Why do people like Final Fantasy 7 so much?
Why do people like Final Fantasy 7 so much?
lol gamefaqs
what did you expect
theyre the neofags of reddit
It's really really good
because it's pretty good and all of the contrarian posturing in the world wont change that.
>gamefaqs are the neofags of reddit
Because it's the best game ever made.
>no Tactics
>first 3d final fantasy
>first big rpg for a lot of people
I tried FF7, maybe I didn't give it enough of a chance, but it was kinda tiresome to play.
I unironically liked Final Fantasy II
Because it was their first
because people who still use gamefaqs are in their 30s clinging to the past.
90's kids.
in terms of everything, it was their biggest game and the one that got the most exposure. of course people would lkke it the best for this reason
>VIfags voting meme
Babby's first everything.
Final Fantasy 3 (actually 6) was constantly sold out, and the high price tag of $80 guaranteed that most people would not play it. Final Fantasy 7 had cutting edge graphics (only in battle mode and movies) and had a large release.
for me its the best, the game almost never takes itself for serious, it cater to my tastes perfectly
>plebs not liking XII or VIII
Casuals who all heard it was the "best" but never actually played it.
What did you like about it? I've played a good number of NES RPGs and that one's near the bottom of the pile.
>Dumb ERPfags voting for XIV so XI has less votes
Are there any nude mods for VII out there?
Asking for a friend
I see 1.98% is the line of shame.
If you FF is below that you should be embarrassed.
Why is TicTacs not on the list?
>t. ffxv fag
It's the best Final Fantasy game of all time.
6, 7 and 9 are the holy trifecta.
gamefaqs existed before both you stupid nigger
i have literally never seen a more transparent, desperate attempt to fit in holy fuck
>10 has more votes than 9.
because it was the best
Not him but The Emperor. Easily the best villain in the series.
This post speaks the truth.
It was a great game.
Both Tactics and Type-0 should be on the list.
SE agrees.
Bumping for an answer
Compare that with the age distribution of the polled people.
There's your loud and clear answer.
Wait a few years and X will definitely roll all over VII in popularity.
Because it's the best tied with 9 and no contrarianism will change that
Distinct atmosphere and setting, unique set pieces and zones that still stand out as being unique till this day, gives a strong sense of scale with the console limits of the time, overall good sense of pace and action which is unusual for JRPGs that generally rely on buildup and downtime scenes.
There's a reason people always bring up certain scenes in FFVII and not other equally acclaimed RPGs, the game just had an unusual amount of memorable things even by today's standards. I'm a big fan of a lot of famous western PC RPGs too but I can barely remember their set pieces, just their great dialogue. In comparison FVII on one hand I can remember the comfy snow town and snow board minigame, the Shinra stairs & bike chase, that skeleton boat that one shots you, Cloud in a wheelchair, Tifa's slap fight, and that's a fraction of the entire game.
I always thought 10 was already the more popular/most sold FF game in Japan.
First 3D and first title that was marketed really well over here so a lot of people grew up with it. That's it.
more like 5%, i still give the old games their props though
FFTA2 is my favorite of all of them.
FF9 comes close and FF7 is right behind that.
>X has more votes than IX
>XIII has any votes at all
This poll is worthless.
>play FFVI way after it was released
>interesting story with a ragtag group fighting evil joker-like enemy
>play FFVII way after it was released
>shitty drama for teenagers, tryhard villain who teleports behind you and goes "nothing personnel kiddo", everyone has a 5 metres long sword that looks as if it's trying to impress 13 year olds, unlikable as a whole
Because it's the best final fantasy game.
FFVII had way more money spent on advertisement than any FF before it. Also, since it was on a different platform, people didn't really check out previous games. And it's the first FF for a lot of people (due to heavy advertisement). Also it's pretty good, even though it's overated.
Nice no arguments, perhaps you should take off your rose tinted glasses
This is literally the same thing 6fags go through. 10 is literally the new 7, and 9 is literally the new 6, the one on the newer console gets pushed more, so it gets more popular.
>FFVI where celes and terra are crying half of the time
>not drama
FFVII where you get raped,dress as a girl and piss off a nigger
>drama just because 1 character dies
What, Celes cries once, while VII is all circle jerking over MUH PAST MUH MEMORIES NOT COMING BACK MUH AMNESIA. Fuck off Cloud I don't give a fuck about your shitty memories.
"firsties syndrome"
1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, Tactics
those are basically the only ones worth playing right there
>God tier
6, 7, 10, Tactics
>Great tier
4, 5, 9
>Good tier
1, 3, 12
>Meh tier
8, 13, 15
>Shit tier
I don't know where to put the MMOs, but otherwise this list is FACT.
irony being FF is one of the worst JRPG series on the planet, literally every other title square has worked on is better - this is my opinion
7 and 9 where pushed hard on the polystation and being the biggest selling consoles in history = money printer. - this is a fact
8's first disc is really good,dont you dare put it on the same tier as 13
Because the majority of people up until about 5 years ago who got into the internet boom were born in the late 80's/early 90's, and were the appropriate age to play that shit when it came out.
Nostalgia goggles
Most overrated game in history. Not the worst game, but I can't think of another game that is praised so much that's so aggressively mediocre.
Most people who routinely browse the internet were children when that game came out. There's a reason why the second place one is Final Fantasy 6.
It's why Super Mario 64 is considered the best Mario and Ocarina of Time is considered the best Zelda(Majora's Mask if you're contrarian)
Yeah... Yeah they are...
True, but the rest is pretty meh. 13 gets okayish in the last third.
Is there a series more embarrassing than Final Fantasy?
>Ultima and Wizardry are popular in Japan, lets just combine the two! We are geniuses!
>It's too obvious we had zero original ideas in the previous game, so let's do everything in literally the opposite way.
>Shit, that ended up really bad. Let's just remake the first with more classes.
>We are literally out of ideas. Looks like everyone already forgot the second game exists, so let's reuse half the story stuff from there, and some gameplay from the third.
>You know what? We should just outright remake the third one, people liked that.
>It's time to reuse the other half of the story from the second game. Use the gamplay of the fourth game, it somehow became popular.
>That turned out good! Let's do the same again, but make it modern looking, that way they won't suspect anything!
>Damn, they ate it all up! Let's do it again. Tweak around with the gameplay a little, we are geniuses anyway.
>Shit, gameplay turned to shit! We should grab them by the nostalgia balls and make a generic fantasy anime with references to earlier titles, they will eat it up!
>Well, looks like anime crap is selling well. This time, make a more japanese looking anime. I don't care if it doesn't even resemble older titles.
>You know what sells these days? MMOs.
>Shit, we are out of ideas again and we have no time! You know what? Let's throw it to the Ivalice guys, no one will notice that it's not even an FF game, they only care about the title.
>Holy shit, they really only care about the title. Let's remake ten, with more modern looks, so those who liked that and seven will buy this.
>You know what brings more money than an MMO? Two MMOs. You don't have to make it fun, just slap the Final Fantasy title on the game.
>Shit, out of ideas again! Oh well, this faggot is making a game, just take it and slap FF15 on it and we don't even have to finish it!
you wasting your time to make that shitpost for a game series you supposedly care nothing about is pretty embarrassing
Don't respond to pasta
People like it because it's a good game regardless of what contrarian hipsters who hate anything from the PS1/N64/Saturn era would have you believe.
>V that low
>adventure, dirge of cerberus not even mentioned
it's shit.
Final Fantasy is the most forced "popular" series of all time. Absolute bottom of the barrel JRPGS
Everything on it is technically true.
>ffxi that low
>ffxiv that high
6's drama was worse. characters making the shocked expression in every other scene, acting stupid just to be dramatic, and every dialogue ending with "..." to be sound deep even though it only sounds pretentious. the scene where Terra says "I... I can fight! Finally... I understand that feeling... Even though I kept it buried for so long. I'm sure it's called... ... ... ... ... "Love"!" rivals the last harry potter book for shitty fanservice ending.