-75% on steam

-75% on steam

Should I get it ? I liked the first one but never beat it because my rig was too weak back in the days and now I have no interested in playing it all over again. Will it be okay when it comes to plot ?
Also why is this getting such bad reviews on steam ?

It's less good than the last one and also has microtransactions.
I wouldn't recommend it.

Just play the original.

It's free until 1pm PT on thursday. Just download it now and beat it before then.

I'm pretty sure there's an opening cinematic that should lay out the canon ending of Human Revolution.

The game is good but did poorly because Square is incompetent. First, they had a retarded "augment your snackalicious pre-order" campaign that put people off because surprisingly people like feeling like they're getting a full game, and then the second big issue is the story is a bit incomplete. The game has a decent length, but the main story cuts off too early, because they wanted to make it into a trilogy, but Square had such high goals for the game so they decided they're just ending the series for now, so this is basically part one of a trilogy that will never complete.

Technically has microtransactions, I guess. Not sure why anyone would even look at that. You'll have more than you could ever need through normal play.

What sorts of microtransactions ?

Ok good to know

Seems a little ambitious of them to have designed the story as a trilogy when Deus Ex isn't such a big of a thing...

It has great side content and a decent to good plot, but it ends before it gets to the really juicy bits.
As for why it didn't do well, I'd say it's mostly because casual "gamers" have no interest in these kinds of games.
Like Dishonored or Prey.

The sort that don't matter at all. You can literally buy in game currency or augment points, but you'll be swimming in both if you explore and loot a lot of shit as well as do side quests.

They're too watered down for fans of the original games in the genre too.

If fans of the original also bought this one, it would barely register as much more profit.
Even the originals are incredibly niche even when you factor in their cult status.

OP here

So do you think I should buy this ? This is a good game right ?

I loved it.
75% off on Steam isn't bad at all.
If you have the 15 bucks to spare, why not?
If, however, you're barely scraping by, you shouldn't buy it.

I thought it was mediocre, but 75% off is a good deal for it.
Even middling games are fun with the right mindset and if you liked the previous game you'll probably like this one.

Sweet. How long is the story, assuming I don't focus on the sidequests?

Sidequests are the best part. Might as well not play the game.

15 hours. 30-40 if you want to actually play and enjoy the game rather than speedrun it so you can say you played it or something.

how could you not play the first one? its like 17 years old ffs, your computer can't handle that?

One time use praxis kits and credits

I was talking about Human Revolution

Already played the original several times, just around the year HR was released, maybe a little before

I almost got mad. glad you played the original, its my favorite one. Human Revolution was okay

Should be okay, steam says it's free for another 44 hours so I should have enough time.