Is this accurate?
Is this accurate?
No I want to molest them all.
Only correct answer
I'd molest them all desu
Put Roll to the right of Etna and you've got this.
I want to protemolest them all to be honest, but only after adoption.
>implying I don't want THEM to molest me
fucking plebs I swear.
>Roll and Nanako's place
This is right
>Ashley not on far right
This is wrong
I want to fuck Lavenza in every hole so nope
>smug femdom loli
Truly the only true way of living
You guys are disgusting. They’re children.
>Roll is daughteru
Ha ha y-yeah...
Looks like the neogaf posters have arrived.
I don't want to molest any, would fuck them all, though. Also, most of them are much stronger than I could ever be and would end up protecting me instead.
All of those lolis should be on the far right, save Nanako which goes somewhere in the middle. The rest of them are precocious, eternal lolis or non-humans and for sex. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of daughteru lolis, but you picked almost exclusively semen demons.
Welcome to Sup Forums Neogaf-kun, make sure you read the rules and lurk a bit before posting.
who are some good daughteru lolis in vidya?
Is this the only response you guys have against anti-loli posters?
>I don't want to molest any, would fuck them all, though
A child cannot consent. What you're describing is rape you retard
I've been wondering... did people on GAF use to label posters they didn't agree with as 4channers or something to that effect like we do with gaffers and redditors?
Go make a cross dressing Link thread or something if this one triggers you so much.
I'm just being friendly to the poor neogaf refugees, their home got destroyed.
actually yes
Most of those aren't even children. 3 of them are demons, 3 are similar to demons, one is a robot and one is a beastkin.
>plebs in this thread not wanting to protect them all
Myrrh is definitely one. Maybe more like an imouto actualy. Fa amd OG Tiki would probably fir this description better.
If you count GamerGate, Trump supporters, or the Alt-right as Sup Forums, then yes.
Rarely you'd get a "chan idiot"
I'd protect them all because I'm not a pedophile.
what about Mamori?
>site goes down due to owner committing sex crimes
>Sup Forums gets flooded with pedos
really fires my neurons
>fire emblem anything
>daughteru worthy
Nah, it's canon in FE that manaketes are supposed to be looking for their true love/to breed around age 1000. Tiki found hers, Marth, but never got to act on her feelings.
I don't see anywhere on that scale for lolis that I want to molest me.
Oh sure, I totally going to rape all those 2D video game girls, user.
They use this kind of responses because there is no argument to defend this degeneracy.
Lolis have been on this board for much longer than you have.
I'm not sure if that counts for me, since 90% of people here also hate those. Except maybe ironic Trump posting for the purpose of provoking retards and SJWs.
>muh degeneracy
Be honest, you came to Sup Forums during last year's election.
>Desire to molest
She'll molest YOU the fuck out, you dumb fuck.
More like step on your dick in disgust, and that's if you're on her good side. You'd get the Prinny treatment otherwise.
This is true. But I believe they avoided mentioning any Sup Forums since that would imply they browse Sup Forums even they did.
Ignore normalfags and neofaggots getting defensive about being neogaf. There's a thread about neogaf already. So just keep enjoying the things you do.
I honestly hate Etna, she's such a meme loli.
Any other girl from Disgaea is cuter.
Where would best Tales loli be?
I've been here for years, probably more than you, does that make me proud? No, because this is shithole full of degenerates.
Never forget.
>because this is shithole full of degenerates.
and you think you're any different?
between etna and acerola
Ashley is way farther right then she should be.
No one will ever feel the same way I do about Etna.
The only thing keeping me from visiting an eternal nightmare of endless rape and ejaculation upon Etna is my mortal body. Once I am free, every being on earth will dream of me fucking Etna for the rest of their lives.
where does everyone's favorite potato loli go?
Etna is not a loli, she is just flat as a table.
Exactly my friend that's why they're so good
I'd like Lin a lot more if 90% of her dialogue wasn't "DUDE LET'S EAT TATSU LMAO"
Nah dude. Tiki is super daughteru, outside of maybe the occasional instance of inducing jealousy on Sheeda.
FE has a couple of daughterus, specialy pre-awakening, and even then there's the miracle of the universe and literal daughter Nah.
Haven't played her game yet, but she looks very promissing. A nice contrast amidst the bunch of semen demons.
>this CG set again
Well, time to fap I guess.
Yeah it's pretty great right
She's a pretty good daughteru, I wanted to protect her smile and make sure her cooking show gets really famous.
Who made this? Aht is after your dick the ENTIRE game.
Roll is my cute daughteru so yes it is.
Linly is so smug that I can't look at her as a loli.
In fact, she's such a bro it's hard for me to even sexualize her, though some of her outfits help out greatly in that regard, even in the butchered western localization.
That's the best part about her! Her being such an unapologetic shitposter is endearing as fuck.
got any pandas?
Search roll konpeto and you should find it easily
Roll should be all the way to the left.
She is greatest daughteru of all.
I want to plip that plip even in Overload form
Give me some loli panda for tonight.
Lolis are objectively shit.
I want her to suffocate me with her thighs in her berserk form
fuck off sonic
artist: yusa
>not a fag
thanks bro
I want to pat their heads and buy them ice cream.
Where does Rika fall?
In the trash
"You merely adopted the filth. I was born in it. Raised in it. I didn't see the light of Reddit and Facebook until I was a man! And by then it was nothing to me but normies."
holy fuck that image. My dick doesn't know what to feel.
Rough rape tier
Anyone who wants to lewd lolis should kill themselves.