What are some video games that feature penguins?
What are some video games that feature penguins?
i enjoyed this, OP
Zoo Tycoon
everytime I refresh the first page I see this penguin, who keeps spamming it I DEMAND to know!
who would win?
penguine adventure msx
hideo kojima not a joke
Penguin family
On that note, that was actually a really good licensed game.
Niugnep, obviously.
>NeoGaf threads already dead
So this is the power of the Sup Forums attention span
oh wow, you sure are a video game connoisseur. Literally no one knew about that. Did you also know Kojima is a hack and MGS3 was his last good game?
>renegade vs paragon
Mega Man X1
This also shows how mods are stupid for overreacting to stupid shit like neogaf controversy. Just let Sup Forums have its day of shitposting and all will be over the next day.
No need to antagonize the users or hiro for that matter.
I want to FUCK this penguin.
are you hostile because I beat you to it?
>tfw you will NEVER quach in her quooch
>not reneguin vs penguon
one job
Was MSX better than Sinclair or Commodore?
jesus christ my dick
I think they have a right to be a little jumpy after gg
no. I'm hostile because I'm a frustrated virgin with rage.
Something's wrong
I hold my head
Grape-kuns dead
our nigga gone
Rest in peace Grape-kun
have you poured out a 40 for grape-kun yet, Sup Forums?
They stickyed the gawker shit, they should've just stickyed the neogaf shit when it first happened and everything would have been fine.
We can go deeper.
>complain that Sup Forums makes neogaf threads
>it finally dies down because people don't care as much anymore
>switch to complaining that Sup Forums isn't making the threads anymore
Pick a fucking lane.
after the fappening, you mean.
Is this loss?
You only need let out a swig, pouring out a whole 40 is just wasteful.
yes to both
get a fleshlight it feels better than sex with a condom
I did a lot better than that, user. Watch the news more often.
Or you could just have sex without a condom.
>The great Penguin invasion of 2017
I want to sniff Kizuna-chan!
>after gg
How so? The bad guy is male this time around.
Nothing wrong with giving a patriarch a run for his money.
Women cannot do wrong. That's what was wrong with gg.
>nobody making more topics with the penguin pic but in different styles
as much as I would like to the women I get to go to bed with me are not the most virtuous. I'm willing to roll the dice a few times. But rolling the dice ~3 times a week for 10 years is just needless risk taking.
>Porter Robinson and Madeon
That didn't help stop the tears.. fucker..
>Press Z or R twice
Takes me back...
make loss
You two should see konami's Penguin Adventure Anime.
>It ain't me starts playing
Why did he do it bros?
Sup Forums is too lazy for OC
I know I am
What kind of games do Penguins play?
does anyone have videos of grape kun with his waifu
Sup Forums was more interested in "sticking it to the leftist cuck hotpockets" than they were in the actual topic. most of Sup Forums thinks videogames are a Jewish scheme to turn strong young man into weak willed beta neckbeard manchildren.
it was literally just a raid. the mods were right, and Hiro forced them into letting his cashcow Sup Forumsedditors raid with impunity.
I'm not complaining, dumbass
he was retarded
I understand more than you could possibly know.
this thread is about PENGUINS
Don't use "big words" if you don't know what they mean.
NTR is the best
that was a lot more brutal than I was expecting
let's paint a happy little penguin right over there
mods don't enforce his one thread ruling, so yes, it's with impunity you retarded fuck.
What the fuck
You know Sup Forums is the least Reddit board on the site, right? Every other boards content probably has a 1:1 Reddit forum equivalent but Poltard shit will get you banned from Reddit before you can say shoop da woop
I don't know why higher ups said ok to a vietnam ptsd ova starring cute animated penguins who are gunned down, AND as a advertisement tie-in with a popular japanese beer
The OVA boom was a mysterious time.
>go to catalog
>ctrl + f neogaf
>one thread, and also kind of this one
Wow, that was hard to disprove.
I ___________________________ fuck penguins
Space Station Silicon Valley
I'm not even sure why I got so sad over grape-kun's death, but I got super sad
Do you not know that /r/the_donald was literally started by Sup Forumstards to recruit redditors as useful idiots?
Sup Forums after trump is pretty left leaning, i once got banned for calling trump a nigger.
One less penguin in the world.
Is the original image from a bigger one?
this chart always surprises me because I've been here since 2010 and I haven't seen a very big change in the makeup or behavior of the community.
I have never been to reddit (seriously, I had enough of that shit with digg), but don't they have some Trump forum?
Wouldn't everything get deleted from that in this case? Haven't heard that has happened, so I suppose it hasn't.
Wow, rude!
Maybe it hasn't been as apparent in Sup Forums, but a lot of other boards have changed much more dramatically.
the thing about reddit is you can make your own sub reddit. Which means you can be it's admin and appoint mods. So a lot of reddit is just slanted as fuck boards that delete posts that disagree with the mods. And yes the /r/the_donald is known for banning everyone who threatens the circle jerk.
>he literally becomes depressed when they take his anime waifu away
Truly 2D > 3D, a truth even animals stand by
You can really see it in Sup Forums and /r9k/.
holy fuck 10/10
Hululu should have been shooped much larger.
it's a little ayy