Other urls found in this thread:


Because I need to pirate my games, huh?


because you a shit
>link windows 10 license to microsoft account
>change motherboard and cpu
>boot up and see everything just as I left it, still logged into that account
>windows STILL deactivates somehow
also, the way you have to juggle the usual windows interface and a dumb app store interface at the same time will never not be awkward

I've been using W10 (Pro) ever since I built my current PC and I literally never had a single issue with it. And I pirate 80% of my games. Seriously starting to believe all the people complaining are completely tech illiterate or ironically shitposting like

i'm running windows 10 and i really fucking hate this bullshit
i'd like to switch to windows 7 but it would probably take too much effort so i'm now stuck with this crap
fuck it..

I've changed update settings immediately after installing Windows 10 and it never happens

Remember kids, install gentoo

I will never update to W10

make a backup image of your OS partition(or everything) and find some time to experiment with getting 7 to work

Recent update actually fix game mode and right now w10 is official gaming platform


Because of an update you forced on me I lost access to sadpanda.

>You guys the latest update totally fixed everything! This time we're serious!
It's like following Diabo 3 news.

Windows 10 is free because _you_ are the product.

Profiling people is one of the most valuable things in the world.

huh? Elaborate, please.

Another thread stinking of neoshit

What the fuck is habbening

I've not seen anyone reproduce these results that this fat fuck has provided. he's a notorious liar and a shitty person anyway so I doubt the results are valid.

Same although i have disabled the store and the xbox thing and used spybot beacon etc. I haven't had a single problem pirating anything including the operating system it's self KEK.

Worthless without win7 comparison.
It's like creating a problem and then selling you the fix as something huge.

>All the techlets in this thread who are too retarded to use a computer
You can solve all of these issues if you had two brain cells to rub together

This is Sup Forums my friend. Things will get even worse with all the refugees migrating here. And you thought it couldnt get worse

>the best thing you can possibly say about your OS is "you can fix it, kind of"

that shit has been debunked already, youtube.com/watch?v=3E8_Ey1pKOM

If i wanted to install an OS just to fix problems I'd be using some Linux distro.

All privacy settings on all versions of W10 are placebo.

Home, Pro, Enterprise, you can't disable anything anyway. All tyhat changes in the options is the text you see.


But I love it. I was just smart enough to remove the shit and utterly nuke auto updates before installing it
Of course the telemetry shit probably stayed, but at least no shitty ads and bloatware anymore. Microsoft probably know all about my hentai games and I couldn't care less!

>Its fine after you disable the only things that are good and being forced to keep all the shit that is bad

>ads and bullshit bloat updates and cortana are good


because you are a slut only good for a onenight stand

>he thinks he removed that stuff


What a shitty vagina edit


ofc, she's a used up roasties

I have it on my laptop and it feels incredibly bloated and slow, like trying to get anywhere in the start menu takes forever. I almost prefer not doing any homework on my laptop cause it's just so shit. I also feel like it's trying to break my 2010 office stuff that I installed instead of buying their newest office shit.

>he think I didn't
I know you're being cute user but my 10 has absolute no adverts, it never update, all of the retarded programs M$ forced in were removed (I just kept the store just in case), and it's fast as fuck.

I'll keep running 8.1 until I absolutely need W10 or DX12 for some game or work program and with how Vulkan has proven results in DOOM 4 and will demonstrate it again in the upcoming Wolfenstein I think the future isn't in Direct3D's court anymore

thanks user, I got promoted to general manager

>Shitty ads
>Literal keylogger
>Using up a ridiculous amount of bandwidth
>Lots of other dumb shit
I'm not sure what microsoft were thinking but indefinitely extending the deadline for free upgrade should let them know letting dumb interns design shit is bad.

LTSB is OK, still the spying problems are there enough to make me stay away from it.


what's exactly wrong with windows 10? it's just a meme at this point

I don't see the problem.

I use cracked W10 that still works with all the updates microsoft pumps out, I disabled cortana and everything I found.

90% of my software is pirated, never an issue, and in general - I had less issues with windows than when I had W7.

No, a privacy scandal that was around since before release and that continues unchanged to this day is not "just a meme". You fuckin clown.

>it's just a meme
Go home, Bill
You're drunk

That fucking retard can't even read the shit he's changing. He has "Allow Telemetry" disabled, which means the setting isn't doing shit. You need to enable it and change it to level 0.

Well, they had a fixed that allowed DX9 games to use more than 4GB of Memory, so older games run a lot better now.

Main problem forced keylogger.
Home version sucks ass.
There is a telemetry background service that uses 100% of the resources randomly, can be deactivated trough group policy if you use pro or LTSB.
Windows defender wont turn off on its own if you install another AV, it will still run in the background wasting resources.
Its a downgrade from 7.
Fucking ads on start menu.
Forced updates unless you are using LTSB.
No reason to upgrade from 7.

this, jesus christ
I will always remember that webm of the streamer playing CS:GO then his computer forcefully updates.

Windows 7 is perfect and Windows 10 is an unfinished, buggy as hell botnet.
Just goes to show why "change just for the sake of change" is terrible.

I wish I could download that update manually

>forced keylogger
objectively false

My wife Nana is so cute

>Home version sucks ass.
I have the pro version, it still sucks ass.

>everything you type into the search bar is sent to MS, regardless of what settings you select

Do you have the webm by any chance?

*scans your files and sends the metadata to an Indian at Microsoft*
Nothing personnel.


No, I didn't bother saving it.

Small problems that need to be addressed because these things don't happen all at once, they happen very slowly over the span of decades. If you give them an inch they'll slit your fucking throat ear to ear. The dumb decide "Its just X, why are you so worried?" and don't do anything about it. The next step is worse and their mentality is the same since they got used to the last problem. If you know anything about this companies opinion on consumer rights and what they want to do with it, you'd be very worried.

Remember the xbox one fiasco at launch? If you don't then you are one of those many many people who can be cooked slowly and never notice. You need to consider who enemies of freedom and general decency are.

You keep removing shit. Like control.

So I'll pass.

Ignoring how specific that case is compared to your original statement, I haven't seen any proof of that.

You're already dead

because you make any pre-2007 game unplayable

because you broke Windows 7

>it has annoying shit but you can disable it
Doesn't sound that bad

Pretty much reconfirming that anyone who hates W10 is literally retarded

the definition of a keylogger:
>a computer program that records every keystroke made by a computer user, especially in order to gain fraudulent access to passwords and other confidential information.
what user said is right, and if you don't believe it just open up wireshark and see what they try to send back to MS, the results will surprise you.
protip: if you aren't using a firewall like Comodo to block windows processes from accessing the internet you are an idiot, they record almost everything you do including sending a hash of the images/videos you watch back.

i think the worst thing about windows 10 are mandatory updates
without that it would be decent enough os

too late

>Pushed down everyone's throats
>Free for a year and then some
>Even installing itself without user's consent
>Still loses terribly to W7

>if you aren't using a firewall like Comodo to block windows processes from accessing the internet you are an idiot, they record almost everything you do including sending a hash of the images/videos you watch back.

Im talking about the compatibility service, there are other 2 bullshits running in the background that cant be disabled that easy.

source: install wireshark and open an image, or type in your start menu, you fucking mongoloid. the photo viewer module is provided by a company called MarkMonitor.

That is only for the 2016 LTSB version, Pro and CB has stuff that can be disabled, example cortana and more.

I don't use W10, I want an independently verified source, not your ass

>You cant run 16bit apps in windows x64 beacuse Microsoft said fuck backwards compatibility
Fuck them, this is the reason why im never switching to 10.

fuck you nigger

despite having the windows update service turned off for like a year and not running into any problems, it somehow seemed to update to the creators update on its own a couple weeks ago

now my computer freezes are random and nothing i do fixes it, not even uninstalling the update. get bent microfucks

There's also a solution called "not using the Windows image viewer"

>choking to death when the wire isn't fastened around her neck yet

>An integral part of Microsoft's new OS is some shit named after Halo games

Anybody else's harddisk shutting off from time to time although energy plan is set to never shut off hdds? Shit is driving me nuts.

Because Win7 is better than you in a lot of ways and you crashed all of my games for some reason.

Also if you could stop installing "updates" on my system every single day that would be great.

here you go, arstechnica.com/information-technology/2015/08/even-when-told-not-to-windows-10-just-cant-stop-talking-to-microsoft/
theres quite a few more but that article covers the gist of it.

That aint too bad, occasionally my Win10 machine forgets that the bleeding OS is installed giving me a black screen with an equivalent of "operating system not found error"

Its time to move on from the 80s user

The Fall Creator's Update? If so, you can.
>"Update now"
I experienced significant FPS gains from this update in RS:Siege. I'm talking upwards of 15-20 FPS average difference on many maps, and I'm running at 1440p. It's truly phenomenal. I was having some dips under 60fps before with my 980ti. Now that has barely tapped 59fps in particularly demanding situations.

That said, I am unsure how it compares to Win 7. I used to run Win 7 on my old setup, but I had a different CPU/RAM/MOBO, didn't overclock at all, and ran in 1080p. I had a stable 60fps+ though. With this in mind, I would argue that if you're a Win 10 user (or previously considered against choosing Win 10 because of performance issues), it may be a good idea to upgrade to the FC Update. Obviously not if privacy is your game--everyone knows that, but if you're gaming, it's pretty solid now.

>disable windows update
>disable windows search
>delete cortana folder
>delete pretty much every window app

you all need to learn to google

Yeah, forget history, buy something new instead!

Ironically, Windows itself now has worse compatibility with legacy Windows programs than Linux does with Wine.

My PC isn't some shitty console, I like my backwards compatibility and full past library of games

>I read bad things about windows 10 my privacy is of the utmost importance

-faggot posting on a board owned by a someone known to sell private data

If Microsoft resorts to aggressive marketing tactics to force their OS onto everybody, it shows how shitty it really is.

Muh VNs.

But no really, some programs were designed for XP that wont run in 10 because this, and im not talking about VNs and games but actual programs.

Business wise this is a huge problem, never doubt the will of a company to continue using legacy software.

>sites spy on you
>so its ok if your own OS spies on you as well
that is the most fucked up logic I've ever seen.

The fact that you gotta do all of this to make Win10 tolerable is inexcusable.

>>"Update now"
Thanks man, but I'm worried this will re-add all the W10 bullshit I removed.

None of it's okay, but don't pretend any of you retards actually care about your privacy when you're only concerned about windows 10 and not the million other services you've sold your identity to.

it will, every major update microsoft tries to shovel its shitware on you. just use O&O shutup10 and tell it to not allow apps to install or whatever and usually it keeps that setting when doing upgrades.

honestly though, FCU doesn't really add anything useful, the performance gains are placebo as fuck and only effect people who badly configured the previous CU update.

your logic is just retarded user, you don't know me or the lengths I go to protect myself from tracking.

>do all this
>Microsoft says "fuck you" and re-enables half of it without telling you
>still fucking spies on you

You can game in a Linux VM now thanks to PCIe passtrough.
This will be the future for most of us.