NeoGAF after math edition


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These threads would be acceptable if they at least did a good job of containing Sup Forumstards, but nope, they're still shitting Wolfenstein threads up too. Fuck all of you cunts. Mods were right.

-Harassed multiple devs for not siding with their regressive bullshit
-Also organized raids on twitter to scare devs into SJW shit
-Had Naughty Dog by the balls
-Had multiple game sites on the Internet by the balls, such as USGamer and Kotaku and Polygon
-Many kickstarter devs posted there to take feedback, Indivisible comes to mind
-Played a hand in western journalists going against "problematic" Japanese games
-Would hawk game streams and then push for witch hunts whenever a streamer slipped and used a forbidden word
-In the final days, became so much of a hateful witch hunt site that several devs and journalists openly celebrated their demise
-Promoted Anita like their God, would ban anyone calling out her flawed rhetoric

NeoGaf has played a cancerous and detrimental part of western videogame culture for half a decade now. What was seemingly a "civilized" game forum was behind the scenes more broken than GameFaqs, more sick than Sup Forums and more hateful than Sup Forums. They pushed for their politics whenever possible and would harass countless people in the industry for going against them. Good fucking riddance NeoGaf you disgusting mentally stunted poor fucks.

>Neo-fag confirmed
You have to go back

Brilliant picture on OP.

i'll let you guys know if i ever start to give a fuck about neogaf

so, do you guys think video games will improve because of what happened to NeoGaf?

They're always shitting up the Wolfenstein threads, who cares? What's there even to talk about that game until it releases anyway?

Reminder that ResetEra (or an unaffiliated portion of NeoGAF's user base) is seeking to destroy competing forums.


No amount of "GO BACK TO POL" will make the wolfenstien threads good. They opted to pander to antifa and the nazi moral panic (which is kind of fitting for the title but still a shitty move) so most informed people would have issues with it.

Hopefully more tits and ass, less stereotypical black women, and less ugly fat girl NPCs

I like Sup Forums, and I also like Sup Forums.

A little bit, yeah

whoa wait another girl accused him?

How. The enemies are literal WW2 era Nazis. The only reason you'd be offended is if you identified with them.

Hopefully the people that used to go there will come here and make Sup Forums go full progressive

the best part about these threads isn't even the fact that neofag got shoah'd, but rather everyone who even supports the site/has leftist views has to bring up Sup Forums every fucking thread , so they BBAAAAAAAAAWWWWW about it like the faggots they are.
you're just derailing the thread, man. noone gives a shit.

why did they come back online bros

I want them gone for good

>Mods were right.

No. Hiroyuki was right. Re-directing the vidya culture discussion to Sup Forums was a mistake. That is Sup Forumsidya tangency... nothing to do with politics.

I like killing Nazis, but I'm not a fan of all the supporting cast who are marxists and shit. I don't know when marxists became "okay" just because they were against nazis, but it needs to go away. Nazis and Commies gtfo.


>we can't discuss something because completely unrelated discussions have gone off topic

or if the people they're pandering to identified you with Nazis

Some time back, he grabbed a girls ass hard at a bar when she asked for a drink. He didn't want to make it look like he was an easy target for a free drink. Makes sense, right? He casually talked about it on neogaf, and then users called him out for it, started to backpedal and justify, before getting assblasted and banning/deleting everything.

Screencaps are in the pastebin

Yeah but that was a while back and she was not listened to and therefore not believed either.


Same here, but when I want to read Sup Forums, I go to Sup Forums.

Neogaf is going to have a fucking island dedicated to them. Based off the bad press the name has now can Obsidian be convinced to make it so it's not going to be Neofag island? Is this an opportunity to make it our Firedorn controversy?

Are you pretending to miss the whole ''punch le nazi'' campaign that designated anyone a specific group disagreed with as nazis? Wolfenstein marketing tries to b8 this very group, of course threads would never have proper discourse unless the entirety of the thread is made up out of far lefties.

So I'm unironically recommending you to move to neogaf.

God fucking no. I ain't saying I didn't want to see that cesspool implode, thank god that it did and in the most beautifully ironic way possible.

But thinking that the death of Neogaf is somehow gonna change the PC-think in video games is just too much of a blind optimism. It's not like these fucks got erased from existence just because Neogaf is gone. They will regroup or scatter away into another bastion of SJW cancer.

Hey guys, im gonna go vomit and take a shower, dont do anything crazy! Haha


>whoa wait another girl accused him?
Yes. Happened in spain in like 2015. EviLore bought a drink to a girl at party and grabbed her by the pussy, rambling something about being dominant in masculine way.

Twitter faggot is also neoFAG... who posted this gem about obsidian dev being a transphobe.

Probably not. NeoGAF was really just a symptom of a much, much greater disease.


*unzips fedora*

If you're not a Nazi then there's no reason to be upset. You only kill actual Nazis.


you just did

no. they've infested large development/publishing studios everywhere.

>After math.

> if you critique Wolfenstein you are Alt-Right and probably from Sup Forums

Bethesda's use of shame as a marketting tactic could not possibly backfire on them...

Post protest bannings. This shit is hilarious.

Why should the mods care what the chink says he has no authority over them

Not really, but one disturbing SJW community that has raised few twitter shitstorms targeting vidya devs has been reduced into rubble.

while teaming up with communists, who have an even higher body count than the Nazis did over the 20th century.

and yes Stalin was every bit as murderous as Hitler, he just got away with it because deterrence.

>punch le nazi
But he punched an actual Nazi. The complaint about "punching a nazi" is that people who aren't Nazis are getting punched. So if you're not a Nazi why are you upset? Besides, it's not like twitter invented the concept of punching nazis or melee combat in first person shooter games.

what game is this?

site is back up
evilore is still admin
You lose Sup Forums

I don't understand how you're not understanding what people are taking issue with. I'm a fucking jew and I can see it. For instance:

They took totally reasonable sentiments from the current day right and put it into the mouth of cartoonish nazis.
Not only does it make no fucking sense coming from them but it's obviously trying to validate political violence against them.

It makes me sad this shit is happening because the first wolfenstien game was pretty fun but this is obviously not just killing nazis, it's killing modern anti-establishment minded people dressed up as nazis.

>Why should the mods care what the chink says he has no authority over them

>while teaming up with communists
Whoa... Americans allying with a communist to kill Nazis? That has literally, LITERALLY, NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE

>I don't know when marxists became "okay" just because they were against nazis

Two days after Nazi Germany invaded the Soviet Union, President Roosevelt promised assistance and unfroze Soviet assets. W. Averell Harriman and British Minister for Supply Lord Beaverbrook led a special mission to Moscow in September 1941. On October 1, delegates to the Moscow Conference signed a confidential protocol in which the United States and Britain agreed to supply the Soviet Union with 1.5 million tons of military supplies by June 30, 1942. On November 7, 1941, President Roosevelt declared the Soviet Union to be eligible for Lend-Lease aid. Between June 22, 1941 and September 20, 1945, over 17 million tons of Lend-Lease cargo was shipped to the Soviet Union.

Hiro is Admin, he can literally eliminate mods if he wants to or has to. He is one step above them in food chain.

you haven't been reading have you? the place is on fire and SJW's are being banned left and right because they banned politics. it's even better than it going down.

>Extremely progressive people are assholes
>People who get called nazis and alt-right are actually progressive
What do they mean by this

Pillars of Eternity
His face is actually in the game, the dialogue is the only edited part

because unless you're actually physically gassing jews, nazism is just an ideology like any other. should i start a punch a commie campaign?

why would anything ever get better

this is just a silver lining in the storm clouds

Just post stuff like this to keep them busy.

It happened in WWII actually.

>t. Tyler "If she vomits I'm on it" Malka

Because it's a game that simulates Nazis taking over. It's a video game series that has always been cartoonish about killing the Nazis, it starred mecha Hitler for fuck's sake. There was a game called Homefront that did the same shit with cartoonish communists and none of you bitched, but now because it's Nazis suddenly it's bad. Why?

>site is back up
>everyone is begging to be banned but there are no mods to ban them
>have to break rules and shitpost to get banned quickly

American communists were seen as a bigger threat compared to American national socialists in prewar and early postwar America.


That was out of necessity though. Modern day leftists try and pretend like they were little angels who weren't trying to conquer the world every bit as much as Hitler was.

You honestly think that if nukes were never invented that the US and USSR wouldn't have immediately gone to war once Germany and Japan were taken care of?

>I'm a fucking jew
>totally reasonable sentiments
>this is obviously not just killing nazis, it's killing modern anti-establishment minded people dressed up as nazis.

all of this was stated without a hint of sarcasm or irony

FDR was NOT a good president.

Why the fuck do you nerds care about this stupid shit. The guy went into shower and then left when he got rejected and btfo. He thought he was going to get some sex action with the girl but didn't and creeped her out. He didn't even beat her.
You morons are too obsessed with this imaginary war with "sjw".

noegaf is shinda. let's move on to the imminent galko vidya

Oh shit, i'm sorry

that avatar reminds me of pic related

He wanted orange.

>The complaint about "punching a nazi" is that people who aren't Nazis are getting punched. So if you're not a Nazi why are you upset?
>people who aren't Nazis are getting punched
>So if you're not a Nazi why are you upset?

Reminder about the new wolfestein game

>Nazis have access to advanced technology
>literally take over the country

sure thing, bub
I bet your great-grandparents would disagree

We are enjoying a Gaf rhetoric that has ruined so many careers bite NeoFag and EviLore in the ass. Divine retribution.

>should i start a punch a commie campaign?
you could, if it was the McCarthy era you would probably get a government grant for it. Besides "punch a nazi" wasn't an actual campaign to convince people to seek out nazis in their daily life, it was a meme in response to that idiot nazi who got sucker punched in the middle of explaining his epic pepe pin on national news. which was hilarious if you aren't an overly sensitive white supremacist snowflake.

Thread theme.

I still can't get over on how ironic all this is.

NEOGAF, the bastion of Moral Integrity, Social Jusice, and Equal Rights. All came crashing down in a single day because their leader is trying to become the next Weinstein.

Sup Forumstards need to get this memo so that they stop shitting Wolfenstein thread, since their god emperor is actually benefiting.

Not even considering buying it.

reminder that Sup Forums will attempt to show literally anything goes in their favor

That's the joke, my man.


Not sure what point you're trying to make with this post. Communism sucks, get over it.

>you could
That's not same as he should. Should he or should he not? A simple question.


Galko vidya sounds nice. You better be telling the truth, user.

So to sum things up:
Neogaf is up and running
People are discussing videogames there like nothing happened
Evilore dindu nothing (walked into bathroom naked and exited immediately lmao)
Liberal part of neogaf commited suicide
New team of mod was hired already (which means evilore started hiring immediately when scandal happened)

Did evilore decide to prepare the site for next 7 years? Was it sony commanding him to purge Sonygaf from people who bullied that indie dev whose game showcased on sony E3 presentation?


It's fake picture, you dumb shit


rip in whatever grape-kun

you were a real nigga

I wanna marry galko

Your argument was that allying with the communists was out of necessity. The game presents a scenario where the Nazis literally take over the country. Are you implying that you wouldn't need every ally you could get in that scenario?

>New team of mod was hired already

no it's just Evilore now, mods are (((anonymous)))

Dude the site is a graveyard now. It will never bounce back. Atleast not as a moralizing SJW propaganda machine. At best it becomes another Gamespot forums.