What would you like to see in Konami's upcoming Castlevania game for Switch?

What would you like to see in Konami's upcoming Castlevania game for Switch?


Just give it the Sonic Mania treatment. So ReBirth 2 essentially. In fact let's stick with the gameboy remake thing and have them remake Legends so we can make Sonia canon again.

2D sprites and good music.

Castlevania 3 remake using the Trevor, Grant, Alucard, and Sypha sprites from Symphony of the Night.

If it happens it will definitely be something to do with CV3 to capitalize on the series.

that's bomberman

SotN, GB, and GBA collection.

So long as it's another Classicvania I will be happy

We have so many fucking metroidvanias that it's gotten tired

Remake Lament of Innocence into a 2d game.

I'm so glad that the show breathed a little bit of life back into Castlevania and that this whole "faithful retro sequel" thing is catching right at the same time. I love metroidvanias, and I even enjoyed LoS1, but we need more classicvanias like rebirth.

Contra needs to be next.

I definitely want Classicvania to make a comeback.

I would be happy with Adventure ReBirth HD.

LoS3 when?

>What would you like to see in Konami's upcoming Castlevania game for Switch made by second rate developer who has no fucking idea what they're doing?
there. fixed.

>I would be happy with Adventure ReBirth HD

why the fuck haven't they ported that and HoD to PC/PS4/XB1 yet?

Mercury Steam are busy working on Metroid V

Hey Konami, remember the WiiWare game? Do that again. Bigger this time.

I'm not sure I'd trust Konami with another Castlevania game, be it Igavania or Classicvania. I don't trust a second party either. Just port Harmony of Despair and add more characters and stages and be done with it

Just port SOTN so I can rebuy it for the millionth time.

Aw shit this.
>sprites from netflixvania
You know this is going to be what actually happens.
I'm okay with it.

>wanting a remake instead of a new game
wew, remakes are cancer, new shit or nothing.

Give the game to M2. M2 Made the Adventure Rebirth. An actual good game with real gameplay differences between difficulties besides damage or enemy counts.

M2 is quite literally the only group of developers that could make a new Castlevania.

Not Mirror of Fate. Fuck that.

I wouldn't mind a metroidvania or a classicvania, although I'm not sure how well the classicvania formula would do, since it inherently lacks replayability, no? Besides CV3 with the branching paths. I would like multiple characters again though. CV3 was really fun with different characters and when DoS had Julius mode with Julius, Yoko and Alucard, that shit was great. Varying playstyles really make the games fun for me.

Actually I take this back, Alucard being Trevor's dad is retarded and makes no sense in the context of the show.

>since it inherently lacks replayability
Castlevania 3 is more replayable than the last game you finished.

classicvanias are as replayable as igavanias since they're shorter and have good level design

Classicvanias are 10000000x more replayable than Metroidvanias

1999 arc

Just release some of the classics on the eshop.
Do we really want NuKonami to try to make a NEW Castlevania game?
or ruin a classic?

I dunno man I disagree about replayability. Many of them have branching paths and different characters to play as. I still replay 1, 3, and Rondo every Halloween.

There's a reason Legends was stricken from continuity. Well. Aside from the gameplay anyways.



I just want to know what Julius looked like as a 20-something year old and how much of a fucking beast he was. He's canonically the most powerful Belmont isn't he?

Nobody cares or wants Konami to make a new castlevania. They want them to give it to M2.

Konami would likely force 2.5D graphics in a new Castlevania like what's present in bomberman but shitty because the transition would be terrible.. Screen cap this post.

Legends was okay, not the greatest vania but not bad

>implying this would ever happen especially now

It played slower than the adventure and had those shitty enemy rooms that interrupted flow and weren't hard on top of being generally shit in design.

So it's going to be Switchvania vs Bloodstained?

GBA/DS games on VC motherfuckers

double bankrupcy

Just give me a game exactly like Dawn of Sorrow.


I don't want to play or read how a bunch of Japanese people helped a Belmont seal Dracula when Castlevania is supposed to be taking played in Wallachia.

hopefully it's classic style instead of metroid style. that we have switchvania for whippan and platforman, and then bloodstained for exploration.

Holy shit the article was written by a person who played the games. Like he's a casual fan given his lack of mention of 3 or super IV but at least he has an opinion that isn't complete ass.

Combo pack in boxes for all the castlevania games.
Especially Rondo of Blood since the music in that game is fucking amazing.
Also Order of Ecclesia on switch would be great since I dont have a 3ds.

Castlevania Demon Castle War would be nice to see the events of Julius beating Dracula for good.

Harmony of Despair, but with a shitload more characters to play as, 6-man ad-hoc play, randomized dungeon layouts, and a story mode.

Just give it up user. Julius was too good for Castlevania.

Castlevania 2000 is never happening.


Konami at least acknowledged the original timeline (not the lords of shadow shit) is still a thing thanks to the netflix show. And it was well received so they have more of an incentive to not just write it off. The smart move would be to treat LoS as another spinoff and give us the 1999 story or just another new game in the timeline.

wait how young was Julius in the 1999 war? he only seemed like a 40-50 year old dude in Aria.

What. Who are you talking about again? The only japanese characters in the series are the AoS and DoS ones.

We already had those ugly as fucking shit PSP Castlevania games so I'm not too concerned if they use 2.5D again. It can't be any worse.

>What would you like to see in Konami's upcoming Castlevania game for Switch
Nah. It would be just another metroidvania with reused sprites, music and assets. At this point, i don't actually care about future castlevania games

Time and space inside the eclipse castle was all fucked up. It's probably best not to think about chronology.

Oh? You don't know the stipulation on how the 1999 battle went down do you. Julius had help. The entire thing reads like bad fanservice.

I was happier with the series in the arms of the cold embrace of death.

wait so he was sealed in with the castle when the eclipse happened? that would make more sense, I thought he walked around earth with amnesia between 1999 and Aria.

I have no idea is what I'm saying user.

If it's not a Metroidvania, then sure. If capcom announced a real megaman and megaman x game next then I'd finally be sold on Switch, I'd just have to wait for the online verification to be spoofable because I'm not paying to use my own internet.

are we sure they don't want to make a castlevania pachinko switch game

>ideally the original PC Engine version if possible.
Get wrecked DracX fags.

Dracula's castle was sealed in the eclipse after he was killed, not before. It was specifically done because the castle is how he's ressurected. (as opposed to the stone in LoI or rituals done by cultists in Rondo or Death).

But you are right, it's best not to think about these things.

I didn't realize Julius in DoS lost his ridiculous leopard print coat. And gained what looks like chaps. But he regained it in HoD.

my man

That's because Dawn of Sorrow ruined all of the character designs.

damn everyone lost their swag in DoS.

I bet they will make a Classic Castlevania with a co op mode with the Joycon


could classicvania work co-op?

I hope we get a Harmony of Despair port. I'm not sure I want Konami to handle the franchise at all past just basic HD remakes and porting with additional content

>Mode where you friendly fire eachother
Sounds great.

They did a very nice job with Bomberman R so I'm all for Konami doing another Castlevania.


>all that fucking boomerang/cross troll potential

Did they? I guess I'm more cautious because Castlevania is more complex than just making a multiplayer game

Chapter 3.

No thanks.

what about the PS Vita?

DoS Soma became manlier. Lost his bell bottoms but gained some pecks. Broader shoulders as well.

Konami pls do this

And turned into a fucking faggot anime.

Absolutely, but I'm just talking about design. It's not like you can get more anime than Rondo.

He turned into an anime but he was already a Kojima design, you can't get much faggier than that.

Castlevania Dracula X 2 to weed out babbies of the series

Thinking about getting Dracula X to wait for the Switch one, is it any good? I haven't played many non-Metroidvania except from 2 and 3

>Castlevania Dracula X 2

Still boggles the mind that Kojima decided to turn Simon into a red-headed twink

Dracula X is considered the best Classicvania next to 4. It was the most refined one before the metroidvania ones came to be.

Great to know. I haven't heard much of it, though

The SNES game? It's a run-of-the-mill classicvania, worth playing but doesn't stand out in any way besides the final boss being more bullshit than usual.

You're gonna wait a long time

Fuck off. 4 is piss water compared to Bloodlines. Outside of the whip mechanic changing there isn't a single memorable thing about Castlevania 4.

It's stage design is arguably superior to Rondo.

Oh fuck off
>level design
All extremely memorable

Port for the port machine

I never mentioned bloodlines.

It's pretty much core castlevania with snes sprites. People call it a butchered port of the PC engine game but drac x is fine on it's own

A big thing that people don't know is that crouching without whipping prevents knockback on hit, which is a key element specially on the dracula fight. Sometimes you will want to just eat the hit than try to dodge and get knocked into a pit

Rondo also isn't outstanding unless you like oppai lolis.

it's not even a port of Rondo, it's a completely different game.

None of those things are memorable in CV4 and the only even remotely memorable part is Chandeliers.

>Widely considered the best classicvania.
Most popular would have been better phrasing. CV4 is bland shit.