I think around 22-23 is the time you should give up playing video games and focus on real life.
What is the cutting age of playing vidya?
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That's definitely the age you should stop letting video games interfere with your real life.
Go get your shit together, and then you can be like me, a fat married dude in his 30s with kids, who gets to play all the video games I want.
leisure time is a necessity. The people who tell you not to play vidya in your leisure time are hoping you'll watch TV and get advertised to instead. or go out and spend money. Vidya and reading are great, a single purchase can bring hours upon hours of leisure activity
Primarily focusing on vidya is degenerate though.
>married dude in his 30s with kids, who gets to play all the video games I want.
Want to know how I know you're full of bullshit so many levels?
Why would you cut off a form of entertainment that you enjoy? Don't live for other people retard.
Video games are just an outlet.
The biggest thing people always fail to realize is that games should always be under your top priories. You need to focus on school/work/family and then you can use that outlet.
Even things such as painting, reading or listening to music can be an outlet. If you have something like that's due for college, you do it. You don't say screw it and go read a book. So why would you go and play PUBG?
Because you're all virgin nerds who will probably amount to nothing in your lives because you procrastinate like tomorrow never comes.
>I think around 22-23
Im 36, married and me and my buddies still play ArmA 2/3, Siege, Battlefield.
itt insecure people
I'm 25, and while I feel that video games are still fine, I feel like I should quit Sup Forums at this point. All the dumb shit on here is just tiresome at this point, especially all the autistic political screeching from both sides.
Open a window, autistic political screeching is normal in our society now
>Forced to "grow out" of a hobby by society
>Giving a fuck about what others think
Just get a job and play games on weekends/spare time jeez. It's not that hard, user.
27 years old loser here
I fucked up my life big time so videogames is the only thing i got.
On top of that videogames are getting shittier every years.
>Video games are just an outlet.
Just like pic related is an outlet for my sexual frustration
I live in the UK, and no one I've seen in real life acts the way that I see people on the Internet act. There's no one shrieking "FUCK YOU NAZI" or "FUCK YOU COMMUNIST" at each other where I am.
Knowing how things work though, it's probably only a matter of time before America's political divisiveness gets imported here.
I think it's fair to say there's a point where there SHOULD be a priority shift, but the idea that you should stop playing altogether is just silly. When I was a lot younger games were the centerpiece of my life, it was all about what games were coming out, what games to play, what games had good co-op so I could play with my friends etc. Now games have shifted over to being a hobby, and I think it's a perfectly defensible position to suggest that this shift is totally okay.
Doesn't sound too made up, dads notoriously waste a lot of time watching sportsball, maybe he plays video games instead
Parliamentary democracies tend to slowly collapse into oblivion instead of exploding in a burst of awful hellfire like presidential ones
From what I've seen, people here in the UK don't really have faith in any of the political parties, like Labour or the Tories, while in America, people tend to stick to their chosen political parties like glue.
dad's gonna be 70, still rocks the Tiger Woods, had himself a Colecovision back in the day. A man's man, too, Navy, Vietnam, hard work his whole life, supported his family, etc... Only insecure kids are afraid to spend their leisure time on things they enjoy. Grow up, man.
I think around 22-23 is the time you should give up shitposting and focus on pretty much anything else.
28, live with my romantic partner, own a business doing the thing I went to school for, do triathalons, still go ham on video games on the weekend
You're just gonna find some other way to waste your time, at least own it
>got a gf
>got a good job
>still play vidya on the weekends
What's your excuse for being a failure in life?
>tfw your career revolves around videogames
>tfw videogames are now difficult to enjoy
>tfw I'm looking forward to spending time outside, reading books, socializing or doing literally anything else as long as it doesn't involve vidya
I chose this life. Don't make the same mistake I made, anons.
You sound like a Beta tester
I'm in my mid thirties, have a great job and an awesome wife. We at Vidya together or watch Netflix because we dont drink and are both introverts. And I'm having a great time. If you're a crack head and ignore your responsibilities for games its time to quit or take a break. I did. But I came back to it after I got my shit together and life is sweet.
It already feels like I have no fucking time to do anything with just an 8-5 + gym/chores/cooking/etc.
I don't understand how I'd be able to fit a wife and kids into the equation while still enjoying my hobbies
I used to think that you needed to stop playing video games and become a responsible adult once you reach an arbitrary age too. Just forget about it OP, You will be a degenerate for the rest of your life. Prepare yourself to start posting in the 25+ threads in a few years.
>Not typing it:
>You sound like a beta tester
Missed opportunity.
Hell no. I'm 23 and now is the time I can finally afford a setup like those I always envied in battlestation threads
27 year old here
I have a gf and a dog and a job and go to the gym
I also sit on the toilet and masturbate in secret
You're probably doing just fine, and if not, it's never too late to change
If video games are what have defined the majority of your life up to adulthood there is no point cutting it out, it's not like you have any other real passions. People who have talents to pursue don't become obsessed with posting on video game forums
>The people who tell you not to play vidya in your leisure time are hoping you'll watch TV and get advertised to instead.
You say it like video games aren't one of the most commercialized industries there is.
are you me
Real life sucks.
Video games are like any other interest/past time.
My wife and I met and initially dated because of a mutual love of video games. We have been married for ten years now and have three kids, and still play video games as much as our hectic lives allow.
As long as they don't get in the way of you being a productive well adjusted happy healthy adult, there's no reason to give them up.
>35 replies
>no one has told op to go back
spics are disgusting
>being this out of touch
Please show me a video game that makes you stop playing every fifteen minutes to sell you beer and tampons.
I agree it shouldn't be a top priority as you get older but there's no harm in playing a bit if you've got your life on track. Related in a way, most of the people I've known that were obsessed with 'maturity' often times were the most immature and miserable.
Go back to what?
to his shithole country where he and his subhuman kind belong
33yo here.
I work, pay my bills, taxes. Not in a relationship though, I lose interest in people so fast.
You should go back to neogaf you falseflagging cuck.
Well, he's even said himself he's fat so he doesn't spend time at the gym and he likely puts off doing a lot of shit after he's done work to play vidya.
My dad is 53 and he still plays video games.
you only made this thread because you are probably 18 and your parents filled your head with "go to college and become a real adult!"
well, your wrong
so fucking wrong
being an adult, having a cut off age for shit...
why bother?
might as well stop listening to music, watching movies and all out enjoying ANYTHING that isn't working and sleeping.
I work airport security and vidya helps me let off steam after a day of dealing with stupid travelers. The only childish people are those who judge others for what they do in their free time.
Nice bait op
>I don't care what others think, that's part of being an adult!
>*unmuffled BING BING 1-UP WAHOO HERE WE GOOOOOOOO in the distance*
kek keep projecting faggot
Oops, got a job in the industry and can finally afford to buy any game or console I want, end up passing on everything and going back to sperging on anime.
>judging people for travelling in their free time
This, but not fat and only one kid.
That's not what I said at all but okay
>its another "OP having the first moral crisis of his life" episode
Sauce me, chef.
See, I did it the other way around. I worked hard in my early 20s, never played video games and focused on study and making connections. Now I'm 35, married happily, with no kids, and make over 80K a year in a 40 hour a week job. Now I can kick back on my time off and afford to do anything I want. Happens to be video games for now or shooting or whatever.
>it's never too late to change
but it is too late for that change to be worthwhile
like, sure, you can power through everything and end up well adjusted and stable in your mid 30s. but then you're in your mid 30s and all the best years of your life are gone, eaten by bullshit, and all that remains for you is misery.
>you will never know young love
>you will never know a healthy young social life
>you will never marry young and start a healthy family with your young wife
why even bother at this point
All that shit is overrated quit moping faggot. If you're that insecure about how your life is going then make the change and stop whining on Sup Forums.
As if you'd get away from that by quitting Sup Forums. If you go on any other social media you will be bombarded with that anyway.
This. But at least other social media isn't anonymous so people are accountable for their retardation.
Why do normies and wagekeks think stocking shelves at the local Walmart or answering calls at a center is "real life"? Being a disposable grunt when you could be enjoying things you like doesn't make you productive or valuable to society..
At your current age you shouldnt mind what people do with their money and time.
i'm 27
Have an awesome GF
HAD an awesome job. moved for gf.
Now jobless for almost a year, and feeling like a loser.
went from a champ to a loser quick. only difference is less friends and no job.
>I think around 22-23 is the time you should give up playing video games and focus on real life.
I don't know user, life is kind of pointless so better do what you enjoy than killing yourself working. Personally im not that into Vidya anymore. If i find a game i like i just pirate it and done. Have played 3 games so far this year
Because even if you can't get those years back, you can still accomplish something that will make you happy.
My family asked why I'm 25 and not married or have a kid yet, and I told them I have too much shit to do before I settle down and have a kid, truth is, I grew up watching most of them get divorced, and haven't known my father for the past 15 years.
You think a fake name isn't anonymous?
Real life is fucking shit, though.
>you should quit having hobbies and be a drone at age X
No, I disagree.
I wish I could play more video games.
My job is the most stressful physically demanding thing i've ever experienced. I don't have time to play video games anymore. I often work 12 hour shifts during the holiday season in a warehouse. When I get home I just shower, eat, and then maybe fap or watch some youtube for an hour and then i'm lights out.
You can start over user. You can say fuck everything and everybody and really get yourself together.
T. Similar situation until I decided to only love myself and cut off every single individual and vice that kept me where I was
As a 26 year old virgin I sometimes like the idea of people breaking up and being miserable because of it.
I suppose this is what happens after going 26 years of being starved emotionally and intimately... it's like seeing other people eat the most delicious food... but you're starving. And they smile, and then they throw their left overs on the ground then stomp on it.
I'm left hungry and bitter, and they not even once truly appreciated what they just experience, they just take it for granted.
Fuck bitches; get money. Are you serious? That cliche is literally all that you need to be happy. You get lonely? Make a friend. You get horny? Jump on craigslist and get your dick sucked for $50. You're only in your situation because you want to be.
>12 hour shifts at a warehouse
Are you doing that temporarily?
Because holy shit I've worked temp shifts like those at a target warehouse twice in my life and don't ever plan on doing that again. Holy shit. To top if off I had uni classes after my 12 hour shifts. Never again, man. Never again.
As long as you keep a relatively balanced life style, there's not reason to abandon any hobby. Hell, video games are becoming so insanely main stream anyways. No one in the real world is going to bother you about it. The office that I work at has a bunch of Wii Us and Switches set up for employees to playing Mario Kart and other shit during breaks and lunch. Hell, they actively encourage it.
Well, I kinda know what you're talking about.
For the longest time I couldn't understand relationships or enjoy sex without blacking out or getting physically sick thanks to years of childhood abuse.
If a fuck-up like me can get a relationship or two, so can you! I was the same way until I started exercising regularly. I know it sounds stupid but try it if you aren't already. It will give you other things to focus on besides relationships.
There you go. Just change the city.
My 12 hour shifts are only for the holiday season.
Once January comes around i'll be hovering around 35-40 hours. I work in food production for vegetables where we sell to places like Whole Foods.
I should state that I was working 12 hour shifts for a month or two, and went back a second time.
>Whole Foods
Best of luck, user.
bro you're gonna die anyways and when you're dead you'll be so very dead you won't give a shit if anyone remembers you or if you did enough or anything like that. you say "outlet" but the proper phrase is "distraction," which btw being productive is also just a distraction (that mostly benefits people other than you, people who did nothing to deserve the benefit).
looks cool
Protip: Stop "playing" MMORPGs and modern FPS tripe, and just start bouncing around 30 different games from the past ten years you ignored. You'll spend less time dedicated to a pointless self-inflicted commitment, experience new types of genres, stories, music, gameplay, and frustrations you've never tried before, and you'll be able to drop your habit more easily if you need to spend time working, learning, socializing and bettering yourself. Also, only sleep six hours a day.
You were supposed to have focused on life up until 23, then do what you want.
How bad did you fuck up, OP?
That's something a broke person would say. Productivity is a mutual gain. You're a beta if it's not a gain for you. I'll fuck over anyone to get ahead myself.
>all the best years of your life are gone
The best years of your life bullshit is a fucking meme. Things become more stable and enjoyable when you have a solid foundation underneath you. Age has nothing to do with that or happiness as a whole. It's just an excuse for faggots like you to stop trying in life.
My dad's in his 50s and spends his free time playing football manager, hearts of iron, and freecell
so you're so far gone that you don't even care you're getting shafted? Inverted Totalitarianism really does work damn.
30 yo here. Real life is shit. Keep playing vidya.
There is no way to establish this, video games have only existed for about a generation. Most people who play videogames are in their mid 30s, so there's no cutoff age as of yet.
Stop asking retarded questions.
Who's getting shafted? I teach some kids, get money, and go wherever I want, do whatever I want, and fuck whoever I want. When I wasn't being productive I was jacking off and begging all day. It was an obvious choice.
Good news is that if you have a wife you can split those things aside from her doing your exercise. Throw kids in the mix, you have no time then after a certain age you have time again.
Sounds like you don't manage your time well.
why are there so much larping going on in this thread
>peer pressured by society to stop playing video games
>still wastes hundreds of hours watching bullshit on netflix to keep up to date with office small talk
Not really sure which one is more pathetic honestly.
Parents don't really spend time with their kids in the 21st century. Kids get almost all of their socialization in school.
Reminder that working 8 hours a day (+2 hour commute) wasn't the norm for the past few million years, it's a pretty recent development.
you spend a third of each one of your waking days (probably more) being paid to shovel a flawed teaching plan down the gullets of children who are effectively nothing more than a way for a school board to get paid via butts in seats. You go wherever your time and budget allows you and you fuck whoever your time and budget allows (probably not models or even regularly people or worth). I'm sure you feel better about yourself now but the difference is marginal, you're still distracting yourself and someone (besides who you interact with in your work) is profiting massively off your refusal to accept the big picture at face value (in this case a politician probably).
Middle aged guy here.
I never really played more than like a couple hours a week, excluding a period around a decade ago where it was more like a couple hours a day for about 2 years.
I still play here or there.
Also, if you care about your job or other meaningless shit like that you're a faggot.
>the average player and bigger portion of videogame players is 27-30
>by 22-23 you should drop videogames
if your opinion was even remotely correct, the industry would be kill
>What is the time you should give up playing video games and focus on real life?