Sonybros, is the Polygon EIC /ourguy/?

Sonybros, is the Polygon EIC /ourguy/?

>get deleted
>immediately remake thread
this is how you get rangebanned

This is gotta be another parody account because that is some of the most retarded shit I've ever read.

can you imagine following one of these cucks

>mods giving a shit

What does Nintendo have against cloud saves?

I like how you leave out the cherry on top

my fujoshit girlfriend 100% breath of the wild on our downtime in my room in like a week, and under 100 hours to boot

Is this what autism looks like?
>My friend deleted my save, fuck you company!

Is she cute?


Looks like Nintendo's check cleared after all. It's not fair, bros.

is she cosmo wright?

holy fuck so not only did he freak out like a child, he freaked out like a child over something that didn't actually happen

Does this guy have an IQ of 20?

I don't get it. Isn't the accidental deletion of save data a risk on ANY console, from the NES right up to the PS4?

What a fucking dumbass

she's a chubby fujoshi that was a whale when we met but has the proportions of gyanko from build fighters now since we workout/live together

fuck off, falseflagging cocksucker degenerate. We want nothing to do with your faggotry. Reported for not video games.

>three button presses
>when theres like 8 autosave slots

I don't know what's more embarrassing, the tantrum or this attempt to justify it.

you're lying

Wow, what an enormous faggot.


>Accidentally overwrite save on PS4
>Oh no worries, I'll just download my backup save from PSN
See when you are playing with the Four Time Undefeated Console War Champ you get proper service.


Didn't need to mention more than that.

I'm fucking dying holy shit.

You shouldn't use the cloud because I hear all the time that companies like to sell your data.

This is why twitter shit is not allowed on my video game board. Reading messages by these kinds of idiots hurts.

No I'm not.

Fujoshit tumblr types are ultra submissive, but you also gotta make them do everything.
eat right, workout, SHOWER, go to bed ect.

I don't understand guys who want that kind of shit in a gf. This isn't an anime. Hyper dependence gets annoying real fucking fast.

Gonna need photographic proof

>oh wait my bad heh

theses people get PAID MONEY by someone to review this stuff.

Zelda is autosaving constantly so it's not like overwriting your last save matters.

She wont ever cheat because that requires effort, wants kids, does what I say, and can relate to my channer autism as a yaoi watching tumblr user.

Taking care of someone is nice and she takes care of me because I'm a lazy ex NEET, she makes me lift so my arms and abs are like her animes and makes me go to bed on time

I can get why you wouldn't want to live this way but it makes me happy desu

This, I'd honestly want a girl that would tell ME to get my shit together.

Did you accidentally delete your post, you silly retard?

>look at this twitter post XD
why are these threads allowed? Holy fuck.

It's not one sided, in effect I've become her dad and she became my mom

I love the McElroy family so I'm kinda stuck watching polygons youtube


>deleted his post
Is this actually a really clever joke?

i wonder how much my Platinum p5 Safety file is worth on the cloud

>implying Sup Forums wouldn't sperg out if they thought someone deleted their 100+ hour saves and their first response wouldn't be to immediately shitpost online about it

he's /ourguy/ alright

Holy shit what a fucking manchild.

What's Master Mode?

>zelda is a top 3 game
>horizon zero dawn still number one
Guerrilla games always wins.

>A woman cheating requires effort

All enemies are sponges and you take double damage DLC mode

what the fuck is he talking about with that master mode shit? did it turn out that his save file was still there if he switched difficulty?

you have to actually meet men or use social media and not play danganronpa in your room all day

Isn't this every game in existence? On every platform?

What game protects saves?

master mode makes a completely different save file from normal mode. The genius thought his friend wiped all of his normal mode saves but what his friend actually did was start master mode up for the first time

I lost a late game Mass Effect 1 save file (probably 25-30 hours) because of an actual in-game bug (permanently stuck in an elevator) and I didn't spaz out as much as this guy.

This is more-or-less how I reacted when a cousin overwrote my Pokemon Gold save. I was seven years old.

Same guy is also bitching about "problematic" enslaving mechanics in shadow of war
Jesus christ these people

so this is what the average sonybro is like?

Dude, you are not alone. This is my life too. I live the cling my gf has on me. It's never too much to handle and she always brings her own bounty to the table.

>being genuinely retarded

See this is why I bought a PS4.

>What game protects saves?
Most PC games will ask you if you are sure you want to rewrite a save file

Sup Forums would defend a Nintendo RPG being released with no save system, telling you to git gud and never turn off your console.

Nintendo should get its own containment board.

>1000% confident that he'll never play it again
>Plays it again
So, if he's that confident about himself, and then also wrong, why would anybody believe anything he says?

Jim Sterling gave Hellblade a 1/10 because he did something out of order and thought he permanently broke the game, so yeah pretty much. He also got kicked from Metacritic because of it.


Serious question, how old are you guys? Not even judging, just curious. Because I could maybe relate if I think back to my 18 year old self. That kind of thing would have sounded great. But trying to imagine being in that kind of relationship now would make me want to put my head through a wall.

holy fuck, sometimes I think society is designed too well if people this stupid can get anywhere beyond grade school


Well, looks like Chris's friend was a dick

Yeah, I fucking hated that BotW didn't have separate save slots. Y'know, like every fucking Zelda game before it had. Who the hell working on that game thought that was a good idea?

what a fucking retard

it doesnt even overwrite the save data from this point, you'd have to save again ingame, and even then there are autosave points every like 5 minutes

Seriously, how come you didn't reply to everything in my wall of a text? Why didn't you talk to me on your lunch? Oh it's your friends birthday and even though you told me you were going to be with him that day I wanted to be with you...

i want to be that shota

>game is bad because I'm dumb and let my friend delete my save file
Gaming journalism

>friend overwrites my blood roar 2 save file
>later that day when we were playing outside i spiked a ball at his face "accidentally"
I was a very cruel child.

Menu design is too difficult, they need to fucking stop this elitism

>Nintendo games games that are too easy
>get shit on
>Nintendo would pull some arcade shit
>get shit on because it's too hard

Holy fucking shit

Is Switch the Cuphead tutorial of consoles?

Literally what.
This is like when I decided that Hugo was a shit-tier trash game with a garbage main character because my mother once accidentally overwrote my Spyro save file with a Hugo one when I was like six or something, but this guy is a Grown Man with a job.

I lost my 90 hour Persona 3 save when my HDD failed and I just never played the game again instead of crying about it.

>Brother spends 2 days grinding for peeping eye soul on dawn of sorrow.
>Friend deletes savefile
>He throws a fit
>Starts the game again
>Gets peeping eye the first time he kills it.

RNG can be a bitch

I'd be sperging online about how much of an asshole my friend would be, I wouldn't be blaming it on the fucking system.

This is absolutely unreal. How do these people have any even remotely influential voice in critiquing anything?

Experience has taught me that I never revisit old saves anyway. Once I finish a game I'll keep the save file "just in case" but I never go back to it. Back in the day there was maybe some logic to it if I wanted to watch the ending again but with Youtube that's become obsolete. If I do play a game again, if it's been more than a few months I'll always start from the beginning.



>a grown man being THIS angry about a video game and throwing a public tantrum
Will nintenbros ever learn?

Leaked dev kit info shows that they're gonna add it in the future (and also a guest account system where you can play your saves on another guy's switch if he has that game), they're just being really goddamn slow. Once the online service is sorted out that's probably when we'll see it

I don't get why these industry/journosphere types usually have zero capacity to be critical of themselves. This guy fucking heads up one of the biggest journo platforms in the sphere?

its legit a good point that the OS has a required three button press but overwriting a save file of 100 hours of labor doesn't
that does appear kind of absurd

surely there can be a 'do you really want to delete this?' prompt that pops up right

I hope he didn't go mental at his "good pal"


How could he? It was clearly Nintendo's fault for making it too easy to "accidentally" overwrite a save file.

>baaaaaw the age-old convention of asking users to confirm whether or not they really want to permanently overwrite data isn't sufficient to protect me from being a retard and / or handing my hardware to a retard
>oh wait I made a retarded mistake, my data is still there

The real question is how did this guy go through the entire game without realizing you can make a manual save.

>its legit a good point
It's a lie. You don't know about the game. You haven't even read the thread. Why are you posting?

It's clearly the darks souls of consoles

>14 uur
>12 uur

Uur means hour Ameranon.

You just know he got all flustered then said "It's not your fault, it's Nintendos!!!!"