing suicide as we speak.

Imagine being so delusional that you actually think that Neogaf is going to go anywhere.

Once Sup Forums stops raiding them it'll back to business as usual.

wasnt he one of the "women dont lie about rape, we should believe them" types?
serves him right

Because shitposters are telling you to.

>Have nothing going for you in life besides hot pockets and access to Evilore's rape harem in exchange for fighting the patriarchy
>All of that is gone in an instant
You guys are dicks. Have a heart

>muh gamer gate

You're all fags.



Guys, please read this post. Keep the thread to strictly about neogaf. Thanks.

>only one thread allowed at a time
>major news event happening
>still relatively new event
Danganronpa threads and Undertale threads lasted a month before they got pushed to /vg/. Recurring means lasting a while. Not a day or two.
>shitstorm surrounding a video game forum
>not video game related

>Neogaf is one of the largest gaming forums on the internet

w-what? is it 2009 again?

If you haven't figured out yet Gaffugees are trying to get these post deleted, they're trying to shut down all dissent against Gaf and their kind.

lol the mods are all gone

You are spamming pol/reddit/soc/r9k/pedogaf shit. There is 0 video games in these threads.

an user posted that industry people are already starting to follow the craziest fucks over at resetera's twitter

Press S to spit on its grave



describe Neogaf in 5 words or less.

Too long, didn't read

>Neogaf as we know it dies and is reborn as a board for video games where politics are banned
>SJW faggots get completely wiped and form a new irrelevant safe space forum that will tear itself apart in mere months

best possible outcome

>hateful witch hunt

I would upgrade this to literal Stalinist hellscape judging by some screencaps.

>It's not true, the individual making the accusation isn't redible.
Umm no sweetie, you're a fucking white male so you don't get to decide what is true or not when woman is speaking

You jackasses know exactly why previous threads have been deleted. Don't pretend to be outraged.

So neogaf is now /shitpost/-central with people commiting account-sudoku, another portion shitting on the site, and a small remainder crying about their OT-boards being kill. Then there's the few attempts to create new forums, like resetera, which from what I've seen is actually not really about vidya at all and more like an entire board for OT-shit with a small sub-section for vidya, and admins whose sole qualifications being that they're somewhere in the LGTBQetc-salad.

Is this about right? They're fucked aren't they? If neogaf comes back, the OT-cryers will shit it up. If resetera comes up and doesn't immediately die, it won't be video games.

>is it 2009 again?
I fucking wish.
Most of these Sup Forums kids wouldn't be here.

>TFW if this drama had happened any later, they would have gotten that one Obsidian Employee who made a "Did you assume my gender" joke fired and lynched.

No one mentioned GG except for you faggots blaming GG for why Gaf got taken down

Why is he trying to reason? He of all people should know that doesn't work on them. You can't be reasonable with unreasonable people.

The people begging to be banned dont get banned unless they post something against the rules. And no one can get in contact with any mod. Its fucking hilarious

no he made themm all anonymous to "increase transparency"


he has fully embraced the shitlord side
>NeoGAF will become an infamous alt-right website in your lifetime
what even is this timeline?

Reminder he did nothing wrong

Well that other thread from /qa/ is a goner...

The entire industry came out to piss on them the moment they were down. Neogaf and its influence is over. Doesn't matter if they pack up to a new site either.