Why aren't you playing on CEMU...

Why aren't you playing on CEMU? The ram issue is fixed and it has been seriously optimized and can now run with barely no issues. New version came out today as well.

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Gay shit games on probably the worst console ever.
No thanks.

i was waiting for it to be more finished

maybe now is the time but eh, effort

New version has online now and works with MK8.

I still have my Wii U which completely invalidates CEMU.

Still no games I want to play.

They don't even make the wii u anymore.


Can I use my phone or something to emulate the pad/touchscreen yet? Using the mouse for touch controls/gyroscope seems like a pain.

How does wonderful 101 run on it?

infinite resolutions invalidates the wii u tough

How does #FE run on it?


BotW was a blast. Solid 30 FPS and didn't encounter any bugs.

I own a WiiU and already played all of its good games. Online, too.

What are the minimum specs?

Does it run better now?

> Implying it's only a matter of resolution output

does it support isohacks and save swapping?

It has continued to be optimized and they keep getting more fps every update they do. There is apparently a new hack for it that can frameskip to give you about 60fps on a 2.5ghz processor. There are new graphics packs that give you a 7fps boost as well.

I got solid 30 FPS throughout. Running a two year old i5 (@4.5Ghz) and a 1070. 32 GB of RAM. Think CEMU used maybe 12GB? So not high load.

Be real with me, does BotW run pretty well on it? I got it on Wii U back at release but fucking hate the framerate. how will it do on here with an i7/970?

I'm waiting for online play videos

can it play monster hunter yet?

that is the only thing that matters

It boots.

zelda with 60 fps and 4k or any resolution you want, mods too

I'm not up to date with CEMU but I can assure that they're not even close to running native WiiU performance.


>Think CEMU used maybe 12GB?
Nope ram issue was fixed now uses like 3gb.
Yeah it runs fine now. With your specs you can get about 60fps.

so it doesn't play yet

is it still a zelda machine, i wont touch this til i can play wolly world. had fun with msrio maker mk8 and 3d world. i tried zelda for tge first time last week it ran like shit on my pc. ive had alot of fun with cemu but til wolly world is at least somewhat playable im waiting

32 GB of ram what is that like $600 these days?

My PC is pretty entry-tier. What specs are required to run Breath of the Wild decently?

i5 2500k @4.2GHz, GTX 970, 8GB RAM @1866Mhz.

Runs 30+ fps most of the time, with some dips in towns.

It's playable. Not 60fps at all times, playable unless you're sporting a really beefy build with your CPU OC'd at 5.0GHz+

Because botw is the only game on wii u that I was interested in, but I got that on switch so I could have the convenience of playing while taking a shit

Not really important to my enjoyment of it. I'd rather say I was able to play Splatoon, Mario Kart 8, MH3U and such online.

Speaking of which, last I heard MH3U didn't even work on cemu yet.

same here, what can get 720p 30 fps

plz dont say wii u

Because they still haven't fixed the audio desynch on Bayo 2.

Are bayo2 sound issues fixed yet? Been looking forward to playing it.

switch :^)


does dong freeze run well on CEMU?

Will it run on my 970 OC, 16GB RAM, and 2500k OC? If not then there's your reason. I'll upgrade when cyberpunk 2077 releases.

Just try it. I tried it on my old gaming laptop and it can run MK8 at 30fps all day. BOTW I can get 25 but I haven't tried the new graphic packs or the newer versions.

The more I wait the better the emulators become

>XCX, Zelda and Sm4sh work fine
>#Fe is still in an unplayable state



>does dong freeze run well on CEMU?

Finished dong freeze in cemu about 5 months back with 0 problems.

Assuming that better versions of cemu are out now i would say yes

Runs perfectly.
Yes just fine.


Already beat BoTW and played MK8. Haven't bothered with CEMU in awhile. Seems to have improved a lot though.

I literally only use Cemu to play Puyo Puyo Tetris with a keyboard. Playing it on the Switch with Joycons is not the greatest.

>It's playable
If I wanted 30fps I'd play on a cucksole.

RAM fixed and can be used on 8GB no problem.

I hope they port DKCTF to the Switch.
I already played it, but I want more people to buy it. It deserves it imo, such a great game, but wasted on a console no one owns.

Yeah there's a way to use your phone's gyro

Really wish the Xbone controller had gyro, fucking MS catering to """"""""""hardcore"""""""""" gaymurs

My basic specs:
>Ryzen 3 1200 3.0 GHz processor
>Radeon RX 560 2gb card
>8 gbs of RAM
That enough for acceptable performance in CEMU?

Suit yourself dawg. I'm having fun.

When are they going to give Xenoblade X the BotW treatment?

But just try it out and see if it works.

So is there any mods for xenoblade chronicles x? I want not trash textures.

Is CEMU really cpu based?

Emulators generally are

Pretty much every emulator is more cpu based when talking about your performance.

I can run it on my fucking laptop you are fine.

Still no MH3U?

They can now load it and run around but needs more optimization.

I have a toaster

I used to get around 20-40 fps in botw with gtx 1060 and i5 6500. Also it used about 15gb of my ram and stuttered every 5 seconds even with a shader cache. Is it better now?

A lot better. You'll probably need a new shader cache. Try saving it on a RAM disk

Is the ramdisk worh a hassle or can I just stick with an ssd? I know they're faster but does it make a lot of difference in cemu/botw?

I would like to but the last time I tried the frame rate was not at where I could enjoy it. I read that amd cards aren't really getting support so until they're supported I'll have to wait.

SSDs are like molasses compared to RAM and a shader cache is something you really need the speed for.

I don't support closed-source emulators

Made a huge difference for me, really cut down on stuttering

how easy is it to find japanese games to play on it?
I won't get near anything that was touched by their shitty localization, even if it's free

Imagine being this big of a weaboo

If there would be an accessible way to find good and working .iso files on the internet, I'd be playing xenoblade right now.

I've played pretty much all I wanted on my Wii U so I don't really have a reason to emulate stuff. I do find it funny that it runs better than citra with a significantly smaller hacking scene and much higher graphical output, but sad at the same time because I would really like to play a higher resolution KIU.

There's a downloader that rips the games right off of Nintendo's servers

I just don't enjoy eating shit

So then why are you a weaboo?

You must have tried that months ago. It will work perfectly fine with your stuff now.

You can download the games directly from Nintendo's servers

KYS neofag refugee


im running a r5 1600 and a 760gtx and had no issue maintining 60 fps outside.
the only issues i had in particular where framedrops during the last bossfight and the water elephant dungeon when doing the on rails section.

>anyone that disagrees with me is a neofag
KYS weeb

>mh3u still not playable

I have a 1050ti and Ryzen 1600, how would BotW run on it?

I wouldn't be less of a weeb for playing weeb games in english, I would just have to deal with the shittiest of all localizations that only the filthiest of EOPs deserve

Have you downloaded the shader cache? Because if you haven't that might eplain why it runs poorly.

Because it's still a bitch to play with updates or DLC. I don't feel like copy and pasting everything into weird fucking folders that aren't named in a way you could naturally understand just because the faggot being paid megabucks to do his god damn job can't be assed to have natural support for it.

The Wii U is like $50 and can play everything perfectly. Call me when CEMU stops being shit.

Is there mouse support and not for the Wii U menus and shit?

>Gets outed as ultra new fag
>Umm respect my opinion please???
Sorry no safe spaces here you fucking normie
Hang yourself immediately

No because SURPRISE SURPRISE, only autists ever gave a shit about that grindfest of a game.

You'll get it eventually as you should but, and thank god for this, it's not n anyone's priority list.

You sound mad.

I'd be mad if I paid for that shit. All I'm doing right now is informing you how shit your taste is as is my god given Sup Forums right.

It's a BOTW emulator. It only runs BOTW and a handful of others well.

>Why aren't you playing on CEMU?
I already played Breath of the Wild, Mario Kart and Super Mario 3D world. Those are the only games that work at all.
Call me when Bayonetta 2 and Smash work properly, you astroturfing faggot.