Sup Forumsirgin vs chad thread
Other urls found in this thread:
>bad thing
>good thing
Is Skeleton King still good? I fucking loved playing him before the change, and am hesitant to try him out again after Drain Hope got fucked.
casual player? only improvements.
but if u play at diamond+ his solo lane got slightly worse. he got better team fight survivability.
generally ppl like him more now and he is picked more often.
personally as leoric main i prefered the old version
Virgin Half-Life v Chad Duke Nukem
the virgin masquerade
>no virgin mod vs. Chad hiro
you faggots had one job
please someone post the parachute one
>"the virgin poster"
You guys fucking ruined this meme. Delete this thread immediately.
I saw it in one of the threads last night but forgot to save it
you fucking ruined your life, leave it immediately
as you command
Honestly I think what the virgin/chad meme has evolved to actually fits. The original virgin walk was meant to be an attack on anons insecurities, even though it was meant to be normal things that people do on the daily, but worded in a way that seems to vilify it. Then Chad came along to completely flip the original's pic on its head by taking everything about the virgin walk, making a 180, and cranking everything up to 11 to parody what anons thought was "acceptable in society."
When you look at modern virgin/chad memes, it is still basically "majority choice vilified" vs "minority alternative blown up to grandiose proportions". The fact that you say
>bad thing
>good thing
is exactly why these memes exist. The Virgin side isn't really bad, it just uses buzzwords to trigger anger within you through insecurity, which was exactly what the meme was created for.
Solid meme analysis. I mean that unironically.
I would read your meme blog.
well gee, thanks.
Your analysis is correct which is why it should go back to being
>normal thing that is fine by itself but when grouped paints a bad person
>grandiose thing that is seen as perfect but no one would want to do
Because we all want to be Chad but not THAT Chad
Imagine being that much of an autist that you think Halo has too many cutscenes and story moments.
Virgins are bad tho
you on the left virgin
best meme since toddposting desu
>imagine being that much of a virgin poster
is that chad post actually real?
HL sucks.
>tfw like this one the best
Yes, I was there.
>The meditative chad
>The emoji memer
Somewhere along the line people forgot what this meme was about. The Chad sprinkle should be looked at as the Platonic Form of Chad memes.
>Not saying Belmont is a "miserable little pile of secrets"
>posting the .jpg version of v1 with patricide mispelled
fixed it a bit
forgot pic
>tfw can't into MS paint
Not only did you not even take the effort to actually draw the image, this image is absolutely unfunny and serves no purpose other than to give the audience your opinion. And no I don't play Street Fighter, I don't play any fighting games
>And no I don't play Street Fighter, I don't play any fighting games
Opinion discarded :)
>virgins trying to understand the deep nature of chads
You will never understand
Also why does nobody ever do wizards?
how would the message that your pic was trying to give change if you changed the word virgin to "bad" and chad to "good?"
Virgin and Chad aren't just black and white, they're like yin and yang. Come back when you more properly understand how to meme properly.
Cool video games thread you guys.
I'm glad those fucking Sup Forums crossposters aren't here to shit it up.
Can we have another eceleb thread too while we're at it?
You're so triggered that you actually came into another thread to announce how triggered you are? Did you do this with any other threads too?
>he typed angrily while bursting a vein instead of posting in thread of his liking
made me go hmm af desu
My inspiration for it came from the 1st trailer for Street Fighter x Tekken wherein Kazuya beats the crap out of Ryu and Ken with ease.
>posting TRS memes on Sup Forums
I'm not sure who to bait first.