Which one is better, Sup Forums?

Which one is better, Sup Forums?

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World is the best 2d mario in general

every mario platformer is god tier

there's tons of world rom hacks, i haven't seen any of 3

3 is better.

Better power ups
More enemy variety
More world variety
More difficult
Actually has more levels.


stfu faggot

Does SMW have the fucking boot or Giant World?
These alone makes SMB3 better.

They exist, try these out for starters:

i always forget mario adventure is an SMB3 hack
it's so fucking good it just sits in my mind filed under 'fangame'

SMB3 mix is pretty alright too

Genuinely curious
why doesn't anyone talk about Yoshi's Island in this kind of thread? I guess it's kind of it's own thing but it's called SMW2 still. I think it's the best
Between those two I gotta say Mario 3, but World is a great game.

3 imo. world is amazing tho

Why doesn't anyone talk about Mario tennis in sunshine threads?

Because Yoshis Island would be the runaway winner

3 has better level design and secrets, but World's pretty good. Out of curiosity, 3 didn't have saves like Zelda did it? Because I always thought the flute was fucking genius for overcoming that limitation.




No saves in SMB3


SMB3 is overrated as fuck

And World isn't?


>SMW is overrated as fuck

Sad that your game is shit compared to Gods gift that we call SMB 3?

>SMB3 is overrated as fuck

As compared to SMW and SM64?

World is just so fucking easy. You can downright skip several levels, if not entire fucking worlds just by flying over them.
But, even besides that, it's pretty easy. I like that it has more secrets and alternative routes than SMB3, but SMB3 is overall a lot tighter designed.

Yoshi's Island is better than both.

yoshi's island isn't all that similar to smw or smb3
it's also just a spin-off in its motherland renamed to smw2 in the west to push more copies

>every stage minus ghost houses, a couple autoscrollers and underwater levels can be cheesed with cape/blue yoshi and a couple shells
whereas in smb3 every powerup had its own time to shine, some stages specifically designed for them. in level design smb3 is better


you are 16

>tfw haven't beaten SMB3 yet
Ghost level is fucking gay

And the same doesn't apply to SMB3?

No, I'm 24. Do you seriously not have a proper argument?


Yoshi’s island

cape is like infinite p-wing for most stages. It's stupidly broken.

Also riding Yoshi gives you infinite hits as long as you keep getting back on.

World is when Mario started becoming super casual easy.

Not really, no. The leaf definitely allows you to skip a lot, but it's mostly in the earlier levels and you can't skip the entire thing, since it doesn't allow you to fly forever.

there are only somewhere around 7 pwings in the game, otherrwise flight is limited. many stages you are forced to play the stage instead of coasting over it. most stages post world 5 there's either too little room to run or the ceiling is low. add to that you only have around five seconds of flight without a pwing, you had to actually be good to beat the stage

>what are p-wings

Yoshi's Island is terrible. It's like a Kirby game without the variety and airtight controls that make a Kirby game worth playing. But it's pretty so people will defend it to the death

>I don't like the game because it's easy
I don't know who you are and will probably never meet you in real life, but I fucking hate your guys and hope you kill youself.

It's a tie, but I have fonder memories of 3 so I'm biased towards it.

P-wings are a one-time use resource and they're not very useful in a lot of the levels.

Quit video games you shit taste having cunt

World because it looks and plays better
>muh powerups

What an angry child.

the goomba thing is really just a localisation issue since in the Japanese versions they have different names.

>flying past and virtually skipping a level isn't useful
It's very useful in any level you don't have to swim in

p wings are much rarer than capes, and u know it

Don't we also call them something else now? I don't think anyone calls them goombas anymore.

World honestly isn't that great. The best thing about SMW is all the rom hacks that came of it. Many are which are better than the actual game.

The weight and aerial control in SMB3 is literally perfect. World feels like a slight step down.

You can get plenty of them to skip basically the entire final world

On number 1: SMB3 SMW YI

Also the debate will NEVER END.

The controls seemed pretty tight to me I had no trouble beating it as kid maybe you’re just autistic desu?

>World honestly isn't that great
There's being contrarian and then there's being this faggot.

You get like 5 in the whole game. You can get a fucking cap in nearly all of world 1s levels and there is nothing to stop you from going back to get them.

Can we all at least agree that the 2D Mario games > 3D Mario games?

No. Galaxy 2 is the best Mario game.

You can skip nearly the entire game with the cape in World.

Fuck off.

mario 64 is the best one

Settle down there big guy. No need to deny the truth.

:) Well I love both of them...and Yoshi Island 4 that matter!! ;)

>it’s not even the 64th Mario game

2D Mario = 64 > All other 3D Marios

There hasn't been a good 2d mario in nearly a decade.


>galaxy 2
it's literally just watered down galaxy 1 with more focus on strongly linear courses
i never understood why everyone put it on the pedestal beyond its prequel

The thing with P-wings is that they are a rare item that's usually given as a reward for either beating a whole world, or getting to one of Toad's houses and even then it's a 1 in 3, if the house even contains one p-wing.
You can only use it for a single level then it's gone. It's not like the cape in World, which you can find in a ton of levels and let's you cheese through the entire game.
There is almost no reason to ever pick up a flower rather than a cape. In SMB3 at least it felt like a valid option to use the flower every now and then.

Yes. Though 3D Land is almost as good as Bros. 3.

Galaxy 2 has actual levels and not just a bunch of tiny planets pretending to be a level.

>world is so shit people need to make rom hacks to improve it

I always used to say SMW because I had it as a kid for GBA. I first played SMB2 then SMW the SMW2YI. Then I had played SMB3 for NES a few times. When I bought SMB3 for GBA as an adult, I found it to be a far superior experience as a mario game, but I did miss the secrets of SMW.

except the latter part of your sentence is an accurate description of more than a half of galaxy 2's content

Only all stars did

Weakest bait I've seen in a while

Of course you didn't have trouble beating it. It's a dull, piss easy game where it's impossible to die except for the occasional instant death hazard and Baby Mario getting stuck in walls. That doesn't make the controls good. For example, look how many bosses remain stationary while you spam eggs at them. Why? Because they knew egg aiming sucked and toned down the enemies to match. Yoshi's slippery as fuck? Just give him an infinite flutter jump get out of jail free card.

And I'd tolerate all that, but it's just so fucking boring. You can up the difficulty by 100%ing levels but that's even more tedious and the unlockable levels aren't any good either.

The world select, secrets and polish of SMW is superior

Gameplay story and level design is more fun and engaging

They are tied, where one fails even at the slightest the other shines

How does a game having more rom hacks make it better?

Ain't bait if its true.

they're about the same
but I personally prefer world to 3

>more levels
Really? World seemed to have a fuck ton including all the hidden ones and star road

*gameplay, story and level design of SMB3

This is the truth and people don't want to face.

mario bros 4

SMB3 was so fucking amazing that people sat through a shitty movie just to see it.
World wasn't even good enough to be a cameo in a movie.

That's just the beta map for world.

This user senpai is correct.

World is also missing a lot of the cool enemies 3 had. If you ever try to make a SMW rom hack, you'd realize this when you see world's pitiful selection of enemies. You have to hack in 3's or else the enemies are boring.

yea, but it could have turned out to be better than the world we got.

I always thought the enemies in World kind of blew, or were weird.
The football players were so out of place and things like bats are just goddamn boring.

this x100

Mario 3 is better but World improved on things that Mario 3 needed, like level revisiting and the ability to FUCKING SAVE.

I counted them all in both games and was surprised that 3 has more.

Level revisiting isn't necessarily a good thing. It makes the game considerably easier because it allows you to go back and farm power ups or lives.

SMB3 has 90 levels total.
SMW has 76 levels, but 96 exits.

Mario 3 had a really shitty end game bonus, though. A full stock of P-Wings is pretty lame. What they should have done was given you one of each item but made them infinitely reusable.

I like 3 more personally because I played it more due to growing up with it, but I'd say they're about equal.

What does SMW give you again? Was it just the reskinned worlds?

Couldn't possibly be because they love the game and want more of it. No way it could be that.

Mario 3 is actually a lot more generous with lives, though. World you have to go farm them in certain places but by the end of 3 you've probably racked up a solid 60 lives just by finishing the levels, especially if you know the right approach to always get a star.