Hitman GOTY edition announced

>Hitman GOTY edition announced
>adds a 4-mission campaign with reworked maps a-la marrakesh: night etc
>adds all elusives back in

I'm actually pretty pleased with this. Especially adding the 70 or so elusives, which I always hoped they'd do. Looks like, after this final release package, Hitman 2016 will literally just be the new best hitman game.

Other urls found in this thread:


>All elusives back in

>daytime Colorado
I hope they can give that map a shot at redemption. I never play it cause it sucks, but it has potential.

I actually like colorado as a map/location, but I think it makes two main mistakes that prevent it from being fun:

>too many targets in too small an area, which imparts a kind of rigidity to how you play it
>the second little story-bit that you have to play through to end the map

>Hitman 2016 will literally just be the new best hitman game
Being episodic instantly disqualified it

It's more or less what I expected. Glad to have four new missions, a magnum pistol, and updates to contracts mode. Of course, I'm most curious about "new game mechanics" and "new AI behavior" because I think that's where the game's weakness has been.

that honestly doesn't make sense and has never made sense to me. In point of fact: it's not episodic right now. It's no different than any other hitman game. It's pretty clearly risen to the top for me.

There's that, and the fact that there's almost nothing to overhear or see.

Will we see human shield return...?

I doubt it

When's briefcase?

>mfw i payed full price for this game and the season pass
>goty version is better
>will be pirateable

Fuck I already have the game+a few seasons (up to marrakesh), I hope they drop the price of the individual seasons.

roadmap 2025

Yeah if you're willing to wait 1 and a half years theres goty versions and price drops.

>tfw bought the steelcase edition for 60 dollars when it first released

I literally treat pre-purchases as a "donate extra" button to the devs. I only ever do it when I know and love the devs, and never based on the belief that it will contain everything in the game because it has literally never been the case in my experience. Like actually not a single time I have ever seen it.

I pre-purchased HITMAN2016 because I really like IOI, and the franchise, and a net total of $80 CAD for the complete game ($60 for the full version, $20 for the GOTY upgrade) is acceptable to me.

neo-Sup Forums, folks

newfags, folks


Should have released the whole fucking game at once in the first place. I purposely didnt buy it waiting for the full thing to release on disk.

Looks like never getting into this earlier will pay off now

Should have? I bought it, people bought it and it seemed to work out best in the end. I hope they do episodic again. I won't mind if you don't play it.

refute anything

it always does
buy games 1 year+ after they come out
you will be happier in every way.
>better price
>complete package
>no hype machine around it distorting expectations
>no shitposting machine around it
>just get to sit down and enjoy the game yourself the way it was meant to be
If you have the patience/backlog to wait 2 years you even get to grab it on an absurd sale.

Are you only playing videogames all day every day? I have backlog so big I could wait for GOTY versions for the next 200 years. At least fucking pirate release titles and buy GOTY when it comes out if you think it deserves it.

It’s literally not episodic anymore. Are you fucking retarded?

Do current owners get a free upgrade or is it paid?

It is paid!

>Cucked into buying digital with Sony


Enjoy replaying it on your PS5, oh wait it probally wont have backwards compatibility with PS4.
I bought a shit load of digital PS3 games. Sold my PS3 and upgraded and was pissed when I couldnt play my digital games.

get fucked buyfag

this is as bad as being a soulsfaggot who bought a season pass for 100$ and then the game comes out patched out with both DLCs included

get fucked early buyfaggot

I got it cheap on PC via a key seller you little bitch

twenny dallas

Even "Full Experience" owners?
What bs.

nobody likes sony user

Only really like Hitman contract and Blood money
Silent assassin was a clusterfuck and Absolution shouldnt even be mentioned.

How does HITMANtm hold up?

yep and yep
considering they got dropped by squeenix I'm guessing that this was something that got reconstituted into a "keep the lights on at IOI" package meant to get a little extra capital so they don't have to make even more layoffs while trying to pitch Season 2 to other publishers.

If you want any kind of meaningful storytelling experience, don't bother.
If you really like customization, don't bother.
If you hate replaying the same map more than once, don't bother.
If those things don't bother you, it's one of the best Hitman games.

So wait, there won't be a season 2? Does this mean the series is dead?

It's great. Hitman's become less simulation and more like a really fun and engaging board game with rules to exploit and experiment with.

Who said any of that?

I'd say worth your play but I haven't played silent assassin so I'm not sure if it contains things you'd dislike. I'd disagree with about story, I loved the story and how it played out. I'm also not positive about what he means by customisation because it is just as customisable as previous games, if not more, to my (admittedly hazy) memory. You pick weapons, costume, insertion point.

>Elusives are timed again

not sure if I like that...

I like the game but this really doesn't sound worth $20, especially considering they've already done stuff like this for free. I get that they're looking for money now that they don't have Square Enix behind them, but I doubt I'll buy this.

>I loved the story and how it played out.
Seriously? You may be the only person with this opinion. The story is basically unrelated to your actions with the exception of the Hokkaido target. It explains nothing.

Just cause 47s not in the cutscenes doesn't mean it's not a good story imo. Was exciting and intriguing, for what it was.

>I loved the story and how it played out
The story was:
>47 go kill this guy
>47 go kill this guy
>47 go kill this guy
>ominous cutscene of shadowy man making a phone call
>47 go kill this guy
>47 go kill this guy
>47, the last few contracts you've taken have all been a set-up, now go kill this evil guy who's had all of 3 minutes of screen-time

Do I have to pay more to get the elusives and stuff? I bought the game on sale recently.

No, the elusives are happening even if you don't buy GOTY edition

I just read this
I actually straight up dislike it. It's super annoying. I get what they're trying to do. I get that they want those targets to have a specific style of play associated with them. I get all that. But I really strongly dislike having game events tied to outside timing. I want to play games on my terms, most importantly on my schedule.

I think a good compromise would have been to make it so elusive targets can only be played sequentially, so that if you fail one it knocks you out of the series and you have to start again. They're not so difficult that this would be some insanely frustrating thing. Maybe at 65 that's a bit much, but even dividing them into 5 groups of 13, so you have "checkpoints" after every 13 consecutive successfully completed targets, you'd still get a good effect.

I really like the temporal element. It was honestly one of my favorite parts of the whole Hitman experience last year.

I already bought the game a while ago but didn't get around to play it.
What are elusives, and do my older version get them?

I think you don't even know why people hated episodic releases in the first place.

Timed assassinations that you get 1 shot at. If you fail, you can't try them again. They are around for three real-time days and then they are gone. There's like 25+ of them, and they came out over the past year.

It really doesn't matter either way. Hitman really benefited from its episodic distribution.

Who HMF here?

well I guess at least I know it's got people for whom it worked. I just don't like not having access to content.

If user wrote a eulogy it would be
>guy was born
>guy grew up
>guy ate and slept a lot, like, almost every day
>guy grew old
>guy died

>25+ of them

o SHIT didn't know there were so many

>GOTY edition

Name one site that awarded it GOTY.

I better get this free if i got the complete edition

They say you can't attempt a target you already failed at


And when will they be available?
I am not even sure if i will be able to play them. I have a really fucked up schedule.
This decision sounds really bad. Is there any reward for doing so?
I would hate the game to permanently taunt me with a "you never completed this" checkbox that i cant complete ever again.

I just want them to change the scoring system, so If I get spotted and killed the witness without any incidents I should attain the not spotted bonus

its a nice trade off for a wandering civilian you didnt expected and not an instant fuck up you cant fix ever


you do not.

It's not a bad decision. You won't play them all, maybe. You unlock clothes for completing like 8, completing 8 with silent assassin or something like that. You have lots of chances.

Sometime during November. You can't play Elusives you failed though.

>taunt you with indefinite incompletes
it does exactly that, which I dislike.

it's not a bad decision for you, who likes how this is set up

Duh. But its okay if you don't play 100% of a game, you probably wouldn't anyway. The grand concept is more important, imo, than people sating their completionist impusles.

Closer to 30, friendo.

They did.

For some reason this game was a massive meh for me.
It's a step up from Absolution but something keeps nagging me and I can't quite put my finger on it. It seems much more railroaded than the other games. The voice acting is also really distracting.

Absolution was fun as a game where I imagined myself to be a serial killer who bricked everyone in the back of the head.
It sucked as a hitman game though

the point of allowing you to track completion is to vie for completion.

creating a system where, ostensibly for your enjoyment, you may never actually complete everything is fundamentally unappealing. Also, you asserting that "you probably wouldn't anyways" is so incredibly weak of an argument it blows my mind that you would present it unironically. Firstly, that is not an assumption you can make at all, period. Secondly, in any case where it would actually be true, the difference between this and any normal game is that here: the game decides what you get to complete, whereas normally you do. This is an important distinction.

I love this game but

95 hours on 100% completing the tutorial, paris, the seaside town and half of marrakesh

i burned myself out too fast

well I didn't buy it at launch and when denuvo was cracked I still haven't played it yet so I guess I'll wait for the GOTY edition. Waiting 1 and a half years is nothing.

What the FUCK I just bough the bundle for 24$ on last sale!

Didn't even launch it, can I refund? Got it on 13/10.

Don't know how to feel about this... Already paid 50 bucks as preorderfag and loved the beta. That was before the always online bullshit was known. But now IOI are free and I want them to succeed. But I will not buy Season 2 if they keep the always online bullshit.

You are definitely still in the refund window, but you will be spending less money if you just buy the upgrade than if you buy again from scratch
>right now
>$24 [bundle you just got] + $20 [upgrade]

>$60 GotY Edtition [without owning all existing content]

You should try.

How big is the game gonna be? 1 terrabyte?

you are still spending less for everything this way

You can refund on steam and get a GOTY steam key for cheaper from resellers
fuck io

wait wasnt last year "season 1", implying there would be more sets of maps coming out? Why are they releasing a definitive version already? Did it fail?

Weren't there issues between the devs and publishers or something?

The GotY version is of Season 1
There is no official statement on why they're making this release
After Season 1, they lost their publisher (SquareEnix)
They have retained full IP rights
They have stated that they are making Season 2, but no further statements have been made
General consensus is that they are in the process of pitching other publishing partners with Season 2, and that this GotY release is meant to give them a means by which they can sustain themselves during this search while also giving them relatively fresh figures to assess the size of their potential customer base for Season 2

Damn I derp'd,
I though the whole GOTY going to cost 20$, not just the upgrade.


what for, I think everybody who was interested saw this by the looks of it

Don't worry about it

>have to buy the game again
The new missions better be fucking worth it.

I really hope that they manage to get Season 2 to happen

I really love the direction this took the series, and I would love to see this arc get to play itself all the way out. Baby steps, I assume it had originally planned on being at least 3 seasons, but I'll take what I can get.

Meanwhile, games like Witcher 1 and 2 had a free enhanced edition update. I'm giving them a free pass this once because they likely really need the money. But if they fuck me again in S2, I pirate everything from then on.

$20 bucks for a bunch of reskinned maps? no thanks.

didn't they remove Denuvo? day 1 pirate.

Still always online.


this isn't a res remaster with some fixes desu

>this isn't a res remaster with some fixes desu
you can stop posting about shit you weren't here for.