How's Sup Forums enjoying the new wolfenstein?
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It’s not out you tard
pic related is from my playthrough.
I am probably not going to play it.
But the amount of anger it is generating from Sup Forums is amusing.
If I play a new shooter soon, its likely going to be the new Doom before I consider getting this.
Really I am just biding my time until Bannerlord comes out though.
>the new order was actually about how the nazis were evil
>all i've seen from the new collosus is trying to make the game political bullshit
>can't say shit about it without some tard telling you to go back to Sup Forums
what if viedo game but marxicm
>white ass
so which dev is the jew?
>white ass
Is that game a parody of the modern left and shows them like the terrorists they are or is this serious?
a jew would've added loot crates
>Associates Nazis with Trump supporters
>Pretends KKK got along with Nazis
>Literal BLACKED porn in game
>Idolizes communism
All of them probably
Go back to Sup Forums.
For real though, the only reason people give a shit is because of the "Make America Nazi-Free Again" slogan, which actually makes sense in the context of the game, but of course people took it to be a jab at Trump, even though he has never espoused fascist ideology.
>Let assmad Sup Forums boogieman
Do you pseudo intellect cunts just blame Sup Forums for everything you don't like?
swarmfront Sup Forums phoneposter located
Your a special kind of faggot aren'tcha?
They (the left) confuse nationalism with fascism
>I was only pretending to be retarded
>failed males try to make themselves feel better by piggybacking off of the accomplishments of past better men who happened to share the same pigmentation
Is there a bigger joke than white """pride"""?
>this is a good guy in a Video Game in 2017
Western Civilization is dead, the Commies won, time to bury it
Is it already cracked?
From the interactions in the trailers so far he seems more like "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" rather than a good guy. BJ doesn't want any of his shit, he just wants help killing nazis.
wtf i love communism now
*equips Che t-shirt*
>Swedish devs
they will portray them as the good guys with no downsides
Like I said, from the trailers so far there's no indication that he's a straight up good guy.
Being a nigger
When are niggers going to be exiled to an artificial island without food or water?
Not that guy but neck yourself lmao
> white
BJ is truly pozzed, then. He'll accept his Jewish heritage as "Shimsam" (Samson) and circumcize the body he takes halfway through the game.
From thereon, he'll be a good Jewish saboteur.
Can you paranoid cunts stop derailing the thread with your "go back to pol" shit.
Holy fucking shit, at least they're trying to talk about the game, you're just screaming at them.
How does this feel compared to the first one? I remember liking to tight everything felt and the goofy "bad guy and BJ stab eachother till one of them ties" stuff.
No u
>hunger games but only niggers
this is next level
>all i've seen from the new collosus is trying to make the game political bullshit
While I agree, I think the issue is over exaggerated. It's mostly from the advertising, which isn't done by the same people making the game obviously.
However, the major problem to me is that I feel like the game is getting the Borderlands 2 treatment where it flanderizes the ever loving fuck out of the game, making everything super fuckin whacky and lolzxdrandum so the fucking drooling retards that like that shit will buy a copy. The first game, while not a masterpiece, had a really well made story for the most part. The attack on the bridge, for example, is probably my favorite moment in the entire game. This shit? I don't get the same vibes at all, everything about it just looks like one big joke.
you know, it would have been 10 thousand time better if
>friendlies are russian militia spies who want to help the US resistance fight against nazi invader because BJ actions in the first game did show that there was hope in this country
>BJ even disgusted by cooperating with communist know that he need this help to make a change in the region so the US resistance can gather more firepower and fighters
and instead we got this litteral incarnation of the today's nu-male as "resistance leader", what a fucking shame
I said this in the last thread. The games way too political it's heading beyond Cucktino or parody and it's competely serious! It's not even a satire. The devs are disturbing.
Should have known since the the suspicious reference to african farm murders in the first
This isn't real you idiots, they are only trying to make the game look bad because people here sympathize with nazis.
I very highly doubt that it's BJ saying that in your image OP. It's probably the Black Lady Leader of the Resistance.
so, mozambique ?
>Reverse imagesearch OP
>The only result is some fag trying to troll Sup Forums
What the fuck is wrong with you people.
>neck yourself for nkt being an anti white cuck like me
Kill yourself reddit
>because people here sympathize with those who want to preserve their culture and their people
is there something wrong with that?
When the game finishes the credits are literally pictures of antifa to punk rock.
I most agree with what you're saying (I think you're 100% on why the game feels off, it does seem like they're making it too silly.) but the political message has leaked into the game. it's not just the marketing, pic related.
Go back to pole
>giving you flak for having a white family
literally never happens in the real world.
How long is this game? Not willing to spend $60 on a 15 hour one-time playthrough
>no you're not allowed to be proud of what your ancestors accomplished and the nations they created
>just be quiet and watch it get flooded with shitskinned subhumans
It must be hard being a nigger and contributing absolutely nothing to mankind besides violent crime and deadly viral diseases
>every single black majority nation is third world hellhole
>we're all equal though
Top kek
>implying Sup Forums isnt just a bunch of potato niggers (read: irish) larping as german ""aryans"""
there literally is no bigger joke than white pride. I'm german and I could give less of a fuck about you or any other nigger that shares my color. Family and friends. They're the only two things that matter in this world. They're the ones who will help you when your back is against the wall, not some random nigger that shares your color.
But who knows. Maybe it's a retarded American thing.
They rewrote the canon from the first game to make certain there are black people to liberate. Remember Jimmy Hendrix in the first game STRONGLY implying most black people were rounded up and gassed? Well, in Roswell one of the dialogues you hear on the street includes "Oh, and do remember to tell your Pa we have a great new batch of slaves."
Humanity in itself.
>That dialogue
This can't be real.
>I'm German
I bet your a second ge Turkish immigrant
> Nazis literally being rational, reasonable people
I now see why the devs refused to put non-lethal takedowns in the game. GOTTA KILL THE REASONING WHITES, THEY HURT US DARKIES, UPRISING NOW!
anything with a double digit IQ sounds like an intelectual for a Sup Forumstard, cry more
Not asking for spoonfeding but I haven’t seen anything about this game other than it’s a wolfenstein game.
You kill nazis? That’s like whole series, there’s a black women with a fro? The last game had Jimmy Hendrix.
Like what am I missing?
If the holocaust never happened, then why do we praise the Nazis? They never killed any jews, they were retarded enough to fight a war on two fronts, Hitler couldn't even into basic painting.
The only time faciscm has looked good is in the Starship Troopers film. Fact.
Black pride is objectively the biggest joke.
Dirt cookies
Dung huts
The only things black have to show for them selves culturally is things they appropriated from whites like language and folk culture.
Inferior parasitic people and people who support them are dangerous evil morons.
oh my fucking god
Nope, I am 100% German. But I have a mate that is Turkish. He's really one of the kindest guys I know, and he's a kick ass Warhammer player.
Take your head out of your ass for one second and hop into the real world. Maybe meeting some cool people will subvert your autistic outlook on reality.
>he doesnt live sweden
absolutely problematic
All idealists deserve death, no matter who they lean to.
>literally never happens in the real world
Not him but my family said to find myself I nice white woman and that if I ever mud blood, they'll disown me and that it'll ruin the 200 years of selective breeding. My family also says that one of my cousins burning coal is such a shame, that she was too pretty, that she should have found herself a decent white man.
>I have no argument and must project
It must be sad being as dumb as you
>if your not an anti white shill like me your autistic
This os what leftypol shills actually believe
i see the communist and negress are still there at the end
Germans and niggers are both inferior scum.
The only reason I've given this newest installment any shit is because the marketing team fucking invited it
In the words of one famous nazi-bomber, sow the wind, reap the whirlwind
Where's the anti communist twist?
>he doesnt share the same echochamber delusions as me!
>must be a leftypol shill
whatever you say nigger. you're likely underage and still living with your parents. kill yourself.
These idiots are triggered because:
>One of your new allies is a marxist.
>Other ally is a black woman with an afro.
>The publicity used Trump's slogan, ignoring that it is a meme at this point.
>It hurts their extreme right-wing racist feefees.
You know in the real world people don't like germans? You are scat eating degenerate losers that lost two world wars.
Saying "i'm german" means anything? The English speaking world doesn't care you neogaf leftard stupid shit.
Just watch the leak
>literally FUCKING NIGGERS AND JEWS DANGIT in first 5 minutes
Really subtle
>getting this mad because I don't hate my own race
Didn't take long for the leftypol shill to drop the "i don't csre XD" act
They did a lot of stuff to make certain black people, Jews, etc. take center stage. BJ is disabled until he gets a suit. How does he get the suit? The white female (and disabled) leader of the Krakaw Circle (the main resistance organization) is beheaded with a hatchet.
Who eventually transplants BJ's head on another body? Why, our friendly Jewish doctor! The same Jewish doctor who seems to know where all of the important caches of future-tech are.
And what of the black man in America? Why, the trailer suggests there's a cache of black people to save, too! CIVIL WAR II: UNDERGROUND RAILROAD BOOGALOO!
That, and siding with Communist dissidents to create a color revolution against the Nazis, well ... I don't know. There's an awful lot of poz here.
cant wait to kill them all haha
Can you be any more obvious? kek
You're hilarious
As much as I dislike that they put that conversation in the game (probably to make fun of people saying "so much for the tolerant left") it was pretty much impossible that this game wouldn't have some Easter Egg or side dialogue to wink and nudge at the audience and say that they're on the same side too.
I don't fucking care that we're killing Nazis. I'm rather disturbed that people would buy this game and take pleasure in killing the enemies and imagining them as their political and ideological opponents.
I was disturbed when people said the same thing about Leftists or SJWs as well. That some people wanted a game where they could kill those kinds of people.
I'm also just so fucking sick or hearing about Trump and Nazis every single day in every piece of media. I don't fucking like the guy either but apparently every show has to talk about Trump and Nazis and assure their audience that they hate him too.
That brings me to another point of contention. Why the fuck have we stopped calling Neo-Nazis what they are? Neo-Nazis. They aren't Nazis. They aren't part of the NSDAP and to be frank calling a Neo-Nazi a Nazi may make them take it as a compliment.
The title of "Neo-Nazi" has no accomplishments. Nothing to it's name other than to be a follower. They have accomplished nothing to earn the infamous title of "Nazi". Fucking call them Neo-Nazis for fucks sakes.
I don't even fucking know why I typed this shit.
>You know in the real world people don't like germans?
source on that? anecdotal evidence you pull out of your ass don't count. you're probably a inbred american mutt or slavnigger.
Seriously just watch the credits it looks like an antifa rally. That's all you need to know about the game.
>kill this doggo or you are a RACE TRAITOR
>straighten the queer with its blood
That is even before you shoot a single bullet
Fucking 500IQ commentary right here
Cringe from start to finish.
It's the appropriate 2 hour length with a focus on storyline and progressive politically correct people of color
>calling others Slavs
t. Russian rape baby
We don't like germans? Germans are mercilessly mocked as inferior people in the English speaking world.
Did you have such a simplified outlook that you thought everyone worshipped germans that is white?
You know nothing leftist.
I hate germans less than a nigger but I don't think highly of zee germans.
>One of your new allies is a marxist.
Communist, don't sugar coat it faggot.
>Other ally is a black woman with an afro.
A shit talking black woman that always rags on you and tells you what to do. If that wasn't enough, she tells people to riot and attack any nazi. Keep in mind that the way the current media is behaving, Nazi and right politics are interchangeable. It's literally hate speech disguised in the guise of a video game.
>The publicity used Trump's slogan, ignoring that it is a meme at this point.
So I can say Maker America Great Again and not get banned? No wait, people get banned for that.
>It hurts their extreme right-wing racist feefees.
The previous game wasn't like this, and I've held these self evident truths my whole life. I didn't suddenly start preaching about protecting free speech, guns and the right to lethal self defense over night. I got my gun permit at 22, 10 years ago.
None of this sounds extreme compared to the other game
What the fuck am I missing? The other game’s big reveal was that the Jews actually have the best technology on the planet but didn’t use during WWII because of culture. You had Jimmy Hendrix as a team mate you taught BJ to play guitar and called BJ just as bad as a nazi which is why he doesn’t fight.
Is it literally just the trump slogan? Is that why everyone is up in arms?
Alt-Right and Sup Forums in a nutshell.
Nudoom is fun as hell give it a try
Black Supremacist movements, to be frank. Same shit except nothing to even piggyback off.
>nu/v/ is triggered by wolfenstein
i think i'm beginning to accept that people here are just like this now.
This place isn't "leave me alone I just want to play video games" anymore.
I can't just keep assuming its the work of a concerted group of trolls, this is just what Sup Forums actually is now.
Like, you can't Voltaire your way out of dealing with nazis because there are actually retards out there who are swayed by fake/purposefully misinterpreted infographics just because they give them misplaced pride in being white.
We have historical precedent here, if nazis/white nationalists/fascists/whatever else they call themselves grow, people will get hurt.
If you aren't told over and over TRUMP IS DUMB AND A FRIEND TO NAZIS, you might start to sympathize with them. Maybe even start listening to good economic news, or think twice when a certain Congressman keeps starting shit with Trump just before he retires (gotta hype up those memoirs somehow ...)
Honestly, stop playing video games. If it's not a platformer, don't bother. Everything will be pozzed until the games industry suffers the same fate as Hollywood.
In some ways it's already starting. AAA games aren't self-sustaining any more, and even the big studios keep taking a bath on "clear winners" like the shittier Call of Duty's. Either they start to scale back their expectations or they'll sink money in one too many "GTA 5" tier projects and fold completely.
Stop feeding the beast.
>Did you have such a simplified outlook that you thought everyone worshipped germans that is white?
never said that.
read my original post. the most important thing in life is to have family and friends.
this is worse than the bioshock infinite intro, inb4 10/10 reviews
>Is there a bigger joke than white """pride"""?