Full-time student here; I have a bunch of VNs I want to get through, but I don't want to get invested in them right now because I need to focus on projects. But when I work on my projects I'm so bored that I can't get anything done. How do you guys do this?
How do I balance gaming and college work?
Become a neet.
>How do you guys do this?
I don't.
>sub to mmo
>play for an hour
>two weeks later I haven't touched it
Can't stay a neet forever. My parents are starting to age.
you just don't do that shit. or get a grip and forget the games.
You don't. Your college keeps you too busy to play vidya. The fun part is after college you'll be in so much debt that you'll be too busy with work to play video games.
You are actually done playing vidya for the next twenty years or so. Congrats, I guess. College was a solid move on your part.
Time management. Finish work and school work by 7. Play vidya 'til 10.
epic blogpost you cum eating retard
You don't. College is only temporary, quit playing so much vidya. You can get back to it when you're finished.
i dropped out and got a shitty job
playing mostly on days off
Limit yourself to a couple of hours a day before bedtime.
the way i do it is i tackle the work when my brain decides it's a good time to do so. regardless of how boring you might find the work, it still needs to get done. it should get done eventually, just at a time you're most comfortable or willing to do it. forcing yourself to do it will lead to the work never getting done.
for example, i have a huge project assigned yesterday for my computer science class. it's due in two weeks. i could play dota all day and ignore the project until next week, but it'd also be great if i could knock out the project so i don't have to think about it when i play mario odyssey for 72 hours this friday through the weekend. you obviously would like to play these VNs, but your brain says you should be doing those projects. so do the projects. work hard on them now, and play the VNs later as a reward for your work.
if you find the field you are majoring in boring you should switch majors. that is the best advice i can give you.
do all your shit during the week so you have the weekends free for vidya or whatever other kinds of goofing off
drop out OP
pic related
>tfw I have school on weekdays and work on weekends.
Really thinking in just dropping, there is town of way I can learn coding and networking in the internet anyways.
Why don't you fucking focus on studying and school first? Finish and then you can enjoy all your fucking games afterwards. They aren't going anywhere and they won't expire. Grow the fuck up. Jesus Christ. People like you who give gamers everywhere bad images of being lonely manchildren virgins.
>tfw can't balance 40h work week + housework + reading + vista
>probably because I spend hours shitposting & lurking on Sup Forums
drop out, be neet, then you have all the time to play games and watch anime
Isolate yourself from your games and just focus on your work. Study now, play later.
You see, the problem is that you're not shitposting and lurking Sup Forums at work. That's how I do it (3 years and haven't been fired yet).
Do you take too much time to go to college? I found a waste of time attending classes, so i just started staying home all semester and only leave home for basic needs, resulted in more time to study and play games while also having no strict schedule, though i dont recommend this if you have no control of yourself, you may end up not studying anything at all by yourself at home.
But can you learn English?
Either way, just finish your degree. Trust me.
Your grades are pretty inconsequential. Getting work after college is all about who you know, so play as much vidya as you want, just make sure you're making connections (and that you actually graduate, lol).
Learn to manage your time. Do your work, take breaks every so often. Get the important stuff out of the way so you're not worrying about it all the time. I play tons of games and I have a 3.4 GPA
Do not play until vacations. Meanwhile you can save some money for Video Games, unless you are american and you need to giva one of your kidneys to keep in the course
>How do you guys do this?
Full time student with a part time job here. I do it by spending the first few months only playing vidya, and the last one month hating myself. It's been going well so far, almost straight A's :^)
Oh and the job is a software engineer gob at like $80k
>Getting work after college is all about who you know
I got my job 100% because of my grades. I just randomly overheard my now boss talking about a job opening, and I got it because I'm not a brainlet.
Koe no Katachi. It's a healing manga that failed to deliver the healing. Not enough despair to be good in the other direction.
I was in electrical engineering and got shit marks while attending classes, it was only when I stopped going to them altogether and just did the example problems/assignments for the courses that I became an 80%+ student.
In my mind spending 2.5 hours to attend one class due to commuting was ridiculous so I just held my own "class" for a half hour and spent the rest playing vidya. Fucking saved my GPA and my sanity doing that, I could wake up at 10am and learn all my courses for the day in like 2 hours at most.
Gave me all sorts of time to spend on vidya, working out and hanging out with friends
Classes are a meme. Congratulations on joining the ranks of the enlightened elite.
You don't, wait for vacations, your vn's are not going anywhere and it'll be the same if you play em now or in Christmas.
Also stick to games that don't have any dailies, energy systems or stupid promotions AKA all mobile games and some mmos.
When you return to vidya it'll be more satisfying because you'll feel you've earned it or at least you ain't wasting your time
School always takes priority. vidya gets any remaining time.
>I got a job by talking to someone and not applying online
That's called a connection, mr. supposedly not brainlet.
this so much
i've bought a month of WoW, osrs, and dofus within the last month
at least i'm playing dofus a bit
I literally didn't know the guy prior though. He was just around.
The job I'm (hoping to get hired soon for) is performance-based data entry so it's either get paid for lots of workflow or shitpost
>The fun part is after college you'll be in so much debt that you'll be too busy with work to play video games
LMAOing @ america right now.
Wagecuckery is a mugs game
i seriously can't tell if this is legit or if this is some troll to ruin my future
classes are shit though especially when we have some ethnic woman who can't even speak proper english
Just accept that work comes first from here on out. If you can't play games, so be it. It's better than being a useless piece of shit at least.
>mfw suck at math
>mfw the professor is a straight off the boat Chinese lady
Push through the boredom. If you're bored all the time in the future as you take more advanced classes you may want to reconsider what you're studying. Don't stick with something just because it seems financially viable right now, there are lots of careers out there to pursue and you should look for something that's at least a little rewarding.
That’s why you have breaks. Or, get ahead on all your assignments and game until you have to study for finals.
>tfw dropped MMO's because of full-time job
If you really liked a VN you would just play it, you wouldn't be worrying about having to maintain a balance between the two.
>mfw the professor is a straight off the boat Chinese lady
Those are the fucking worst. Why would you hire someone who can barely speak English to teach at a school where everyone speaks English?
Because you can pay them less and they don't expect tenure.
So how do you guys deal with having no idea what you wanna do in the future? I was like this before I learned that cooking is something I really enjoy.
Nah I actually did stop going to classes entirely, the downside to it is that you're at the mercy of classgoing friends to give you peace of mind that the prof hasn't pulled any shit that he doesn't note online.
I realized my entire degree's worth of content was available online, and a lot of professors posted practice problems which were exactly the same sort of ones we'd get tested on. I knew if I could answer those I'd get 100% basically so I just googled or used pirated textbooks to figure them out and I knew I was good for that course.
Labs and exams were the only reason I showed up on campus but I'd often go just to hang out at friend's student houses anyway.
Back then I was addicted to vidya so in the case school and vidya collided, vidya won so giving myself hours of extra free time by not attending classes made sure school and vidya stopped clashing and my marks went way up.
Damn, calm down dude. This kid's probably a first year in college, this is his first experience being accountable and having to budget his own time without any adult input. He's not a drooling retard, hes just realizing that he has to grow up.
You don't. Gaming is detrimental to your development as a person. Remove it from your life and achieve true happiness, not a cheap shortcut that only lasts a few hours before losing its magic.
I usually live with a "I'll cross that bridge when I get to it" mentality.
Literally why worry about something you can't change/can't do anything about.
Don't go overboard with it, though.
last sem had an indian woman who spoke with an english accent
this sem i have an indian woman who talks really fast in a really thick accent
what's next
I just went into comp sci because I was on the PC all the time anyway, and I liked it.
really thic indian woman
>working 34 hrs a week
>full time college
>still play 4 or more hours a day
>play most of the day sat, sun, mon
This seems like a good place to ask. Any of you lads got advice on backlog clearing? Should I forcibly remove games from Steam that I never am going to play and chalk it up to a lesson learned or should I just hide them?
>some ethnic woman who can't even speak proper english
one of my lectures had a think chinese accent, barely knew english and a stutter.
it was hell
Literally just don't have autism/just be yourself.
I could do this, but I'd have to drop Sup Forums. I try to, but I end up coming back.
All i know is that i want to get into something creative but have to finish my small degree first now. Even if i fail that and quit some time in the future, i'll know what i'm gonna do.
Even if it's just a stupid small job where i can do creative projects on the side i'll be golden. The stress of Uni and purely academic work might just be not for me.
Just stop worrying about it. Buy what you want, play what you want, and if you notice you're not playing a lot of stuff you buy, then try to think more carefully before you buy any more in the future.
How do I become a NEET?
I'm second year in uni, switched my major from computer science to psychology to become a psychologist. I love psychology, I love learning, I love all of that kind of work, but I hate being around a bunch of people. My dream is one day to just have my own practice but without a masters degree I can't really do that and 5 years of college, worrying constantly about school work and group work and people kills me.
I'm fucking failing calculus. I could dedicate time to my hobbies in other semesters, but I'm putting so much into this class while not making any progress. I hate it so much.
Only if you have to drive, attentionspan and constraint to ACTUALLY do all that work.
For my education the lectures are incredibly important though, getting through exams without them would be tons and tons of unnecessary work and missing information.
College is piss easy. It's high school 2.0.
Its easier/more logical to be a NEET if you're going from working to NEET. Student life ain't so bad
>from computer science to psychology
Sorry user, it's all over for you.
As I get busier I find myself playing more and more arcade style games. Bullet hells, run n guns, etc.
A play in these genres can range from a few minutes to about 30, which is nice and small and theres no bullshit in the way of the gameplay so I can just have fun for a bit and then put it down.
I never get subscription based games because then I feel like I have to pkay within a certain time or I'm losing money. With games I can play from just owning them I'm free to play whenever. I also avoid major multiplayer games because if you don't keep up with balance patches and meta strategies and shit like that then you get left behind. And I just dont want to keep up with all that stuff.
Only hide or remove games that are starting to feel like an obligation. Even better, you could try playing them. You dont have to finish every game. If its bad or just okay you can play for a bit just to get an idea of what the game is like, then hide it when you decide it shouldnt be in your library. If you end up really liking it then hey, you've got a good game to play.
Best advice I can give is to never let yourself see your backlog as work or an obligation. It's just a list of games that you can have fun with when you want to. Don't perceive it as anything else.
>thinking you have no time in college
In for a rude awakening when you enter the real world
You don't like being around people but want to have a practice where you deal with peoples problems all day?
I did also really like the few courses i did.
college comes first, faggot. Go be a weeb in hell.
>tfw can't afford to go to college
be thankful and don't waste your opportunity.
Get a 1 on 1 tutor for like one session to help you through the most difficult stuff. Even if it's just a review of the basics a tutor can help a lot. Hope you pass your class user.