Thoughts on this upcoming video game?

Thoughts on this upcoming video game?

I like shooty games, but I hate cutscenes, linear levels and QTEs. So I will probably not be playing this or any other shooty game made in the last 5 years.

William "Fashy Goy Gets Destroyed" Blazskowicz

>commies rule lol

no thx i just wanna kill nazis without having a dosis of communism shoved down my throat

Will be shit unless you're a tasteless sjw trash.

Looks okay, the Sup Forums whine is a nice extra.

Rehash t b h. Can't even get the setting right.

Looking forward to it. I suspect they pull a dishonored and make the people you help the badguys as well since they are commies. Then it will be the most american game I ever played.


I'll probably wait until it's 50% off or more. I did the same with New Order, and a bunch of people were raving over it but really it was pretty fucking generic. It was KIND OF a return to faster paced run and gun stuff but nowhere near what people were hamming it up to be. The shooting only felt ok, enemies were pretty boring, nothing about the combat felt particularly unique, and it was bogged down so fucking badly by the dumb "stealth" sessions that were meaningless and constantly being forced to wander around the base looking into every nook and cranny a dozen times.

The trailer for this one was neat and shit but I mean c'mon, they still fell short in a bunch of ways gameplay-wise with New Order and it's not evident at all if they fixed it or not.

gameplay looks fucking tight and hype and thats all i care about, only amerimutt faggots care about the story lmao its not a fucking movie

Leftist propaganda

Here we go again. I for one am sick of everyone vilifying the poor, innocent nazis all the time. Won't someone think of the nazis? #nazilivesmatter

Same. This is probably the first wolf game to ever have the word "fascist" used in it instead of just Nazi . This isn't bioshock I don't play it for Le deep commentary.

We gotta kill all Wh*tes. Die Whitey Die!

I'd like to play but unless its a multiplayer killer app I never pay full price. $5-10 is the ideal price range so until then

Why do people get triggered by video games?

>tfw Enemy Territory sequel never ever

I don't know if you know this, but Commies fought the Nazis and it makes complete sense for them to do so in an alternate reality like Wolfenstein

Too much cutscenes and shitty plot

Not enough Nazi shooting

It looks like gameplay is even worse than the first game, the gameplay part of the trailer looked like there were even less enemies in a section than TNO and TNO was already scarce enough as it was

Why do you leftists want to destroy the white race?

And in real life they were just as evil and started a 60 year long cold war with the west

I don't know maybe someone should make a game where you kill Marxists, LGBTBBQ, Niggers and all of those groups.

Surely those people would just laugh it off.

Everybody saw the leak stream.
The story is even more heavy handed than before


still triggered

I want to know if BJ and co. will eventually also fight against the communists as well.


Nazis are subhuman. What's not to enjoy?

Source, please. Thanks.

Wish there were more doujins like this

is that sassy woke laqueefa talking

Are there any cute girls in it?

>mad that people supposedly equate conservative opinions with nazism
>reply by calling them all marxists and cucks
do you not find it ironic that you assign a universal derisive label to the people assigning you a universal derisive label?

The common person's understanding of WWII isn't historical. To them it is much more of a fairy tale or creation myth, which is interwoven with their core values. It is a lie which underlies their civilization. The creation myth of WWII has replaced Christianity as the fulcrum of Western Civilization's morality and vision. This Wolfenstein is so illustrative of how most people understand WWII. It's supposed to be exaggerated but they accidentally portray that era in the way that the average person subconsciously understands it.

As a person who loves history I find the whole thing disgusting.

>he thinks real communism has been tried

>"they" assume we are anywhere near late stage capitalism

does she talk about white privilege and make BJ feel da white guilt?

I'm sick of Omaha Beach, the Battle of the Bulge or "What if the Nazis won?!"

The Americans weren't underdogs. A lot of the troops they fought were old men or children whose towns and cities were burnt down by British bombers. Most of the German war machine was fighting in the Ostfront against the Soviet hordes.

>use contemporary politics and pick a side when marketing your game
>act shocked when politics come up in threads

Why shouldn't I call people who want to be the slaves of niggers cucks?

>mfw when i buy TWO copies of wolfenstein
>mfw i singlehandely destroy the wh*te race