ITT: A real Xenoblade 2 discussion and prediction
What are your thoughts on the gameplay? I never played either of the other two Xenoblade games but this one looks like it almost has a rhythmic combat system with the auto-Art-Blade combo systems
ITT: A real Xenoblade 2 discussion and prediction
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>not just posting
What the hell user
I grabbed it off of google, Im inept.
Any new details about the world or lore or whatever?
Are those...books on her wrists?
Is that how you read books?
Not interested in the story and most of the characters, but hope the gameplay and world are great.
It produces some beam claws from the looks of it
what was the gameplay in the previous ones like? I hear it described as MMO combat but it seemed a lot like FFXII which I loved
>MMO combat
If MMOs had combat as good as XBCX I'd play more MMOs. It's nothing like WoW, I guess?
There is no Shulk here, in Xenoblade 2 we use books to punch.
I don't think so, other than the stuff we learned about the nations
Anyway, I liked that you can't move while doing AAs since now positioning is more important than strafing around the opponent
That, and the guarantee that your tank won't move at inopportune moment and fuck you over
My only concern about the system so far is how long the fights will take, since in the E3 build they were almost too fast and in the Gamescom/Milan footage they can take too long
I heard that the lines between the Driver and the Blade represented the strength of their relationship or some shit, is there going to be social links or some shit?
Too much anime garbage. The other Xeno wasn't this bad.
I can't enjoy this knowing its pandering to lonely pedo otaku.
the only thing close to MMO is that the basic attacks are out, and you have hot key for special attacks, what adds layers of deep if positioning, and how each attacks chain and combo among emselves, and your team mates
Not exactly, just the affinity system the previous games had
>Too much anime garbage. The other Xeno wasn't this bad.
they were worst, everyone was a potato
The battle system takes some time to get used since all your characters will autoattack when in range to the enemy. While doing that you have to manage a hotbar with different special attacks and position yourself correctly to boost your damage
Most MMOs have good combat, specially the newer ones that are getting closer to action RPGs. XC1 and XCX both had good combat too, specially for RPG standards.
How did that work? I remember the XCX game had some of that with party members and territories?
Story looks very Tales Of imo.
The line is the tension of this game. Different colors give you different boosts in battle and you will move faster in battle
Look at all the voices we aren't gonna get!
All Xeno games had had Japanese character desginers.
Probably the higher the affinity with your blade the quicker combos come up or something.
Like how in XBX your partner threw out SVs more often if you had 5 hearts than 1 heart. we don't get to interact with the blades in a social manner other than Pyra and Poppi and the cat?
One day they will learn how to accurately translate the artists drawings in to a 3D model.
Do you have any evidence to support that claim? At this moment there isn't a single first party Switch game with a Japanese audio track that isn't accessible in other territories.
>the other xeno wasn't this bad
>forgetting Seraphita
No I don't except for the fact that there only one month left and still nothing.
That too
In XC it was random prompts in battle made the characters closet which unlock more shit in their skill trees and I think it influences on how long you can keep the Chain Attack going
Then you find out you can give them presents and you slap yourself on the head for not knowing that sooner
In XCX, the more you fought, did quests, answered certain answers and did soul voices, you'd raise your affinity with that character which gives you their unique arts after doing their quests
No, no presents here
In XC2 we're not too sure on the details but I think it unlocks more arts, raises the Blade stats and their skill that interacts with the enviroment
>characters closer*
Well the link itself is somethign I can imagine how it works but I'm wondering on how you make that bond/affinity stronger?
Is it like Fire Emblem with just repeated gameplay interaction or is it more narrative oriented with you interacting with the Blades?
I guess my question is whether I'm going to get to talk to my blades in a social context out of Combat shout-outs
I'd say they did a good job with Saitou's designs
So I guess my main question is Are Rare Blades going to be like Personas or are they going to be like actual party members?
Rare Blades still Blades, AKA item, AKA NOT PARTY MEMBERS
>XC2 looks wor
No Xc2 looks better than most here. Why isn't this list updated
Okay, so I guess only Story blades like Pyra will get any non-combat social interaction...Well that's mildly disappointing I suppose
I doubt they'll be actual party members, imagine writing lines of interaction for them in and out of battle
It's way too much
That doesn't have anything to do with you claiming that Monolith Soft would purposely lock the Japanese audio track of the game in a region free console if you're not from Japan.
Also not even all the layers of the combat system have been explained yet, don't expect them to announce minor features of the option menu in the middle of the third trailer of the game, specially if it's a feature not relevant for Japan that is where the trailers are made. If we are getting information about this it would probably be in the next direct that gives us information about the game, if there is such a thing, which I doubt.
we dont know tho, I just said they are not party member, not that you wont be able to interact.
maybe if you raise the affinity lvl you unlock interaction or even side quests
>No I don't except for the fact that there only one month left and still nothing.
fucking FE:Warrior dual pack was announced AFTER the release, eat a dick
>All those character designs and we get that little fucking brat for an MC
I'll never stop being so salty about this
I suppose that makes sense...Now that I think about it, I just don't even know where they'd fit those social interactions in. XCX had a sort of hub so it kind of works but I doubt they'll have a situation where you have Social Link cut scenes with your party members in your grandpa's Titan form
No fucking way those jigglebones are real
did they really do that
We still don't know jackshit about the affinity system so it's way too early to reach that conclusion
>he doesnt know
>xenosaga III STILL looks better than any of this nintenbro
You can't make this up.
That jiggle is absolutely real, it's on the official twitter video
>Now that I think about it, I just don't even know where they'd fit those social interactions in
You know...heart-to-hearts
Is that a mechanic in the other games? Didn't play them but wanted to
well I suppose I shouldn't be too surprised after homura's figure turned out to be what it is
I guess you wouldn't know if haven't played them. There spots in the world where can talk with you party members to raise affinity and learn more about the characters. XC and XCX had and the devs already comfirmed this game will have them too.
I didn't play the first xenoblade but yes, some of them were pretty funny too. Let's not forget about the "I'm an Elma person" option, or the option that implies you end up accidentally sending these two to a sex toy store
Maybe we'll get to interact with our Blades too...Apparently even the blank-faced generics will have personalities and voiced lines too
As far as design goes, Emperor Kira, Judai the Samurai, Birppy, and the Puppet staple are the only legitimately interesting blades. Page girl has potential though.
I'm alright with having a standard moe girl in the lightning loli, and the Blitzball Blade is fine with me since it seems sort of androgynous.
Agreed though, a male Blade would probably bring some more variation in design ethos if only because you know they won't be targeting the waifu-appeal