Literally recolors on preorder bonus

>literally recolors on preorder bonus


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They obviously have different movesets. The recolor is just a consequence of the manga being complete trash in the first place.

The game is crashing to the bottom so fast. what a bait n Switch.

>2 Early Unlock characters

You probably get them from beating the game.

You unlock them via story. And they have completely different specials and playstyle. Goku gets a command grab, Vegeta gets a rekka

Why couldn't they give them these outfits? Devs are fucking lazy.

Maybe we'll get more female characters? Perhaps a playable Bulma who summons a whole lot of capsule gadgets like Kokonoe?

Japs hate those outfits apparently. Which sucks as they look better with SSB

Japs are too autistic to cope with change, hence why Goku is still voiced by the same shrieking woman he had when he was a kid.

Am i the only one who thinks the characters from this show look completely retarded?

Wouldn't Pilaf be better fit for not!Kokonoe?

>it's just cosmetics, pre-ordering shouldn't be encouraged with actual benefits

they're both a bit different from the normal versions gameplay-wise. new supers too

but yeah while these characters are lazy, keep in mind you can only have 1 goku/vegeta per team.
this means teams will a bit less repetitive online because otherwise everyone would have the same goku.

no, it was a change decided by the db super animation team. going back to the old outfits means they could reuse footage easier.
yes the show is that lazy.

>going back to the old outfits means they could reuse footage easier.
You do realise how retarded that makes you sound right?
On top of the fact that reusing animation is a thing that's extremely common in animation keeping the outfits would still allow them to do that anyway.

But it says early access, if anything the avatars and stamps are the real bonus

21 is almost certainly going to be playable.

fucking idiot, you are probably black

Black people aren't this petty.
It's either a whitey or spic.

They have different movesets you idiot lol.

The most definining thing about the franchise is it's literal recolors, complain about ArcSys not choosing a different series to mess with instead if anything.

SSB Vegeta shares a fucking lot of moves with vanilla Vegeta to be fair. ArcSys should've just gone with SSB Vegito instead of those two really.

Because Z fags cry more than spiderman fags when it comes to outfits

shit like this is why I don't watch the anime, it's fucking garbage for the most part. no wonder niggers and spics eat this shit up, they're brain dead subhumans.
Niggers are petty as fuck, but they're too dumb to make that webm

*continues to not preorder anything*
Suck my dick.

>A smart man made that webm

where did you get that implication you dumb ass fuckin' nigger
that just goes to show how awful the anime is, even a subhuman can see that it reuses animations more than several times.
Super is a blatant cashgrab at this point, only redeeming thing about it MIGHT be the manga.

hey there leddit

There already in the game as unlockable, you just get to play them right off the bat if you preorder.

There's always that one illiterate person.

Its a set of emoticons for multiplayer, it was already shown, it has nothing to do with playable characters

user doesnt realise how hard animation is, most animation studio's reuse footage and they wouldnt necisarrily need to have the same outfit to use the same footage they would trace and change the outfit, see in your own example the shot with goku where in one shot he's blue and the other rregular ssj, and the other shot with frieza one golden one not. outfits dont really have much to do with it, its more to do with animation being hard to make

the managa uses some drawings from z, for example zamasu and cell

Stop trying to damage control, Super is fucking trash and you know it. You're just trying to justify tuning into that garbage show every Saturday so you don't feel like a retard.

That's a fucking retarded comparison and still not as bad as literally reusing the same animation like in the anime.

This. Super is trash

actually im fully aware that its only interesting to me because i grew up on dragonball, im just pointing out that reused animation is a staple of the industry and why its used. Animation is actually very hard thats not to justify bad animation true they could hire better animators but it is a very hard skill

Quit pretending like this shit is uncommon. Gundam did it too.

Thats no where near the same as re-using an animation and you know it.

while not exactly as bad it is still bad, the pose is exactly the same, all toyo had to do was trace the body, add zamasu's clothes and change the head, the majority of the drawing is already done for him, he's just adding detail to that image

These half-assed replies are really satisfying my ego. I am now 100% completely assured that Super is garbage, only eaten up niggers and spics and that I am not missing anything by not watching it.

you are only missing nostalgia if you watched db as a kid, otherwise dont bother with it

t. a dragon ball super fan

How dare you insult the greatest antagonists created in the series, evil body swap Goku and Jiren the Great, the strongest character who can defeat someone by staring at them and clenching their ass cheeks!

Are this extra characters exclusive for pre order/dlc or are they available in the game?
The idea it gives from that image is that, they are in the game but you need to unlock them (probably from playing the story mode or whatever), but if you pre order the game, you get them already unlocked

Is this the case?

That girls stamp pack tho.

what is a "rekka"?

Fagonball Pee n*ggers are going to eat this shit up. Recoloured clones are a preorder bonus, back in my day recolours were stuff you unlocked in game or they came with it. And here Badguy Cumco market the f*ck out of it and it's suddenly big great news. Toriyamacucks are the biggest cucks of all Jeezum Cripes.

Pretty sure the Blues are in-game.
A special that can be extended or stopped short depending on how many inputs you do. Useful for pressure, and punishing your opponent if they don't think you're going to do more than the first hit or so. See: Fei Long

>yellow Goku
>blue Goku
>no base form Goku

it says early unlock, so you probably unlock them for beating the story mode or if you preorder you have access straight away. no conformation on this however xenoverse 2 also published by bandai had the blue haired trunks being reffered to as an early unlock for the deluxe edition and you unlocked him if you beat the game without buying the deluxe edition, and the deluxe edition just unlocked him from the start

what the fuck is this blue saiyan nu-dbz shit?

actually its from a dbz movie, resurection of f

>being surprised that Fagonball Pee is creatively bankrupt
Heh, you poor sweet summer child.

>dragon ball, dragon ball z, dragon ball gt and most recently, dragon ball super
>"dragon ball z" is still the name being use as brand even tho it isn't the most recent version of the series

Really tells you how much every other revival of the series, including super, are nowhere near as charismatic as "Z" was.
It is Fighter Z. Not Fighter S.

>Fagonball Pee
How old are you?

Didn't 17 die? Why is he there?


No he didn't you fag

krillen wished him back to make 18 happy, but 17 didnt give a fuck and went off to range a park without speaking to 18 again

They probably do speak, it's just not shown like all the other non-shonen stuff.

couldnt find the clip but im 90% sure 18 mentions not being in contact with him earlier than this clip ive got, however she does mention "long time no see" and 17 doesnt know how old marron is and hasnt seen her in awhile. although he must have seen marron at some point after being revived because he says "you've gotten big" they dont seem to be in contact anymore