Sup Forums im about to play the greatest fallout game (according to most of you fucks) but do i get mods or no...

Sup Forums im about to play the greatest fallout game (according to most of you fucks) but do i get mods or no. help I need outside opinion to live

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Maybe get some texture mods, other than that the vanilla game is pretty ace imo

If you enjoy it you'll probably do at least two playthroughs, so you can always add mods later.

As with any game going in with no expectation is best but enjoy
also stability mods for the love of god

You could play it Vanilla. Just get bug fixing mods.

even if you want to play vanilla i would recommend you use some stability/bug fix mods like yukichigai unnoficial patch, new vegas stutter remover, new vegas anti-crash and the 4gb patcher

also asking this here just incase the thread takes off, where is the key for the police station in dead money?

without fan patches you'll run into at least 4 game-breaking and immersion-breaking bugs each run, with hundreds of others that are just annoying. The patches fix alot of stuff but some of the stronger bugs always remain/ they also create new bugs.

Also constant crashes happen on every system, i've run it on windows 7 and xp

they barely beta-tested this game, expect the worst
you WILL have to cheat to save your run

>the best fallout game

I started playing FNV about a week ago. About 3 days in I decided to install the unofficial patch and a UI mod. Inventory management is still a bitch, but at least now I can see more things listed at once.


What a good build if I want a realistic version of Sam Hyde and not the false meme?

It is the best tho

>Got new vegas when it came out
>Now it's modded to hell and crashes within the first 30 minutes of play

My advice is don't overdo it

go to the /vg/ thread and look at the pastebins for rec mods.
mostly bugfixes and QoL things, I'd stay away from anything more than that; it makes an already janky game feel even more inconsistent.
Hell, I don't even bother with texture mods even more for that exact reason-- it looks worse seeing one super high res texture against the vanilla ones, I'd rather it all look the same quality. Plus, the DLCs aren't included in most of the big texture mods.
Neckseams come to mind too.

dog/god had it, goddamn google son

only to people who started the series with 3

no i mean the key for the armory, the key dog/god has is different

google isnt turning up anything, the wiki just says you need to hack the terminal to open the door but the door itself says

> ~ key
> look at door

What makes fallout and fallout 2 good games? They are clunky as hell

Yea, I think new vegas is the best 3D fallout game, but 2 is still the best overall.

tfw you install a bunch of different texture packs and see an intersection of really high quality textures, nmc's textures, and vanilla textures

only to retards, sorry

best 3d fallout is a meaningless title, its like being the best dog turd

The interface is pretty clunky, but gunplay in 3 and new vegas sucks ass. 1 and 2 had good story, combat, and 2 was funny as hell

>not posting full verson

Be careful with Yukogachi Unoffical Patch. For some people it stops an NCR Trooper from meeting with you, locking you out of an entire plotline.

If you’re not installing a lot of mods, then YUP is good. If you plan on installing anything that changes NCR, then go for Mission Mojave.

I had a bunch of textures, and then everything in the entire game suddenly turned into the eyeball textures

Jsawyer Ultimate and YUP.

>I don't know what to say so I am going to call you a retard

Come on user,you are better than this

The WORST thing anyone can do with NV is go into it thinking it'll be some masterpiece because Sup Forums won't stop hyping it up.

Actually you'll ruin most games like that. Just go into it with a blank mind, go on the journey not on some pretentious wave of how you're "supposed" to view the game.

Jsawyer is basically a necessity

Have fub with Fallout 3, the best Fallou


The combat wasn't so good tho.

>wahh why did you call out my retarded comment
Idk what you want here

Also, either pick Jsawyer or Project Nevada, they don’t work so well together.
You might want to try these cool mods too:

Yeah, nah, fuck off. YUP was last updated July this year. Mission "Let's add stuff besides bug fixes" Mojave hasn't updated since 2015.

There's no choice here

Too true, illustrates my point perfectly.

Get this mod

It makes the game 100% more enjoyable.

Be sure to get these.


4gb Loader, New Vegas Anti Crash (NVAC), New Vegas Stutter Remover, Yukichigai Unofficial Patch (YUP), Lonesome Road True Faction Allegiance, Melee Reach Fix Ultimate, Ultimate Invisible Wall Remover, Collision Meshes, Tutorial Killer, Passive Startup Messages, Vanilla UI Plus

JSawyer Ultimate, Uncut Wasteland

It's a lot of mods but it's still a vanilla experience. Uncut Wasteland even adds content they had to cut out of the shipped game with patches so consoles could survive having the DLC added to them. Most of them aren't really "required" but they all do decent things.

If you get any mods at all get textures, bug fixes and Fallout NV Redesign 3.
Those are pretty much essential for any playthrough I do.

doesn't really need mods desu. play vanilla first, if you enjoy it enough, try a different type of playthrough and add mods of your choosing.

Listen to this guy, OP.

You can get rid of a lot of the mods in 'fixes' by just using the GOG version.

Uncut Waistland is ok but New Vegas Uncut - Outside Bets is by far the best of the 'Uncut' mods

judge a game for what it is, then mod as much as you want.

judging a game for its mods is basically giving its original developpers a free pass for lazyness

It adds more but most of it was cut during development. Like Victor showing you the Lucky 38 turning on the lights when you power up El Dorado. It's just a really underwhelming experience because the lighting isn't great and Vegas is just underwhelming in general.

House's obituary message played nearly every time I went back to the Strip and I could never get the actual note from a Securitron like it says to do.

It's nice but like Freeside Open and his version of If It Weren't For Betsy, it's a little below par and probably buggy.

I'm doing my first playthrough, and I gave the chip to Mr House, and activated the robots underneath caesar.
It says that if I do another mission for him the other factions will hate me, so I wanna know, will I have a mission to kill Caesar? Because I'm travelling with Boone and after he told me his story I really wanna go on a rampage on his camp, but don't want to screw up the questline.

Here OP
>New Vagus Script Extender
>4gb Loader (Unless you have the GOG version)
>New Vegas Anti Crash (NVAC)
>New Vegas Stutter Remover,
>Yukichigai Unofficial Patch (YUP)
>NMC's Textures
>Ojo's Textures
>Improved Robots Textures
>Fallout Redesign 3
>1st Person Weapon Animation Overhaul

NVR3 is shit because it changes the worldspace of The Fort into a way for the mod author to insert his fetish. Get NVR2 instead, it only changes how NPCs look.

killing caesar changes nothing

>tfw randomly picked it at a blockbuster as a young lass
Truly the best way to experience games, did the same with Undertale and that was pretty good too.

there's no quest to kill caesar and killing him wont change much

it's very hard to screw up the main quest line by doing things out of order, usually you'll be given the quest and then you can just say "actually, i've already got x faction to support us" or something like that

Vanilla is GOTY.
That being said, I'd suggest install the Borderless mod. Seriously saved my life

Do you guys use the custom FOMM from loverslab? I hear that's the best version.


4GB Patch
Stutter remover
Orange filter remover

>giving a fuck about immersion at all

that's simply not true, i had 1 crash on my first playthrough and that playthrough lasted ages. not really sure which windows i was using though

That's fantastic for you. I had more crashes than I can count.

What how does it do this?

Crying female slaves with vaginas mutilated from all of the rape.

But that's realistic though. I don't see the problem.

>it's realistic to have a bunch of useless, crying slaves in cages in the middle of a military base

if you havent played this game before, you will not think its good trust me i tried. you will be back to fallout 4 in no time

That's exactly what you would expect from a rape camp. The mod is supposed to make shit more realistic and that's what it does.

OP here thanks thread for suggestions, jokes on you Fallout 4 is shit

enjoy the vampire the masquerade tier gunplay with 100x less charm. you will be downloading mods within 15 minutes of vanilla play

i can confirm project nevada is pretty dope

Install all weapons mods with modern weapons
Install that mod with lots of underground bases and new quests
uninstall the game because it's actually trash

The Legion is not a greatly structured military force nore is that shitty "fort" a real base.

The Legion are a bunch of tribal mongrel dogs whose only reason for existing anymore is loyalty to Caesar. Why wouldn't they showcase their "beautiful" slaves for whoever walks into the fort. It's a show of power and aggression. Just the kind of shit Caesar loves doing.

It’s not lore friendly at all.

Is it viable to install TTW with some mods? Last I'd checked it was a clusterfuck to get it working.

I haven't see anything that make it not lore friendly.
>Made Gomora actually have people in the rooms
>That strip club actually populated and with music.
>The dead bodies and people who get fucked up actually look it now. >People who are supposed to be crying can actually cry.
>The slaves in the fort are supposed to be "beautiful" now they actually are.
>Female faces in general don't look like complete shit anymore.
>Veronica who was ugly as fucking sin is now qt
Honestly, the stuff you're complaining about is small by comparison to how much good this mod adds.