Who's the strongest?
Who's the strongest?
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Ashen one, without a doubt. He beats the combined power of all previous linkers of the flame and also kills Gael at the end of time, who has basically absorbed every single soul there is.
Slayer of Demons easily. The whole premise is becoming so strong that God himself wants to meet you.
i put a lot of points in strength for my dark souls 1 character
The Good Hunter. Generally more fragile and his defense is almost entirely about evading attacks, but more versatile equipment set and he can recover lost health if he acts quickly. (Or even recover it from parrying depending on which runes he has)
chosen undead can teleport behind you and backstab you
ds1 poise master with UGS and lightning blade falchion with ninja flip, CHECK MATE
>also kills Gael at the end of time, who has basically absorbed every single soul there is.
Fucking stop this retarded meme. There is no time travel at the end of the Ringed City. It's an illusion.
There's dialogue, evidence and the fact that its a specific anime reference to support it being an illusion but there's fuck all to support it being time travel outside of headcanon.
Pretty sure if you actually took a max level character from every game and threw them into an arena the hunter would win
Not sure about the Slayer or the Hunter, but the Ashen One is definitely stronger than the Chosen Undead or the Bearer of the Curse, just by virtue of him defeating the Soul of Cinder, who is basically them + Gwyn.
Depends. Slayer of Demons is broken gameplay wise, but the Ashen one or Hunter is strongest story wise.
Bloodborne guy of course, he's got a gun
Guns beat plate armor
All Dark Souls characters are glorified mooks.
Demon Slayer and possibly The Hunter are the only ones who canonically revive after dying.
Realistically, The Hunter would probably just blast them to ribbons with his guns and he's the only one who seems to be acknowledged to be skilled right from the start of the game.
This user gets it
gohan blanco
>Demon Slayer and possibly The Hunter are the only ones who canonically revive after dying.
Some autist determined based on analyzing actions necessary to defeat the bosses that the Hunter is the strongest player character of any game ever.
Not an argument.
From a gameplay perspective Demon's Souls has the highest damage potential without glitches, with glitched then Dark Souls has the highest damage potential.
Hunter does the highest damage thanks to the absurd power of blood gems and has a gun.
That doesn't matter, because the fact that he was able to beat Gael when Gael had "every other soul", means that this feat doesn't directly increase power like fucking Dragonball.
Lore and gameplay wise the hunter would take them all
The guy is black looks really cool. I vote for him.
Bearer of the Curse
Little bitch gets eaten by a demon and fucking dies so his gay planet can exist for like 10 years
Faggot burns himself alive because of his autisitc belief in bullshit gods
Amnsesic fuck doesn't remember jack shit but at least he becomes the king (of the fucking worst country ever)
This speedy little bitch defeats the strongest entity in the world (gael, when he eats like half the planets souls) but the world's so fucking decrepid at this point that this guys weapons would be equivilant to sticks in DS1
Bloodborne MC of course, mother fucker.
For straight DPS, pellet hunter and Morion/Cat mage are probably the highest, but has much less bullshit involved in using it and can take a hit.
He's the tallest so he wins
>Demon Slayer and possibly The Hunter are the only ones who canonically revive after dying.
Incorrect. The DaS characters are all some form of undead, so while they can be killed, they don't stay that way for long. Really the only true "death" they can experience is going fully hollow.
fucking kek, why do third worlders obsess over dragon ball shit?
We grew up watching it.
You're forgetting that BB MC only does those things in fucking dreams.
Then why does every single npc stay dead when killed?
>after all the good games this year finally decide to get a PS4 but am waiting for black friday sales
Not counting the Nightmare of Mensis/Nightmare Frontier, and the Hunter's Dream, you're in the waking world for most of the game.
It's been like 15 fucking years though
but you are wrong though.
Chosen Undead is the only one who _doesn't_ revive after death according to cannon. Bearer of the Curse has no evidence either way, but Demon Slayer, Hunter, and Ashen One all revive as themselves after death, supported by the lore.
The dream of a Elder God is just a separate dimension anyway, it's not your Hunter's dream, he can't manipulate it to his will.
It's a really good game. Pretty different playstyle from the Souls games, but it's awesome once you get a feel for it.
hunter, he became a squid.
he also can dash, which makes it easy for him to dodge magic or attacks in general. he can parry them from a distance and then rip their hearts out. not even counting his tools
I got it on the PAX sale for 8 dollars last month, played it for a couple days and I haven't touched it since. The game is good but the framerate makes me nauseous and that's coming from someone who played all the other souls games on a PS3.
it's already 20 bucks.
if you're too poor to afford a console and a $20 game, you shouldn't have bought the console at all, especially since it's the only good game the console has for close to 4 years at this point.
If you had actually played the game you would know that there is an ending that shows the Hunter waking up in an intact Yharnam without any weapons. It was literally all just a dream.
It's not the greatest game ever like some shills want to make it look, but it's pretty good as a Souls game even if it's a little different.
>Chosen Undead is the only one who _doesn't_ revive after death according to cannon
Source, please.
People assume the time travel because of artorias of the abyss dlc. What's the dialogue for the illusion?
Their name is the fucking chosen UNDEAD. They stand up again after dying, they just don't hollow fully.
more important question
>who's the cutest?
>If you had actually played the game
Yeah, not like I've completed it 3 times and am part way through a 4th run or anything.
It's been like 15 years since Mr. Rogers died and people still bring him up. I mean it literally when I tell you that DBZ raised a generation of brownos, man. I remember roleplaying fights at school all day and then running back home to watch the newest episode. Also, doesn't Dragon Ball still have a show going on or something?
Herald's boring, Firekeeper and Doll a cute.
The dreams in bloodborne are literally different planes of reality, not actual dreams like you guys are thinking.
>Also, doesn't Dragon Ball still have a show going on or something?
Yes. They're having a multiverse tournament arc, last I heard.
If we're assuming they all start with the default Knight sets of each game (BB having Saw Cleaver), I think DaS3 Ashen one is the strongest both for lore, mechanical, and equipment reasons. DaS2 is the worst, DeS and DaS1 pretty much tie not far behind DaS3, and BB Hunter is hard to compare but probably gets utterly fucked for having no shield or armor.
that's weird. i find bloodborne to run way better than all of the souls games I played on ps3/ps4. vacuum cleaning might help
just curious what makes you think this way? i thought when you break fillianore's egg you are symbolically breaking the illusion of the ringed city and then you fight gael in the true reality?
which anime is there is a specific reference to? (dont watch anime so i wouldnt know)
>Her slumber is a deceit...A lid covering an overgrown privy; a prop to keep thee from the dark soul of thine desire.
That and the fact that Fillianore and her egg are a direct reference to an anime, which moreso had themes of illusions hiding truths and fakery and nothing to do with timetravel. The ashen wasteland you see around you is literally in the intro of the game, the pilgrims are crossing it, and you can see Lothric in the background anyway. If it were in the far future it would also entirely invalidate all the endings of the base game, which would be pointless. It also wouldn't be the first time that Gwyn's daughter was maintaining an illusion over a grand city.
Basically there's literally zero evidence to support the time travel """"theory"""" other than people making huge assumptions from the environment, whereas there's actual evidence to support it being an illusion.
Hunter compensates for lack or armor by focusing on not getting hit in the first place. Also, guns.
You must be high or your PS4 needs some new thermal paste because Bloodborne runs much smoother than DaS3 on PS4 and smoother than any Souls game on PS3. The only better running Souls game on console is obviously Scholar on PS4 / XB1.
>DaS2 is the worst
>+10 faraam armor
Bearer of the Curse would have bar none the highest defenses and poise out of them.
Nah my PS4 is a brand new slim model. I think it's probably because I put a couple hundred hours into scholar on the PS4 before moving to Bloodborne. Also, I think it has to do with the details, Bloodborne has way more details and stuff going on the screen then the Souls games on the PS3 so the lower framerate is much more noticeable, at least for me.
did you read the fucking post
>flintlock cuck-pistol / blunderbuss
>steel plate armor and steel shield
Might as well throw water balloons at them.
You are free that's why you waking up in real world. Not beacuse it was just a dream. Dreams in bloodborne are real worlds, just in another plane. You teleporting between them all the time, thats why you "waking up" at the end. You just got teleported there by moon esensce.
The dreams of the Great Ones is literally a form dimensional projection that can contort the physical world.
>flintlock cuck-pistol / blunderbuss
>There's only two guns in the game
Demons souls guy becomes a God in the bad ending. So I guess him.
Is this even a question? Maiden in Black
You can deal over 20k damage in Demon's Souls without glitches so yeah.
>I don't watch anime
Fuck off faggot.
Good Hunter > Bearer of the Curse > Slayer of Demons >= Ashen One >= Chosen Undead
The Hunter turns into a great one, so literally becomes a god. BotC gains the power to completely stop hollowing, making him basically unkillable. Slayer of Demons acquires enough demon power to attract God. The Ashen One is a canonical failure at linking the flame at least once, but being able to absorb the first flame is pretty substantial. The Chosen Undead is the second lord of cinder, but doesn't do a whole lot of note other than killing a whole bunch of powerful people.
Madara Uchiha
As much as I hate DS3 and as much as it feels like Bearer of the Curse should be the answer, Unkindled Ash is most likely the strongest. He was more powerful than like 6 other being who were strong enough to link the fire.
Lore-wise it should be the Ashen One since he beat a being that's basically Gwyn + Chosen Undead + Bearer of the Curse + a hundred other niggers.
Guns shoot tissue paper in bloodborne though. And even if they didn't, how the fuck would they take down a Havelmom flipping at 50mph?
You're missing the point entirely, this thread is comparing default Knight starting sets for each game, since BB doesn't have the same setup as Souls you have to go by what the first starting weapons are, the closest starting weapons resembling the knights longsword is the saw cleaver, and the firearm is up to choice but can only be either the pistol or blunderbuss because those are the only starting firearms.
There's also the transposing kiln inside the egg.
No dummy, they cure themself of the curse and leave that shitty country forever.
Bearer of the Curse. Only character in the series strong enough to say "fuck this cycle shit" and just bust the fuck outta it. All the other guys just managed to survive inside the prisons of their worlds, the bearer of the curse cures his fucking curse and busts the fuck outta there
which of these guys would win in a fight?
firekeeper is CUTE
Ok, cool thanks for explaining it. It'd been a while since I touched the dlc. What's the anime? If you happen to know i mean.
Good Hunter has a minigun.
>bone marrow ashes cannon
nothin personell
Angel's Egg
DaS 2 anus monster pre nerf.
>tunnel vision
>anti magic field
>can max out soul level and still invade others
>Demon Slayer and possibly The Hunter are the only ones who canonically revive after dying.
so i guess you somehow missed the whole curse of the undead thing
Gywn: 4kHP.
Allant: 6kHP.
Nashandra: 9kHP.
SoC: 10kHP.
Old Man in Wheelchair: 13kHP.
Gee that was hard, and Gehrman is a fast fight for a novice compared to his closest competition. Seems gems are broken as fuck.
Where the fuck is he in DaS 3 then?
who ever has more poise
What would their feats be in real life? Can they at least beat a gorilla unarmed?
I hope you're ready for some retarded ass-pull, because here it comes.
The Hunter canonically turns to god, he wins, but without powerups, probably the Ashen One as he is canonically an amalgamation of powerful people whose bodies weren't strong enough to link the first flame.
He literally said: "Fuck this gay earth" and walked out of reality itself into the cosmos or whatever the fuck is beyond light and dark. DS3 is just the same old boring recycled shit happening all over again so it's not surprising we don't see him.
You sure she's not holding together the illusion of time, user? Once you fuck with the egg, the world collapses in on itself, past present and future, just like everything was before fire.
What do you think the Good Hunter does when he brings down the Moon Presence?
The one who says who will be by your side until the end, the others simply cant compete.
he becomes a squid
I guess they could. I'm pretty sure punch out's lil mac can beat donkey kong in a first fight, and in those games you're basically little mac: a manlet fighting much bigger opponents who also hit like 5 times harder than you.