Help me stress a 1070 overclocked

Just got a new laptop with a 1070 OC in it, and I'm pretty far out of the loop on gaming. Right now I casually play a bunch of MOBA's, PoE and Tera, and I used to play Guild Wars 2 before I got burnt out on it.

None of the games I play cause the 1070 to break a sweat, and I wouldn't mind checking out something new... I'm terrible at twitch shooters, but aside from that, you have any ideas on games I'd like? I've got a good sized credit with bestbuy so I don't mind a paid title.

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fuck off faglet

>1070 overclocked
>in a laptop

Enjoy your house fire

jellyfag, just make a gaming recommendation.

G2A / Ashes of the Singularity: Escalation

Easy, nerd. Try playing the same games but with everything maxed and at 4k. Or The Witcher 3 with everything on ultra

You have autism.

Kill yourself retard

>gaymen lapturd
el oh el

>I casually play a bunch of MOBA's, PoE and Tera, and I used to play Guild Wars 2

>Bought a laptop with a 1070 in it

My ultimate 8700k dual gtx 1080 ti PC came in...

I play MOBA and browse Sup Forums....

I'll admit my rig is much weaker, but due to the nature of a laptop, the parts run MUCH hotter. Gaming laptops usually don't last more than 2-3 years because the silicon is constantly frying. Combine that with no overhead to overclock on your own and the ludicrous price tags, and unless you travel a lot and make a lot of money, it's not worth it. Gaming laptops are a meme

Yup, last laptop I bought was like 12 years ago. I don't like to buy stuff that gets outdated quickly, and then I keep it for an era.

>overclocking a laptop gpu
do you even monitor temps? lol

I'm having maybe 1-2 gaming sessions a week tops. Not really a gamer, but when I do I like to play near my family. Just looking for something that will really show me what a 1070 can do.

Get stress testing software, but laptop-fag.

Alright, fair enough. Try Witcher 3, ultra settings + hairworks. Make sure sharpening is only on low. High is just... eh. Turn off chromatic aberation too.

If you're okay with doing a little bit of work, nab a texture pack, and a hairworks mod that turns off hairworks for Geralt's actual hair. His beard looks 10x better with hairworks, but his hair looks like giant pasta noodles. It's not a good look.

>asks for gaming recommendation
>autists and poorfags run rampant in thread because OP actually has money to spend as he pleases because he isn't a worthless faggot

I'm sorry this board is such cancer OP. fortnite is free to play for the time being and it looks pretty fun, especially if you have friends to play with

t. overclocked laptop

OP is a fag and a dielet

Yeah, let's put a laptop with a soldered-in GPU and laptop cooling under duress. What could possibly go wrong?

run furmark for two hours straight.
its the best stresstest you can put it on pretty much.
however. in the chase of a laptop your graphicscard will mostlikely thermal throttle within the first minute of running it and probably shut itself down if it cant keep the heat in control.

It's cool, my bad for using the word laptop

For the record, I don't mean a literal stress test... I just want to open up the card a little.

Witcher and the Ashes of the Singularity look good so far tho, thanks guys

Most of those games are designed for poorfags and can run on several year old toasters.
If you plan on running graphically intense games you should use MSI Afterburner to check GPU speeds and temps to see what point it throttles at.

Actual answer? Quantum Break

Hi op I'm looking into getting another laptop myself probably a Gigabyte 14 or Alienware 13 oled. A gtx 1070 is pretty much overkill and is only good for VR and Ultra high settings /high frames.

I wouldn't go past 1060 personally, anyway you could always try Xcom 2 or Witcher 3 on your laptop.

1070 is absolute bare minimum you fucking fool

I have a 1080ti and it feels like a slow piece of shit at 1440p

Yeah, if he wants to run it at 720p

It’s not really a 1070. It’s a mobile card with the same mode number and half the performance

K, what should I play on it?

You lose 5~ frames at worst.