I am getting my ass fucking BLASTED in this game

I am getting my ass fucking BLASTED in this game.
As with most Fire Emblem games, I end up crawling to the finish line with a small handful of characters.
Currently I'm on Chapter 26, the chapter with Iago silencing and enfeebling your units, and I've got very few units upto this point, a total of 12.
On chapters 24 and 25, Leo and Xander each died, and the healer sister died on like chapter 12.
All I have are about 10 units plus some trash that I'm pairing up with them, and I have no idea how to get through this because of the room full of armored units.

Can I even beat the game like this?
Am I near the end?

Phoenix Mode

Just a few more chapters, but I dont expect you to be able to handle the last chapter.

You shouldn't have let anyone die you fucking mental midget. You shouldn't let anyone die in fire emblem period, but ESPECIALLY not in this game. There aren't any super strong prepromotes to keep you going in the late game like Harken or Pent, unless you count Xander. Who you stupidly threw away

Hey now, FE can be played any way you want. There's no right way.

Might as well quit now or turn it to casual lad. How the fuck.
You're playing as poorly as that guy who used to do the whole series here and made it unwinnable because he had too few units left.
That or you could "cheat" and go fetch some castle units.

>Being a reset cuckk

Unironically worse than casual moders

Unless you've spent a lot of time leveling those units or you're a god of hit RNG, no, the game is most likely unwinnable at that point if you had played so poorly that you lost that many units. Sorry.

probably not. should have reset

>not ironmanning every game
Look at this nerd.

Son of a bitch.
Thanks lads.

You're right at the very end, luckily for you Corrin can solo the second to last mission.

Unlucky for you, the last mission is fucking tough, and you'll want to have a good team, which, if you've lost that many units, you may not.

So, good luck! See where you end up. You can probably understand now, for all that people shit on Fates, Conquest is one of the hardest games in the whole series. Much harder than the causal 8, 9 or 10 that /feg/ reveres so badly.

>I am getting my ass fucking BLASTED
I see you married Niles

>knowing what /feg/ likes or doesn't like
Go back to them.
Also 8 and 9 are easy as hell but 10 I don't see why you lump it in there.

>bringing up /feg/ out of nowhere

Normal? You might be able to do it
Hard? Only if you have some crazy good units you skilled up
Lunatic? lol no
Also you got 2 chapters left and you can't save in between them

If you want you can grind the DLC map to cheese it. It's gonna cost you $3 and your pride, but you won't have to restart.

That said, you probably CAN still win, it's just going to be tough. Forge yourself some good weapons. Maybe use the Revive staff if you've got it

Wasn't there a video where a guy finished Endgame with 0 growth units?

>buying DLC
He can just go fetch some hyperoptimized free units from the MyCastle if he's willing to stoop to DLC.

Kaga laughs at you.

Kaga can laugh all he wants. The real fire Emblem developers even reset on character deaths.

That's because they make dating sims now.

>playing anything but mobileshit
Good one.

got any more?


Top: Unsure, Unsure, Nowi

Bottom: Unsure, Unsure, Lucina


Hint: they're all kid units.

That makes it easier then!

Cynthia, Severa, Nah

Noire (woah...), Kjelle, Lucina-chan

Very nice picture, thanks!

Corn's a dumb stupid idiot that I want to fuck

I'm disappointed that they went to the trouble of including dragonstones as a weapon type for Tiki but didn't let Corrin have a full dragon moveset instead of just rolling a couple morphs into the sword moveset

The lack of alternate weapons in general is pretty disappointing, some characters like Frederick could have benefited from it

still looking for the artist of this

Did you try hitting the pixiv button