Has there ever been a video game that changed your life, Sup Forums?

Has there ever been a video game that changed your life, Sup Forums?

timesplitters made me become a game dev


Abzu n Journey helped me get into meditation and helped find a quiet place after my fathers death.

Do you work anywhere or just homebrew stuff?

Runescape made me gay

MGS5. I stopped having expectations.

guarantee it wasn't the game

i release my games on steam and work alone

Before I played WoW for 5 years I had a chance of having a normal fulfilling life.

Not bad, congrats, user.

Games like Black Ops and World at War got me into history. I remember the only reason why I got so many answers correct in my freshmen history class is because of those games.

No More Heroes gave me the courage to accept who I really was.

Before that I was unwilling to work towards my dream of becoming a novelist out of fear that my ideas would be deemed too insane and laughed at by anyone at looked it. No More Heroes taught me that you can do anything creatively and make it interesting.

It gave me the confidence to really put myself out there and put in the work to make it in this field.

what games
if you dont tell me im gonna pirate them

Morenatsu taught me that husbandos are better than waifus.

The Witcher helped my get my philosophy PhD

I want to...

Halo 3 probably offset getting laid by a few years

breddy gud, user

Tecmo Super Bowl for the SNES
I have an understanding of how this game works that surpasses any other.
I have won every online emulated tournament I have ever entered.
Fucking one hundred and eleven sacks in one season with Reggie White.
Local bar hosts Tecmo Super Bowl tourneys every tuesday, I have won every one I entered.


I met a lot of lifelong friends over Cave Story, got inspired to become a dev, and had my furfaggotry awoken

not for the better, no.

When I played S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl for the first time, a story-critical character called Guide (who you are required to meet to get the true ending) died all on his own to some roaming mutant dogs. Thus I learned that in life, you may play your cards just right and do everything correctly on your end, but the universe might just decide to shit on you and you will fail.

The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker mainly, but that was the capstone to my childhood of vidya that influenced me. Mario 64, Banjo-Kazooie, all that - adventures and stories that take you to a world and tell you a story, no matter how simple.

I know Sup Forums had a hard-on for hating story in games, and I agree to an extent, but video games really taught me a lot of stuff that I've carried into my career now. Problem solving. Reading comprehension. Teamwork. Competition and reward. And storytelling.

It was around the age of 6 that I realized I wanted to be a filmmaker - I wanted to tell stories on-screen. A lot of things influenced this, but (ironically enough) video games was a main factor, although I ended up making film and not games.

I'm 25 now. Living in Atlanta, undergrad in film production. Sold me first screenplay last year. It was an adventure story. I couldn't imagine a world where I could have written that story without all the adventures I had in videos games as a kid and afterwards. I also do camera work and simple grip/electric. Life is pretty good.

So yeah.

I learned global geography and stratagy from this which in turn got me into Civ games, politics, and RTS games. Now I'm a greedy republican. Thanks risk.

Depends. I get like I had a transition period of being fromcartoony platformers and than to Cod and have since balanced out playing a variety of games regardless of genre and style.

As a person.... I’d say Okage shadow king. It was a game That appeared out of so god damn nowhere. Never heard of it before but my uncle who knows 0 things about video games got it at some flea market for my 7th birthday.

That game fucking griped me by the heart and put in me a love for a good story. It got me thinking about my own sense of existentiality since I felt so relateable to Ari. feeling like a shadow on the wall; always ignored, just a part of the background and always surprising people with a random quip. It made me want to speak up more and make sure everyone Knew I was there and know who I was. I hope one day to make my own game in homage to this game which was like a lightning bolt in a jar to me.

Dwarf Fortress of all things.
It taught me to accept and laugh at my own failure. In an odd way, it also taught me that things can still be salvaged after a catastrophe.

Nier and for honor made me realize how important money is and to not waste it on garbage. Haven't bought a full price game since and never will again.

MMO healing improved my multitasking and awareness. I'm a better driver now. Thanks XIV.

Paper mario taught me english.
Then it taught me japanese ten years later.

Helped me realize that people are cowards.

I can't pin point what single skill I learned from gaming, but this line has always resonated since I saw it and has been one of my motivators to finding what I want in life.

Have you had any successes?

Dragon Quest V
Made me really REALLY want a gf
So I worked out, and now I'm fit as fuck
Still no gf tho

So no?

It changed my life alright. But I wouldn't say it was for the better.


I met the girl I lost my virginity to while playing it. I was a 26yr old virgin at the time.

I used to be intimidated by any non-casual game but then Super Metroid gave me the confidence to face my fears.

Same here. It was a bit awkward when I was fucking her in the ass and her dick would slap my leg.

Brutal legend was a gateway from my entry level buttrock into way better music.

It's okay as long as it's human male on female anthro user.

WoW helped me make friends

Tell us

I wish they had time to implement side content. Great game otherwise.

Homestuck Made me gay

It's RuneScape my dude, I wasted so much fucking time on it and have nothing to show for it. It was just autistic grinding. I imagine if I had never played it I would have had a vastly more successful educational career.

This is so fucking pathetic it's not even funny anymore

straight edgy thing to say but it made me realize that depression never truly goes away

if visual novels count as games, then subahibi
probably ever17 too but not as much

if vn don't count as games then no. And I don't even like video games

Lol, mine was a trap too, a semi-famous one actually.

Red Faction Guerrilla made me realize I'm not always the good guy, by the end of the game Mars was just a pile of rubble and it was all my fault

Same for me but with Runescape.

>tfw F2P, but grinding coal and iron ore for hours just to own God Rune armor

I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have been able to wear it anyways.

WoW ruined my life.

neptunia made me stop denying I'm a weeb

You forgot your Shadow the Hedgehog pic, user

Ace Attorney almost got me into law.

if vns count then about a thousand anons started running for emi

contra on nes made me like video games which turned me into a complete loser and social outcast

Fishing lvl?

i played too many sims and instead of transforming me into a well-adjusted individual it made me worse.

then i got a nice job out of it i guess

Pic related had such an awful translation (also the PSP is the gutted version of the Windows version) that I learned Japanese just so I could play the REAL version.

Pokémon helped me learn the english language

i guess i would say half life cause afterwards i never went back to consoles.

Video games meant I was far ahead in learning English as a kid in school.

iRacing made me realize I had a passion for motorsport greater than any other thing in my life, and now I race local dirt track stuff and enjoy traveling to watch races. Just got back from the F1 USGP yesterday.

Dumb dogposter

iRacing made me realize motorsport was prime jewery and I started to lose interest in it desu.

Let me guess, Surgeon Simulator?

Persona 3

yakuza series

i learned how to gamble and then i destroyed my life with gambling debts and now i am hiding from a loan shark

The Phantom Pain made me quit gaming

also bioshock infinite

Should've visit superior loan shark

Rick and Morty: Virtual Rick-ality helped me get a PhD in theoretical physics

I may only be alive because I used Halo 3 as escapism during the worst period of my life, honestly. I love that game so goddamn much, if it ever gets a PC release I'll actually cry.

Assassin's Creed 2 also got me into history, but that wasn't so much life changing as it was interesting

Baldur's Gate. It made me love fantasy for the rest of my life.

same but i used rick and morty

Playing Gears of War 1 on Xbox 360 got me a small group of very close friends that I still talk to daily.

That's cool, it's really not that expensive compared to most hobbies. I own all the content and that was about $1000. My sim setup is about $2000. My actual dirt car is $6000. iRacing is really not that much as far as hobbies go. People spend more than that on fishing.

That dog is aesthetic as fuck. Would pet.