>not even a fucking update today
Not even a fucking update today
>trying to force your game into esports when you can't even balance your game
Will he be the next Cliffy?
I stopped playing months ago what did they do to mercy so bad that people are like this?
Cause Ik its about her but wtf happened
Diablo 3 got an update today. Overwatch confirmed deader than D3
I uninstalled right as Destiny came out
Lol. Im tired of waiting
>Buff Mercy to the point where the team without Mercy will lose
>Give spamrat two mines but be too stupid to nerf the CD or damage
>Spamrat ults nonstop with tires flying at the speed of sound
>Genji and Hanzo wall climb bug still there over a year later
>Over a year later teammates still can't see friendly Sym ult through wall
>Over a year later friendly healers still don't have a different symbol or colored arrow to stand out through walls
>Doomfist, the latest hero, the man said to be able to take down skyscrapers, is flooded with bugs and has the lowest pickrate in the game
>Over a year later Hanzo, a sniper, can still shoot the ground and one shot tanks.
Holy fuck. At this point I think they're severely retarded or do this shit on purpose to keep slowly updating the game so they can keep their jobs and have SOMETHING to work on.
>leave the game in a cheese meta state for weeks
I am finished with this bullshit. Today was the last straw of waiting
>Mercy, Bastion and Orisa combo during Defense phase
>Kill Bastion
>Mercy revives him
>repeat until attack team loses
How exactly does trash like Overwatch get so popular (yes it's dying still) but trash that's at least as "good" like Paladins and Battleborn are dead on arrival?
>play pharah on lijiang
>enemy team junkrat harasses the fuck out of my team
>kill him
>gets rezzed
>kill him again
>rezzes him again and the enemy roadhog
>kills my team
Remember when Mercy got nerfed on ptr so she could only rez twice in 60 seconds but it never went live because shitters cried about it
Blizzard doesn't do updates until the week after Blizzcon when they blow their loud.
Blizzard. Duh
Considering all the bitching I hear about Blizzard's balancing, I'm glad their only MP title I play is SC2's co-op.
>blizzard implying casuals will wait another week for overwatch to be decently fun again
this games cancer and unbalance is so bad that it spread to the other cancer called hots and ruined the almost balance we had there
thanks overfags
>Sup Forums is still butthurt OW is successful
Get over it
did they even ask themselves “ok which is better: reviving your entire team once or reviving one or two key people that can still keep the fight going twice maybe even three times”
Like what the fuck were they thinking
I hate Jeff.
That fucking toxicity video is basically
>If you whine we won't listen to you okay?
>We changed everything you whined about okay?
She has a pickrate of >100% because of how broken she is. People aren't memeing when they say this is the worst Overwatch has ever been. I personally thought flash fan McCree raping everyone and widow bodyshots were worse though.
Post yfw Mercy didn't get a nerf today
No, they had to make her blantantly overpowered so mercy mains wouldn't drop out of their ranks after placements, because when they did rework her, it was mid season 6.
Nerfing her correctly would have botched so many games if they did. They have no chance nerfing her until this season is over. It sucks cock.
The fuck did they change on her?? Her ult?
>esports events get like 10k viewers at most
>$20M buy in for teams
I've come home to TF2, $60 for this shit was a mistake
>$20M buy-in for teams
You're kidding. No way.
Her ult is now a single target skill on a 30 second cooldown
Her new ult lets her fly, shoot faster, and chain heals
this isn't your average blizzard balancing
this is
>mfw i somehow ended up at 3,5k after playing my placements solely using mercy with a 50% w/l
>30 second cooldown
Are they fucking high? So I'm assuming its just turned into kill the bastion and scramble to kill the mercy for 10 minutes
Originally rez was made into an ability you could instant revive you team. Cooldown was 30s
Her new ult reset the cooldown and it was at 10s cooldown during ult. If you managed to ult 1s before her ult ended, the next rez would be on 30 seconds cooldown.
This was hell for a good two weeks, teams wouldn't fucking die and teamfights lasted ages. There was also a bug mechanic they left in that you could cancel guardian angel and slingshot around. She was borderline unkillable without a McCree or soldier ult.
A week and a half ago(?) she got her cooldown for rez on ult taken away so it's currently on a charge system like Junkrats mines and Tracer's blinks. I think you can max rez 3, but it's still too strong.
Like said there was a time for about 3 days where she got nerfed (I think) to a good state. Rez was on a 30s cooldown no matter if she ulted or not. And you know what? That's how it should've been. The ability to revive a roadhog at 100% 600hp and his ability to stall with 50% dmg reduction is way too much. You pretty much don't even have to play the game, just pick a roadhog/mercy/pharah/two cheese characters with strong ults (junkrat)/zenyatta for burst heal, then win. It's not even a skill based game anymore, it's attrition during teamfights to see who gets ult first like everyone jokes about talking about overwatch. (Press Q to win.)
It's pathetic
They basically over buffed her. Rez is now a common ability on a 30 sec cooldown. Her new ult has changed that basically makes everything about her kit better.
She longer range while ulting, and her heal/boost can apply to everyone near the target shes heal/boosting. Imagine basically combining Zen and Orisa's ult into one super ult. Oh, but thats not all. She can now fly during her ult, never reload if she shoots, her dash has a longer range as well now during it. And the most broken thing? Her passive healing, which used to kick in after 1s or so of no damage, now is permanently on.
On top of all of that, shes also been buffed so she can use her dash to slingshot past people and use it to get away easier.
Shes basically become Mercy on steroids and now no other healer can contest for her position because shes so good. You're literally handicapped if you don't have a Mercy now.
>tfw Lucio main
>he bought the good goy edition
you guys need to understand, this game has just been getting worse every season since season 3. I'm a former t500 player and I quit during the dive meta. The game is absurdly stale and has very little money in it anymore for people like me.
Why don't they just make Sombras hack silence any active ult? It would fix so much horse shit.
Already uninstalled and went back to TF2. Never falling for Blizzard scams again
>why don't they just make this character the best character that will get picked every game
I heard blizzard was hiring
Sombra is one of the only heroes who has virtually no counter and you want to buff her?
Are you fucking stupid?
>Sombra hacks me
>oh no, I can't use my abilities. Better just turn around and fucking shoot her. It's not like her gun is pathetic or anything.
>3% pick rate character
Oh no, letting a silence character silence will break the game. Her usage might double to 6%! Unthinkable.
She has one of the lowest pick rates and win/loss ratio in the game. To counter her silence you just shoot her once, to counter EMP you end your ass fucking conga line for one moment and space out.
How are the updates for tf2 coming along?
>character has a cool concept but is complete fucking trash
>should we let her do what she's meant to do?
Wew lad.
Come back to TF2 it's literally never been this good since 2009, new golden age
Nigga, you have no idea how close is Sombra to become broken good. But yeah, jeff is a pussy so he doesn't want another Ana, that's why the new heroes feels underpowered.
>Make a game specifically for esports
>Fuck up the balancing to the point where it'll never be an esport attractive game like LoL or DOTA
Overwatch was already a struggling esports game with a frustrated and slowly dwindling competitive scene, but these shit balances are killing it. This is just inexcusable. They put out Ana and hype her up and then she gets nerfed to oblivion and left behind. They put out Doomfist and hype the HOLY shit out of him and now they nerfed him so bad that he's considered a throw pick like Widowmaker and Torb.
They keep most of the DPS buffed and keep everyone else weak and unable to counter them without being a DPS themselves. Oh, and they buff Mercy while leaving every other healer behind, making her a must pick and the other healers useless compared to her.
It's all so ridiculous. This game is lacking in flavors and their "balance" is a fucking joke and everyone knows it. Jeff can ban anyone who says otherwise but he can't ban the truth of the matter. If the king is butt ass naked, people will see him as being naked no matter how much he tries to make a decree stating otherwise..
Yeah, simply no counter. Nothing can stop her, there is literally no counter play to be had, fucking unstoppable.
>Literally the only joy i have still playing this shit game is because of Mcree
>Have to have gold in everything if i pick him because otherwise some shitter will whine at me that im not landing headshot 100% of the time while dueling tanks alone
>Right click is borderline uselss now
>I should be happy about scaring people off the point with my ult and maybe JUST MAYBE get one kill that Mercy wont rez immediately
Fucking end me.
Stop playing Overwatch.
>tfw she has been below 5% pick rate since she came out
It just don't get it, shit like lol and dota can balance their massive rosters, yet blizz can't handle a cast of 25? What the fuck are they doing?
Do you really thought they would give an update today with Blizzcon so close?
blizzard can't esports
i kinda unironically want flashbang mcree back. shit was fun.
Just got a big update
Pyro is really fun now
It's a foolish move, I doupt they want to discuss how hard they've fucked up at blizzcon. Should have addressed concerns this week, then have all the typical back patting horse shit next week.
>tfw main widow and get consistently high damage and kills. win all placement matches. end up in high silver. the fuck?
Are you guys going to wait another week or just uninstall?
Overwatch is a game that fails the very basics of game design. It quite literally thrives on marketing and public ignorance of the medium and nothing else.
That's not quite fair. Not defending Blizzard at all here, they didn't really have any excuse, but TF2 was built on the Source Engine for HL2, one of the games that pioneered the 'cinematic experience' shit. They already had built complex systems for eye and mouth movement for the 'cutscenes' in HL2 and simply re purposed that tech. It would not have taken much as opposed to adding that stuff into what I do believe is a new engine.
>tfw finally uninstalled
>tfw no more pain in diamond or rage
Time to rage at rainbow six siege and fortnite
Should I come back to TF2?
Nice Esports Jeff.
Investing all their resources into "punishing" bad behavior apparently.
did they really say hanzos and genji wall climbing abilities are a bug?
torb a throw pick? i'll have you know my winrate is nearly 80% on him during attack on payloads. git gud
If you're looking for a sign to uninstall, here it is
Do it user
these kinds of posts are so funny
Which characters do you use to derank so you can stay in bronze for your attack torb winrate?
you are just mad that im a better attack torb than you
keep em coming
Someone post the mercy image with pubes
i have 20% winrate on mercy
It is just as bad as Overwatch atm.
>every match is 6+ pyros attacking each other for contract achievements.
If you kill anyone that is a pyro most of them are like " can we kick ____ he is trying to play for real and not allowing me to get my achievements." -vote kick
Both games are cancer atm.
Although tf2 looks more playable in about 3-6 months after all the neck beards get their contract achievements.
>tfw no one listened
Blizzard took the best route financially
>Keep the people who buy skins happy, aka the casuals that play mercy and need characters that reward you for being a passive bitch
>Keep offensive, aggressive, initiators like Roadhog in prime condition to bully faggot mercys out of the game
If you still play this game you deserve everything you get
Blizzcon is next week, better to wait and see what they will drop there before deciding on uninstalling
>I Need Healing.jpg
Reminder that blizzard somehow conned 20 different teams/investors into giving them 20million USD EACH. I'd be shocked if each team even makes a million dollars back before the whole esports scene collapses (which is bound to happen)
It's not like you have many alternatives.
lol QC's fire rates are linked to frame rate, that game is actually really fucking bad
Holy shit, all the worst characters at the top of the meta.
well done blizz, you played yourself
I don't know what this means but I do at the same time
>defense heroes are still bad
They might as well just call Overwatch Dive Meta: The Game
I usually fucking meme in these threads but the patch not even coming today with a Mercy nerf has broke me
I am not fucking waiting anymore for this game to be fun. Fucking GG blizz. Fuck you and your esports trash
delete this
>Years later still waiting for my boy Reaper to be good
Ok not zenny
>yfw competitive wow dungeons are a more popular e-sport
I had a good laugh out of this one, user.
Story of mine :
>KOTH, Oasis
>roadhog approaching our spawn being annoying
>i kill him with relative ease
>Mercy fucking slingshots right onto him at 5000 mph out of nowhere and rezzes him
>as soon as he's rezzed, he ults me
>pushes me off the map right outside my spawn
I fucking hate the concept of a resurrection in a game like this. It really fucks with the flow of the gameplay. What a mistake.
>paying 20 million dollars for this shit
What were they fucking thinking?
Not having the balls to into risk/reward. Trying to make things easier by having everyone have identical, non-accelerated movement and leaving ability/ult mechanics untouched has just made things harder for them.
Paladins is a much better game and actually balanced, if you still play Overwatch instead of Paladins or Team Fortress 2 you are literally retarded and deserve all the asspain.