Neogaf Thread
No videogames will be discussed here. All you'll see below are people posting what leftists cucks said for the sake of mocking and crying about them. Shitposting as far as the eye can see. These threads are what Sup Forums under Sup Forums control is. Remember that. Sup Forums: For when your video game board has too much video game discussion and not enough internet drama.
this is how i imagine every anime avatar tbqfwy
Great start.
Surely this thread won't get deleted.
you need the thread link too
Buttblasted mod.
>every single anime avatar poster ever
there's already a containment thread for you retards.
He's absolutely correct and I'm actually impressed a liberal is this capable of actual thought. Well, except he hates it for my soggy knees or something.
Good thing we can talk about videogame culture in this board.
it's just weird that people are so obsessed with another gaming forum
/vpol/ what are your favorite video games?
why the fuck are you so incredibly upset, user-san?
sony cucks everyone
Sup Forums and Sup Forums are the exact same users, and this is about video game culture, not politics.
Because he's forced to stay in these threads to clean up our poopoo.
>Look, guys, trannies
Fuck off
Sup Forums has been great this day. Its like a the retards are being contained on this thread.
Hope this general never dies
>call out Sup Forums
>the only people actually shitposting are libshits
>when you care about the struggles of women but not enough to leave your comfy site
Threadly reminder Retrogaf will probably get raided by ResetEra and they appear to be the decent spawn of Neogaf. I'm surprised ResetEra goons haven't caught wind of their Twitter
The funniest part of it, to me, is that it seems like the guy really dindu nuffin. Eeven if the accusation was true it was barely harassment at worst.
Why is Sup Forums so toxic? Why is the mods allowing this threads? What the heck is wrong in them?
Skyrim: Remastered for the Nintendo Switch, citizen.
>MFW Hiro approved this general that is designed precisely to not talk about video games
Sup Forums belongs to us. Accept it.
banning neogaf threads on Sup Forums would be like banning harvey threads on Sup Forums
if mods hadn't thrown a fit when their precious former home's collapse suddenly became a gaming news item, there wouldn't have needed to be admin intervention or the sticky, and this would hever have exploded into a board issue in the first place
lurk more you fucking faggot or at least read the sticky.
Sup Forums
taking bets on if resetera will eat itself before it attempts to eat retrogaf
>Why does everyone hate us so much? T-t-they must be sexist assholes haha.
>Why does everyone hate us so much? T-t-they must be from neogaf haha.
You're scum made for one another.
You have pretty low standards for what qualifies as actual thought.
THis fukin thread is literally an AD for neogaf
fuck you
Weird that people who should know better would carelessly use Sup Forums as their trashbin for this board full of buttboys and transfaggots
SJWs are buttfurious over the politics ban
>bigots not welcome
>site owned by a woman hating bigot
im confused
Thanks for the insult.
He sorted the catalog by date and waited for the moment a thread would pop up so he could ctrl v this.
Oh no, they're throwing away their accounts. A move they'll soon regret, I'm sure.
>complains about mods
>hasn't been here long enough how to crosspost between boards
NeoGAF is now right wing
Except he isn't. Unless they were sexually abused as kids or something, men don't avoid sexually aggressive women out of fear, but out of self-interest. Sexually aggressive = slutty. Everyone would fuck a slut if she's good looking enough, but no one would want to enter in a relationship with one. The reasons are obvious.
No problem evilromero.
fugged up the link
>mods put the thread on autosage
for what purpose
Holy shit EBF came back to drop some final leaks before quitting the site. Nice that something good fucking came from this besides schadenfreude.
>Since I probably won't be around much longer, might as well give whatever knowledge/hints I have left:
>-A sequel to a 3DS game is coming to Switch. Remember what was said about new character inclusion for Smash.
>-Netflix (but not Hulu) are coming Q1. Announcement will be tied with a Netflix-produced show.
>-Themes will arrive with a Dec. 25 update. Free if you own the game or amiibo.
>-Metroid Prime 4 will have a subtitle that people know, Q4 at the earliest. First footage in January Direct.
>-Little Mac was almost in ARMS. There's a reason he's not.
>-A new spinoff is coming exclusively to the eShop using assets from a game already released
>That's all I've got.
Based on previous posts this likely means
>New Punch-Out for Switch
>Metroid Prime 4: Dread is the title
The 3DS sequel and rehashed spinoff are interesting. I dunno what those could be except for maybe Kid Icarus for the first one since iirc he once commented on people asking for more characters from it in Sm4sh.
>What a bunch of disgusting lies.
It's a medical procedure, my m8's grandfather had it because he had asscancer. What part of it is lies to you?
theyre about as close to simulating the real deal as a fleshlight but I don't consider that a real woman either
there was some BLACKED after the Also:
Alright, let's talk for real.
So neogaf, an enabler of extremist dogmatic bullies has been severely maimed. The main site is up and barely alive while other splinter sites are being made ready to launch, but will struggle to gain any real traction and will really only serve to split the userbase. What do you guys think of the following?
>Does the main neogaf forum have a future? If so, what changes?
>Will the splinters ever get large enough to wield influence? Or even survive?
>How do these changes affect the vidya industry and community? Do they affect anything at all?
Personally I don't see much changing. This helps, but harassers still use twitter to organize.
>NeoGAF is now right wing
>op pic deleted
I'm not convinced this place won't still be full of sjw's trying to ruin gaming when all is said and done, especially if retrogaf is going non-political too
>NeoGAF is now right wing
What? I don't give a fuck about that. I'm talking about why she's designed the way she is. Not why people got that fetish.
Do me again, daddy.
What the hell is this and why should i give a fuck?
So nothing changed and that place is still an sjw shithole eh
The peaseants are revolting.
Hopefully some brave anons sign up for ResetEra to bring us some nice screencaps of all the insanity that will be going on over there
Poor BBoy20 "can't even" right now
These threads are getting steamy
Yeah they're definitely going to try to keep things as they are. They'll stay there out of some dumbass protest but the end line is that they're staying there
I miss the times when Sup Forums was an edgy site and was the number one internet hate machine.
These faggot mods wouldn't have lasted more than 2 days back in 2006.