2002 Graphics

>2002 Graphics

How can other vidya even compete?

Other urls found in this thread:


This game did look amazing for its time, and nothing like the shitty wow-graphics of Overwatch/Fortnite, etc.

CT was the peak of the stealth genre.

>2010 graphics

DA for xbox original (it was a completely different game to DA for 360) was also very enjoyable compared to CT.

>1 year after 9/11

bullshit, it definitely did not look THIS good

>2001 Graphics

>the year of 9/11


recent events only heightened CT, no other game surpasses it for that 'early 2000's espionage brink of war' atmosphere

Man, I really appreciate good texture work.

whoooo carees

They had bump mapping back then. The assests themselves look low poly enough for the time.

>this thread
Maybe it's time to upgrade your toasters.

Pretty sure 9/11 happened 2011 hence the name.

Lightning has no ass


>2003 graphics

>2017 Graphics from the biggest AAA game of the year

>2 years after 9/11

>1998 graphics

get rekt Sonyfag

>3 years before 9/11


>2002 was 2002 years ago

Is not about graphics only is about style too, every screen of Splinter Cell looks interesting.

I played the first SC game, it was alright, but I'm hating Pandora Tomorrow., the level design feels excessively linear. I don't have an issue with linear games, but I think for stealth a more open take works better. PT feels limiting.

Made by the shittier team who are also responsible for the butchered PC/6th gen DA version.
Fucking chinks.

Not the best 2002 graphics but somehow Timesplitters got their level aesthetics just right

One poster in this thread is real funny

what is this shit?

Metal Gear Solid 2

Splinter Cell if I had to guess, I recognize that impressive lighting engine


>You are closer to your death than to your birth date

Can we stop time and play vydias forever?

Half Life looked awful even then

half life always looked like shit


What is bait?
baby don't hook me
don't hook me
no more

What is this, Minecraft?

that´s not event the best part.
somebody post the webm of the aquarium. they actual bothered with fluids just as a small easter egg

It's the new cool thing to do nowadays to hate Half-Life.


m8 atleast try

10 years later Crysis (vanilla) is finally starting to show its age while still doing things current games dont (like having actual vegetation physics)

It doesn't change visuals.

>that pixelation of the cargo transportation

Jesus Christ, Valve is such an overrated piece of shit company

>has better gameplay and better graphics than any Metal Gear Solid game


Wow, it's fucking nothing.

Have it. Max it out 1080p rock solid 60 FPS. it never looks as good as screenshots Sup Forums posts.

Silent Hill 2 was on all platforms that mattered, idiot.

>3 years before 9/11

>taking that post serious

user, it's not healthy to post fucking stupid shit to get angry replies. You need to learn to play nice with the other children.

>I was only le pretending

Having recently finished the PC version i can say that it DOES look that good.......wtf went wrong at Ubisoft?

>6 years after 9/11

>We want the Call of Duty audience

From Chaos Theory to Assassins Creed........WHY!

god this looks so atrocious, it's like on an entirely own intergalactic plane of post-irony. yet Nintendicksuckers will defend it to the death.

>9/11 was executed with planes instead of nukes

It was a sad day.

>2015 graphics

I always thought it was cliche for a guard to sleep in the job. But after having to stand watch I feel for them. And I always hqave a thought that Sam Fisher would kill me

>14 years after 9/11

What happened on 9th November?

I just remember it being a normal day.

>2005 graphics
How can other shooters not named Crysis even compete?

So fucking lame there is still no OG Xbox emulator for DA, Xbox version was so good

Maybe it will get BC on Xbone

Unreal (1998) is my babe

>mid 2000s games have better lighting than current releases

Why did everything go back to prebaked shit, anyway?


Because CoD:MW.

so we can have 128x128km open worlds with sun rays and volumetric fog and almost no gameplay

FEAR looked amazing at the time, and it still looks good. The problem at the time was that hardly any computer could run it maxed out with soft shadows on.

Her ass is grass.

That isn't a problem, clearly. We talk about it 12 years later with reverence, the same as Crysis. Pushing the envelope is great.

i dont think there's any other area in the game that actually looks worse than this one, literally plain plains

it looks nice for the hardware. Also your screenshot is from emulated PC with no grass

nintendo also makes up for the drawbacks with beautiful animations, environment reacting in various ways to link and other characters, weather that impact gameplay, good sound design etc

you're delusional if you pretend like zelda looks better than games like horizon zero dawn, but you're also retarded if you think you should expect better from a handheld

Wasn't the XBOX version the same as the ps2 version?

Because the lighting in 2000-2005 games isn't remotely realistic. It's just very high contrast which makes stuff look cool.

I remember everyone shitting themselves over the recommended and minimum RAM requirements for it when Monolith put that shit out with the demo. Fucking good times.

mgs3 did it better

Mods using modified Quake (1996) engine

MGS is arcade stealth. It's great, I love it, it's not very comparable to Splinter Cell, Thief etc.

A full month of airplanes crashing into buildings, truly the worst event.

screenshots don't do FEAR justice, graphically its showing its age a bit but the lighting engine in this thing is fucking fantastic.


BotW looks beautiful when it's played on PC :)

>1440p rendering resolution
>improved reflection
>improved colors & contrast

PS2 has way worse graphics & sound, it's just not the same

I don't think FEAR was as bad as Crysis, a 7800 GTX didn't have much trouble with FEAR, but even the 8800 GTX struggled with Crysis

I swear that scene looks different, maybe this screenshot is modded

yeah the color is way off, the shot above looks vanilla

FEAR wasn't anything like Crysis in terms of hardware demands, but it did force me to buy a new graphics card with support for shader model 3.0.

Homeworld 2 (2003)

It's sonybros refusing to use texture filtering because they think it lowers the quality of the textures.

the shadows are great but too many objects have this nasty luster endemic to idtech 4.

podiatry roma

I like the offices of FEAR, they are nice looking. Is FEAR 2 worth playing? I still have to play the expansion to FEAR1 too

>ameribabbies getting triggered

>2010 graphics

it's not the doom 3 engine though it was in-house Lithtech


for some reason the FEAR expansions ran like ass when I tried them on modern hardware

september 11th 2001.

Will Splinter Cell ever come back? I even like Blacklist.