Why is his job so underappreciated

Us engies do more than every other class (we practically have the entire game in our hands in CTF) yet medics are the ones that get sucked off.

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Engine has been and will always be the GOAT.

My man!

>Us engies do more
You mean your machines do more, engies don't do shit besides building their fuck machines, fuck off and go jerk it in you lawn chair burger engie.

We build our machines.

Move that fucking gear up

Nigger what the fuck are you on? Engies are Medics are always greeted until there are too many.

Good engines build machines and then use the shotgun and wrench to vaporize the enemy team from existence.

>tfw always end up getting more shotgun kills than sentry kills
goddamn it why is the shotgun so much fun to use

The reason people hate engies is because most engineer players are retarded

>they don't build teleporters
>they put their dispenser someplace inaccessible to the rest of the team but 2 inches from their sentry
>once they get their level 3 sentry up they just sort of stand around doing nothing

that right there is about 99% of engineers

At least shitty medics are going to heal people and use uber occasionally

An engineer that actually makes a difference by putting up a good teleporter in the perfect spot and having a great dispenser and stops pushes with his sentry IS going to be sucked off by his team.

>they build the exit of the teleporter facing a wall

The worst

>tfw you kill a heavy medic combo with your wrench

engineer crit game is 2 stronk

>Get your sentry gun up to level 3
>pedro.rodriquez09 starts building a sentry right fucking next to yours

Wrench is the best weapon in the game.

Good to know the game hasn't changed in 10 years.

Why do new engineers do this shit like they don't think explosive damage exists

This is why the game needs a tutorial for all classes you're forced to complete

>two engies on the team
>they dont help eachother build

>tfw you single handily defend the objective with your wrench after your nest was destroyed and come out alive

And then one of the messages is
>Did we seriously lose from a single engie with a wrench?

>two engies on the team
>perfectly coordinate and help themselves to set up a nest with only using voice commands

>need a teleporter right here
>need a dispnser right here
>alrighty then


>one engie on the team building at last
>tell him to "move that gear up!"
>he does it


>go! go! go!
>gotta move that gear up!
>proceed to move to the objective while killing everyone on their way and spamming the battle cry

Did they fix WELL DONT THAT BEAT ALL being his only Negative voice line?

Thread theme

>tfw he runs to opposite side of map
>rescue rangers sentry to make crossfire
It happens every now and again and it makes my heart flutter. Thanks, Engiebros.

Because engie is fucking cancer and only exists so bads can feel like they're contributing.

Howdy Howdy lets get rowdy

You're thinking 2fort Engies.

Real Engies get the shotguns out and tell them yankees to get off our gol durn property!

Pre game defense engies can now upgrade their shit in 8 whacks thanks to Jungle update.

As a Medic main I'd like to thank each and every one of you Engies for your teleporters and dispensers especially for when those fucking scouts take a health pack when I really need it.

>build sentry
>? avatar builds sentry gun right next to it
>pick up my sentry and move it someplace else
>he picks his up and follows me

>designed to turtle
>rarely see off. engies


absolute madmen

Thank you docs for making sure we get our heals and over heals, especially when I leave my nest to help get some kills or chase off a spy.

Nobody actually expects an Engineer to kill them without their sentry nearby, so they let their guard down.

Offensive engineers are almost mandatory on maps that don't give you a forward spawn because of teleporters.

For example in dustbowl, unless you manage to get both points in one big push before they can set up, you're going to need a teleporter for B, on all 3 parts of the map.


>yfw frontier justice crits

>Be me
>Get tossed in a 2fort round
>didnt want to roll on Red so stayed in spectators
>Saw that their only defense was an engie with a mini sentry facing backwards in an irrelevant corner
>A player told me that's how it was the whole game
>Half the team came to this engie's rescue since he's "new"
>I tried to tell them that this isn't how a new player should be behaving
>Got called a tryhard
>they lost
>blamed me
>the engie got a "you tried your best"
When did being new excuse you for being an idiot?

Shotgun is a legitimately good weapon in TF2, too. You can beat pretty much anybody but a heavy and a soldier in a 1v1 as long as you get the drop on them.

Against heavy I need to resort to the wrench and hope for crits, though


People wanting to feel good by helping noobs really. We were all new once and probably had no idea what to do.

I mean hey if the RED team legit gave a shit about their lone engie to save his ass multiple times I say kudos to them.

You should have told him what to do politely instead of just trying to shit talk him


I seem to remember being retarded and it took me like three games with the engie before I realized that right clicking rotates the buildings.

>Engies that build at last point when the first points are still contested
>Only one engi on defense, goes mini sentry
>Engies that die to a single spy

Engi isn't that difficult to play, yet I see so many terrible engi players

I'm sick of these contracts. The Hot Hand can go fuck itself

Is the game still full of pyros or did everyone finish their contracts already?

I did.
"Hey engie, you shouldn't leave that there"
>Shut up fag! He's new
"Hey engie, you shouldn't use a mini sentry on 2fort"
>Die you tryhard
"Um, engie...Your team has the intel underwater and all you have to do is place a sentry there before Blu gets wise"
>*someone passed a vote kick*
The only one talking trash was the guy that told me what was going on when I joined and he was the main one putting in work.

>he didn't just farm them
Valve can go fuck themselves. I got those 30 thermal thruster extinguishes with Cow Mangler Soldiers at spawn and I don't regret it at all.

There are no longer 7 pyros per team
Now its down to 4

>tfw Rescue Ranger is now useless
>Can't aim for shit with the Widowmaker

Play degrootkeep you retard

the real problem is that people only play 2fort if they don't give a fuck and just want to RDM with no objective

Try this:
>engie you can right click your building to pick them up and move them
>if you go into the loadout and switch your gunslinger for a wrench you'll have a bigger sentry
Get really specific, if a player doesn't even understand the controls most of what you said is useless.

Not him but Degroot is pretty bad when you bring the KGB heavy in. Just one random crit and he wipes out the entire team in the contested area.

Two tips

One, have a friend. Every point they get towards their contact counts towards yours, and vice versa. Even if you are playing soldier for a pyro contract, you get his points. It's so much ungodly easier it's not even funny, and allows you to do stuff like say, get damage taken bonuses completed by going med and shoving yourself up his arse

Two, queue 2fort if you want to farm. Nearly all go there to ask others to farm or help them farm, or to camp a spawn/Intel and get mad points. I usually see at least 5 gather in a sewer each game and farm shit

Was anyone else only able to use level 1 sentries for that first engineer contract? Only me level 1 kills would count for the contract.
I still fucking completed it, but damn was it tedious.

This weapon changed the entire engineer experience. Don't fuck with someone that knows how to use this thing.

>get 3-5 crits
>maybe get two kills, heavily injure like a soldier or something, could be worse
>get like 26 crits
>oh yeah gonna go on a motherfucking spree, this is gonna be so good
>headshot/backstab/Direct Hit

every fucking time.

>fully upgrade firing speed in MVM

I got it in 3 rounds of banana bay, there are some great sentry spots on that map. I was getting like 25+ kills each round with the level 1


I hate playing as an engineer but its also the class I'm best with

Dirty, cowardly rescue ranger peasants.

Glorious strong independent shotgun master race.

I feel like it's excellent as training wheels, but too finicky to run full time even if you can aim. Its biggest flaw is not being spammable, plus it's weak against spies.

Engineers are bros. but it's really easy for them to be total fucking dickbags that hate fun.

How many Payload/A/D maps where people got angry the lost a point so 5 people decide to play Engineer out of spite?

But yeah, besides that he's great and I want him and Spy to get the next update.

>He doesn't play combat Engineer
There's no better feeling than knowing you're helping your team push while pushing people's shit in yourself with the shotgun

Level 2 sentry in a bullshit, ever-changing surprise spot and shotty ablazing

A lot of people seem to forget how strong a single engi is without his buildings. Most seem to forget that's he's basically a scout that's traded mobility for utility

This is my engineer. There are many like him, but this one is mine.

>when you and your friend play infinite fatscout

Most engis seem to forget that as well.

>getting unlimited crits on payload race from gunslinger + frontier justice

What's the best shotty now that RR is trash?

>Caught with my dick out
>Quickly drop a sentry in front of me
>9/10 times the enemy decides to immediately target it think I'll be backpedaling
>Walk up to their face

every time

>SFM has action scene of a class dual-wielding
Well at least it isn't the Spy or Scout for once

>someone new is copying you so they can learn
But isn’t that the right thing to do? Did you ever tell him that 2 sentry in the same spot is bad?

Engineer is the best american character in gaming.
(And Demoman best black)

Alone, stock shotgun no doubt. If you have a team that can actually cover your ass, you could get a better mileage out of FJ or Widowmaker. Pomson is just shit no matter what and i haven't formed an opinion on the new panic attack yet.

RR is not trash it's just not the only defensive choice

>Help him get his sentry to level three and then move yours to cover it's blind spot
>Make an impenetrable nest that would take two coordinated ubers or spy sappers to break

>When team struggles to push last and you switch to engi to build them a teleporter

i love using mini sentries


>tfw my favourite engi loadout is gunslinger just for the +25hp and going full pistol


gays can't use dispensers
practically useless class therefore/

>build a sentry nest
>jose.fernando2004 waddles up and starts building directly next to you

>that guy who calls this the windowmaker


[just off your path]

Back when they were full cancer I made a bind to bind to a bumber on my mouse

>destroy 2; build 2

Press it, it instantly destroys your existing sentry and goes to the build screen for a new one. In other words, you could shit those things out like nothing. Pushing? No need to stop and fiddle to destroy a living one and then select it in the pda, just one button! Fighting someone, and they killed/about to kill your mini? One fucking button and there's a new one staring in their face. It was beautiful

>All these new skins
>Can't paint the Widowmaker
At least I can have a fancy jag now.

Combat engi for offense, regular engi for defense.

Best wrench?

Haven't played TF2 in a month. Did they make any changes to the FJ?

No. But right now there's tons of dumbass pyros running around and you get crits from sentries that much faster.

Stock or Gunslinger.