This game’s great because it teaches you

>this game’s great because it teaches you..

Other urls found in this thread:

What despises me the most is how pretentious he is about his own opinions

He wasn't wrong...

>enemy hits him because he wasn’t blocking
>”what a fucking asshole this game doesn’t work DX”

Yet he never fucking learns nor listens to what the game has to say.

>still thinks his sequelitis video is valid
you have to be 18 to post here you know

He is literally never wrong tho

how do you teach someone to shoot a melon?

>navi tells him what to do
>"god shut up, navi is so annoying"
>30 seconds later
>"this game is the worst I have no idea what to do!!!!"

How to DODGE

>how to manipulate people
>start a wow guild
>build a lot of friendships
>do a couple of giveaways
>have more people donate then just kick everyone and sell the guild bank

If a tutorial level teaches you without having to blatantly point out the controls, I think that's pretty good.


I can't get mad at anything he says because he is stuck with a fat disgusting wife, and he sucks at games.

yes but that's not the golden quality of a video game. There are plenty of phenomenal games with tutorials that are better than games without them.

What I despise the most is how people give a shit about his opinions.

>this game is bad because it makes you wait a lot

and all the children you will just regurgitate the same argument he had in those dumb videos

he only had to wait because he thought the sword was the only way to kill enemies, he's just to stubborn to use anything else.

yeah but just because he's an idiot that cant take his own advice that doesnt mean he was wrong in that sequelitis video
a broken clock is right twice a day, a game teaching you in the way megaman x's tutorial does is pretty good game design

Oh for sure. But I thought the point he was making was spoonfeeding kind of watered down the experience.

I liked when he complained about Breath of the Wild having short cutscenes that show you the Divine Beasts when you first get close to an area. It's such an inane thing to complain about.

his megaman video is correct, but all the problems he talked about in the ocarina video were his own fault

Chris >>>>>>>>>>> Arin

I agree with him in regards to tutorials. But he takes that as the quality that makes or breaks a game, He's said in his secret of mana playthrough before that "this game is ok but it sucks because it teaches you badly"

Game grumps more like lame grumps amirite?

> respect black culture

lol. really?

Lame Chumps would've been better.

>slowly takes over your channel

>pretends to know anything about games
>shits on Ocarina of Time
>makes a playthrough that disproves LITERALLY EVERYTHING he said about this game
Here is a TWO HOUR montage of him being a total fucking retard at the game
And there are people who think that Nintendo took his words seriously in designing BotW.

Name 1 time he was wrong

Thanks for making the board worse with your e-celeb shit.

you didn't have to open this thread you know..

>what is acting

I dont think you know how views work user

People praise Dark Souls for that, yet even they have messages that tell you how the controls work. Which just makes me think the people who complain about this stuff are just being extremely nit-picky.

>H-he's just pretending to be retarded!
Might actually be worse.

>Skips tutorial

>how about some interesting combat scenarios on this platform, like a spinning enemy that you have to time your jump around

I feel that he simply can't stand losing control of the game for a second or having to stop and read anything.
I also prefer it when you learn mechanics more organically, but he came to the right conclusion for the wrong reasons.

You didn't have to start it, or bring your middle school friends with you.

it's almost like there's more than one thread on Sup Forums at a time and you chose to participate in the one you disliked the most

Man that was one awkward show. {spoiler]The edits were okay though.[/spoiler]

>hates 3D games because "they're made for idiots who need to be spoonfed through tutorials"
>still manages to suck at games like Mega Man and Castlevania which he claims to love
>Game Grumps manages to prove that he's just awful at video games period
>fucking DSP is better than him at vidya
>can't figure out where to get the sword and shield in Wind Waker
>can't figure out how to use Deku Nuts to stun enemies in Ocarina

Gamegrumps taught me to listen to let'splays instead of actually watch them. I don't doubt that it's hard to hold a decent conversation while playing a videogame but Arin's constant insistence on skipping tutorials because it would break the flow of the conversation and then complaining about game design 10 seconds later when he doesn't know what to do is utterly infuriating to watch.

Sure, but treating that as a universal "rule" of game design is bad because it limits the complexity of games you can make. Nobody is going to just naturally figure out stuff like Last Remnant's systems, that doesn't make it a bad game.

>I hate talking about ecelebs! Let me go to the 1 thread out of 40 that people are talking about them!

>DSP is better than him at vidya

>makes a living off playing games
>isn't even good at them
life is unfair

It only works in corner cases like Megaman X

Yeah Megaman X's tutorial is pretty good. Do you honestly think you can make tutorials like that in 3d games with a lot of different inputs and menus?

No. Arin's a retard

Why is it here to begin with?

I think you may be a brainlet if you didn't understand what his problem with the spinning death pucks in OoT was. I mean he makes it clear.

where's the webm of him dying to the clam in the water temple like a retard

>wow this is bullshit I don't get this crap
>obvious answer explained and demonstrated to the player
>eats 5 minutes of the episode time

At points I just think he's trying to hit that 10:01 minute mark


What was the argument then? Please share. It seems pretty contradictory to me.

so that people can discuss it?
Its more vidya than talking about forum politics

Why are YOU here to begin with? You don’t walk over to a group of strangers and say “why are you talking about this?????!!!! GOD just GO AWAY”

You really think he's pretentious?

He just thinks he’s more qualified to talk about video game design than he actually is.

>People praise Dark Souls for that, yet even they have messages that tell you how the controls work. Which just makes me think the people who complain about this stuff are just being extremely nit-picky.
The controls are the worst part of Dark Souls. Game's not hard, the controls are just garbage.

Correction. He makes a living being an improv comic who plays videogames.

>implying “MAN THIS POOPY DICK IS FUCKING BULLLLLLLLLSHIET *fart noises*” is funny

nah m8, you just retarded

Then define what in your mind is that qualification. Do you seriously think one needs to have 30 years of game development experience to talk about which games are well designed and which ones aren't? He's pushing 30 years old, he's been playing games since the 90s and he has solid, well-written, well-thought-out videos about Megaman, Legend of Zelda and Castlevania. You don't need to be skilled at a game to know it's good. You don't need to know how to develop a game to know it's well designed.

>tfw they haven't done Doodle Doods in a while
That's the only reason I subbed to them

>watching game grumps post jontron

what's wrong with you?

This is why Oneyplays > NuGrumps

Then tell me, what is the worst part of Dark Souls if not the controls?

>going to pre
>Obama voice
>my pusssee

All stolen jokes from Super Mega. He hasn't come up with anything funny in ages.

I heard they won't be doing them anymore since Chris moved somewhere else, he was making no money doing it since it was some sort of passion/for fun project, a shame honestly, it was pretty good most of the time.

That would be lost izalith

Yeah cause its not like they are just around each other all the time or anything

The camera

now i feel obligated to do a let's play stream of this game on my channel. the lack of shield use on the lizalfos is a travesty

Just blow him already.

>I like Jontron shorts, and I like Egoraptor Cartoons therefore Gamegrumps will be amazing
>Most episodes devolve into who can blowout the mic harder "ECH" and "AHHH" screaming matches
Danny might be a yes man to Arin's opinions, but I don't miss Jontron. They are better off doing their own thing.

>site is for users 18+
>only 12 year olds watch youtube heroes
These threads decidedly bring the wrong crowd to the board.

Thought Chris still lives in LA

>well-written, well-thought-out videos about Megaman, Legend of Zelda
>Legend of Zelda
look man i agree on megaman, but LoZ shown in this post linked below proves otherwise.

Most of the stuff he points out in his videos is incredibly basic stuff like antepieces, and the Zelda video is just a massive display of his own ignorance.

>watch youtube video where people play video games together
>it's just a bunch of retards sitting around laughing constantly to make sure there's always noise

>start of series
>*proceeds to follow the walkthrough step by step until the series is over*

How anyone could find them entertaining is beyond me

Arin discontinued it because he wanted the slot to do his own podcast

There is also the rumor that he felt that Chris was purposely upstaging him on DD and wanted a larger cut of Oneyplays revenue

Look at their views, the channel is dying.

Probably because Arin knows he isn't as talented and likeable as Chris

Give me the stats.

Isn't Oneyplays on there own now and not recording at Arins?

Dumbest argument of all time. Arin was being a whiny bitch because Jon was better than him.

I can imagine. Their comedy game is shallow as fuck.

>hey Dan lets name this character uh Fuckshitonball
>hey Dan look at this guy
>hey Arin I'm jewish
>hey Dan one time I took a smelly poop
>hey Dan listen to me beatbox
>insert complaining about your comment section here

Take 1 random video of something they've made and you've seen them all

It wouldn't surprise me if Arin disliked Chris, Chris's videos are better, his fans love him, he has competent gameplay on most of his videos, people still praise his art, Chris is an edgelord and it probably bothers Arin.
Chris gets all this love and praise without having to constantly remind people about his "improv" classes or having to do the classic fake rage that plagues let's plays.

>There is also the rumor that he felt that Chris was purposely upstaging him on DD
DD was Chris and Ross.

Last years Resident Evil playthrough was great because Arin actually knew what the fuck he was doing. I think it's their need to always be somewhat "Current" that is being their downfall

you guys have any tips on live streaming let's plays? i'm saying what would it take to do them right? i don't want to be an Arin or like the other autists who do them. my goal is just to have fun playing games with people, not a full time career or some shit, already have a full time job.

His gameplay of Mario+Rabbids was almost sad. It felt like watching a 5 year old play.

>Chris is an edgelord

Don't force a persona.

Megaman games are embarrassingly overrated.