Are you playing the game of the decade, Sup Forums?

Are you playing the game of the decade, Sup Forums?

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I thought this was out for a while now, what's the big deal?

It just came out on pc

Again I though it was already out.

Best version just came out.

I put about five hundred hours into the PS4 version of Destiny 2, but the PC version is worth buying again, IMO.

Nah, my Phenom only had enough juice to do the beta.

Again I thought it was already out.

destiny 2 is shit. it has virtually no end game. i only played casually since it came out and i'm already at max light level, geared out how I want, and with all the exotics i'd ever actually want to use

theres nothing fucking left to do

So are PCFATS gonna pretend to like this game now?

It's not game of the decade but it's solid co-op entertainment so far.


There's your problem, retard. That isn't how the game is meant to be played.

Go to bed to your Nintendo Wii.

game just finally released on pc and people are actually buying it now

it was not, it released for pc 6 hours ago

what are guided game tickets?

i'm well aware its bait

but lol, wut

if i had no lifed it, i would have run out of shit to do in it even faster

lets you in to guided games to do night strikes and the raid

its shit, takes about a half hour long queue times. don't bother. just use lfg sites

Again I thought it was already out.

Oh okay. I got some from the postmaster on one of my character, but then I deleted the character. Thought they might have been important

no for real it released 6 hours ago

Nope. Gave up about hours in. It's insultingly easy.

even my friends who were all hardcore destiny players and bought all the expansions aren't getting destiny 2

>game is so dead nobody does public events on nesus

This. Why the fuck am I blowing through enemies like they are nothing. What the hell. First fucking mission on Halo had you ducking for cover on fucking normal your first play though.

What class are you guys playing/ed?

Nessus is shit anyway

>First fucking mission on Halo had you ducking for cover on fucking normal your first play though.
How shit are you to need to do this on normal?

I'm liking it. It's probably a lot of fun until you've done all the content once, then its waiting for DLCs. How long is the grinding for better gear fun?

it just left beta test

>no public/area chat for PC
sad, really sad

>First fucking mission on Halo had you ducking for cover on fucking normal your first play though

It depends.
Constantly doing heroic public events is probably the fastest, but theres no need to rush right now.
The raid doesn't release until next week, so take your time.

Yeah, this is neo-Sup Forums

This man.

Anyone wanna start a clan of Sup Forumsirgins?



>giving money to Activision

Source? I must know if real

>Bungie slowly turned into authoritarian SJW cry-babies

What the hell happened? Eh fuck it, they deserve it for taking an extra 10 hours of down time just to take out gantlets from the game that had absolutely nothing to do with racism. RIP in piss.

reminds me of a WoD


based ea showing all the numbers from every battlefield game they made.

Anyone have a clan? Im talking no spergs or autists meming it up, just some sad boys who also happen to like destiny

Bungiefags BTFO! Thank you based user

Stale boring cash grab. Hard pass.

I got lucky with this. I was at the tower and randomly got a clan invite. There's 25 people in this shit, so I'm fucking set.

Im happy for you user


I was playing a raid yesterday with a group and one person in particular kept making mistakes. The fire team leader kept hurling abuse at that person until they finally left. After that I left too and made another group with this person and helped them complete the raid. Later I found out this person had a learning disability. You're going to run into people that struggle with the raid for various reasons, I know sometimes you want to do a quick run and that's fine. It's ok to expect people to be able to do their role and even ask them to leave or boot them from the fireteam if they are not coping but it is never ok to verbally abuse somebody.

git gud fgt

What is this infernal blinking message icon in the bottom right corner? I have no messages anywhere, no mail in the post. Nothing. Is this just a bug?

hit enter

It's a 4/10 game.

Once you do the Strikes/Challenges/Raid/IB/ToO it gets boring until the next DLC comes out.

already dead

Youre a good person man

Well fuck me sideways. Thanks user.

Anyone else have a superbly shitty connection for some reason?

Yeah, you are a good person dude. Online gaming in general would be so much better if there were more people like you playing.

Thanks for contributing to the normalisation of split releases, dumbass. I bet you also buy DLC and say "well it doesn't hurt if I buy just a few".

GJ homie

>Casual Console aim assist FPS on PC

Yeah I'm sure the game is real challenging, with 100% headshot accuracy and "AI" designed for aim assist brainlets.

nice pasta

>"False Narrative"
>Was literally statistical data as evidence showing that has a 60-70% player reduction in a month.

Jesus christ, I'm sick of this bullshit. Bungie is on the list of "Never support" developers now.

>did everything on PS4
>urge to rebuy on PC
I just want shooty looty games but it's such a shallow genre.

Shut up, bird.

>Are you playing the failure of the decade, Sup Forums?

I'm not in favor of keeping info hidden that could just as easily be shared, but what are you really gaining from viewing those numbers that you wouldn't more accurately find out by playing the game and seeing the number of people around you?

Also, it doesn't matter how many people there are around you if, as another user mentioned, there is no public chat... why is this not in the game? How are you even supposed to group with people?

>letting a literal retard slow down and inconvenience X other players in any raid scenario
a chain is only as strong as its weakest link, if it's a shitty link, then cut it and replace it with something proper

ayy we bumping

ayy ayy

we bumping

Bungie doesn't own destiny tracker, that site just uses its API. Wasn't Bungie's decision.

If you wanna be mad at least be mad at the right thing.

Literally just Destiny Tracker, a fan site, doing damage control. Not even Bungie.

You can still use sites like to check population.

it was just in early access

>Daily Unique users is a misleading statistic to use as a basis for the active population of the game


>Statistics are fake news
>Fans doing damage control for free
>For an Activision Lootbox simulator

>Open battlenet
>Destiny 2 starts downloading
>Don't even own the game

>sequel to one of the worst games ever made
>mmo expansion pack that erases all your progress and makes you start again

>game of the decade

Its updating the beta downloaded

Yeah, I'm playing PUBG.

No festival of the Lost makes me sad as shit

I just want a fun space adventure game where I shoot shit and blow shit up. Why do they have to do this to me.

I wish anyone want gift me a copy and try out that new blizzard gifting system

Do you understand how statistics work?

Destiny 2 had a starting base of 5 million players, so even if they each only played one day a week, and that's STILL averaging at less than the daily average playercount for Destiny 2. I haven't actually played it since the last weekly reset. I'm sure at some point this week I'll jump in to do my milestones, and forget about it until next week.

i was for like a week but then i got bored because the game has no content

>I5 4690k
>Gtx 980ti
>Runs perfectly for 5-15 mins before hard crashing
Great game consolefags

as someone who played 60 hours of this on PS4 and didn't play or knew anything about the first or this one beforehand...
it's fine
It was fun with friends and I liked the exploring,graphics and the lore.
I expected it to be absolutely garbage but it wasn't,why do we hate this again?

Don't give in, man.
You'll start again, get burnt out before you even reach 285.

Source: Guy that got it free for Xbone, then moved to PS4 (also for free).

Big difference is: You'll have buyers remorse to go with it. All I've got is the sinking feeling that I've wasted a month of my life.

>Sup Forums claimed the game to be blunder of the century
>the game comes to pc
>suddenly is the game of the decade

never change

Great reddit pasta nig nog.

Always. Bungie servers are notoriously shit. 30FPS and P2P. It's like they weren't even trying.

Ok. downloading now.
what's the easy mode OP class?

hunter :)))

Uninstalling and playing a better game.


I've been hearing that it's literally just worse than Warframe and a reskin of 1.

>one of the worst games ever made
>Sup Forumseddit newfags actually believe this

The uninstall warlock

For the most part, only they nerfed everything in 2 to oblivion. PvP is terrible, no endgame, tons of reskins, same exotics form D1.

Save your money.